Stanford University music professor, Steve Sano, and six-time GRAMMY(R) Award-winner Daniel Ho, draw upon decades of experience as performers and instructors to bring you 'Ukulele at School, a unique and empowering method that makes learning fun and easy! In this teacher's manual, the material in the student's book is reproduced in full and enclosed in a gray outline so you can see exactly what's presented to the student. Free MP3 audio files and lesson plans are available at
(Fretted). The Hal Leonard Ukulele Method is designed for anyone just learning to play ukulele. This comprehensive and easy-to-use beginner's guide by acclaimed performer and uke master Lil' Rev includes many fun songs of different styles to learn and play. The accompanying CD contains 46 tracks of songs for demonstration and play along. Includes: types of ukuleles, tuning, music reading, melody playing, chords, strumming, scales, tremolo, music notation and tablature, a variety of music styles, ukulele history and much more.
Stanford University music professor, Steve Sano, and six-time GRAMMY(R) Award-winner Daniel Ho, draw upon decades of experience as performers and instructors to bring you 'Ukulele at School, a unique and empowering method that makes learning fun and easy! In this teacher's manual, the material in the student's book is reproduced in full and enclosed in a gray outline so you can see exactly what's presented to the student. Free MP3 audio files and lesson plans are available at
This book, together with 'Ukulele at School, Book 1 provides a basic music curriculum for a full school year! Lessons that are thoughtfully paced and logically presented create a rewarding experience. Students will learn to play melodies as well as some of the basics of reading music. Units go further in-depth on tuning the 'ukulele, plucking, and learning the notes on each string. To enhance the learning experience, students can tune into the free, correlating audio tracks and lesson plans at! Stanford University music professor, Steve Sano, and Six-time GRAMMY(R) award winner Daniel Ho, draw upon decades of experience as performers and instructors to bring you 'Ukulele at School, a unique and empowering method that makes learning fun and easy! First impressions last a lifetime. This introductory program is designed to instill a love of music in students, provide a solid musical foundation, and invigorate schools with the ideal classroom instrument . . . the 'ukulele! The EASIEST way to read music on the 'ukulele! This book, together with 'Ukulele at School, Book 1 provides a basic music curriculum for a full school year! Lessons that are thoughtfully paced and logically presented create a rewarding experience.
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