Annotation Uganda's recovery over the past 15 years from economic decline, conflict, and repressive government to macroeconomic stability, high growth, and considerable political freedom signifies a major turnaround in Africa. Uganda's postconflict recovery coincides with one of Africa's most ambitious programs of economic liberalization.
In recent years Uganda has consistently been one of the fastest growing economies in Africa, leading to a substantial reduction in poverty. This book looks at how the country managed to carry out this economic transformation in the wake of Idi Amin's rule and the civil war of the 1980s.
Ugandas broadcast media landscape has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years. While the public broadcaster remains the dominant national player in terms of reach in both radio and television, commercial broadcasters have introduced a substantial level of diversity in the industry. Public broadcasting faces serious competition from the numerous private and independent broadcasters, especially in and around the capital Kampala and major urban centres. In fact, the private/commercial sector clearly dominates the industry in most respects, notably productivity and profitability. The public broadcaster, which enjoys wider geographical coverage, faces the challenge of trying to fulfil a broad mandate with little funding. This makes it difficult for UBC to compete with the more nimble operators in the commercial/private sector. Overall, there appears to be a healthy degree of pluralism and diversity in terms of ownership.
This volume uses a case study approach to present data on the relevance and effectiveness of the strategic actions implemented by NGOs, IGOs and governments at national, regional, and international scales, drawing lessons and recommendations to enhance the capacity of governments and institutions to deliver on climate change adaptation and sustainable development initiatives. The authors provide insights to policymakers, community leaders, students and researchers working on climate change adaptation and resilience-building practices and strategies in vulnerable communities, including small island developing states and post-conflict states, focusing on innovative management practices and institutional capacity building. The cases presented here provide insights into how institutions can strengthen local, national, and regional capacities to adapt to climate change and other calamities.
Economic recovery continues to gain strength following a rapid decline in inflation, favorable agriculture and robust industrial and services activity. Fiscal financing and foreign portfolio flows are facing headwinds amid tight global financial conditions and the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) in May 2023. The authorities are implementing fiscal consolidation to contain vulnerabilities, maintaining a moderately tight monetary stance in the face of upside risks to inflation and undertaking reforms to improve governance and reduce corruption.
This 2015 Article IV Consultation highlights that Uganda’s recent economic performance has been favorable. Real GDP growth is projected at 5.24 percent for FY2014/15 supported by a fiscal stimulus and a recovery in private consumption. Annual core inflation increased to 4.75 percent in May, from very depressed levels, mainly fueled by the shilling depreciation pass-through. The current account deficit is set to widen to about 9 percent of GDP reflecting increasing capital goods imports, but international reserves remain adequate. The outlook is promising. Growth is estimated at 5.75 percent in FY2015/16 and an average 6.25 percent over the medium-term.