Produced in partnership with OCR, University of York Science Education Group and Nuffield Foundation, these second editions of the Twenty First Century Science resources provide the best support for the new specifications and make the transition as smooth as possible. This pack provides the support needed to teach the new 2011 specifications.
Produced in partnership with OCR, University of York Science Education Group and Nuffield Foundation, these second editions of the Twenty First Century Science resources provide the best support for the new specifications and make the transition as smooth as possible. This pack provides the support needed to teach the new 2011 specifications.
Produced in partnership with OCR, University of York Science Education Group and Nuffield Foundation, these second editions of the Twenty First Century Science resources provide the best support for the new specifications and make the transition as smooth as possible. This pack provides the support needed to teach the new 2011 specifications.
This volume provides a summary of the findings that educational research has to offer on good practice in school science teaching. It offers an overview of scholarship and research in the field, and introduces the ideas and evidence that guide it.
Serving as a suite of complementary specifications, this title offers options for science at GCSE. Its specifications and resources are the products of collaboration between the University of York Science Education Group, the Nuffield Curriculum Centre, OCR, and Oxford University Press.
Shift happens: Emerging technologies and globalization have resulted in political, social and cultural changes. These changes have a profound impact on all aspects of human life, including education. Yet while society has changed and continues to change, schools are slow to keep up. This book explores issues related to transforming and modernizing our educational systems, including the impact of societal shifts on education, the efforts at various levels to bring schools into the 21st century, the identification of 21st century skills, the reformation of the curriculum, the creation of alternative models of schooling, the innovative use of technology in education, and many others. It addresses questions like the following: Should schools systems adapt to better meet the needs of tomorrow’s world and how should this be accomplished? How can society better prepare students for a changing and challenging modern world? What skills do students need to lead successful lives and become productive citizens in the 21st century? How can educators create learning environments that are relevant and meaningful for digital natives? How can the school curriculum be made more rigorous to meet the needs of the 21st century? This book encourages readers to transcend the limits of their own educational experience, to think beyond familiar notions of schooling, instruction and curriculum, to consider how to best structure learning so that it will benefit future generations. It encourages a deeper analysis of the existing education system and offers practical insights into future directions focused on preparing students with 21st century skills.
Resource management, though a central responsibility of school and college leaders, is one that they are often unprepared for. Concise and contextual information and guidance are vital, especially as leaders are pressured from all sides to manage their resources astutely. This new edition of Educational Resource Management: An International Perspective is an updated and globally conscious guide to all aspects of this key responsibility. Opening with a detailed overview of funding and resource management in public and private institutions, the book looks at the criteria by which the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of educational resource management can be judged. It goes on to explore cost structures, budgets, and the principles of asset management through case studies that draw on practitioner experiences as well as the authors' own observations. Educational Resource Management concludes with a review of current tensions and points towards further study, providing a succinct yet comprehensive guide for school and college leaders.
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