For millennia people have travelled to religious sites for worship, initiatory and leisure purposes. Today there are hundreds, if not thousands, of religious pilgrimage routes and trails around the world that are used by pilgrims as well as tourists. Indeed, many religious pilgrimage routes and trails are today used as themes by tourism marketers in an effort to promote regional economic development. An important resource for those interested in religious tourism and pilgrimage, this book is also an invaluable collection for academics and policy-makers within heritage tourism and regional development.
This volume reports on excavations at the site of al-Qisha, an Islamic period settlement in the Mahra region of Yemen. In particular it examines the role of the village as a gateway community linked with the Ba'Abbad of Qabr Hud, the community which guarded the tomb of the prophet Hud, a site of pilgrimage.
"Der Band behandelt das geographische Syrien im 18. und 19. Jh. Dieser Zeitraum war von tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen Veranderungen gepragt, insbesondere der allmahlichen Integration des Osmanischen Reiches in den Weltmarkt. Die hier vorgestellten neuen Fragen und Forschungsrichtungen, die zu einem differenzierteren Bild der osmanischen Herrschaft beitragen, beziehen wesentliche Impulse aus sozial- und wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Ansatzen. ... Je ein Index fur Personen- und Ortsnamen sowie Begriffe runden den Band ab. Man kann nur hoffen, daa diese Art der sozial- und wirtschaftshistorischen Nahostforschung, die sich bislang weitgehend im anglo-amerikanischen und arabischen Raum entwickelt hat, auch in Deutschland weitere Verbreitung finden wird." Orientalistische Literaturzeitung "athe book is a major contribution to the study of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Syria. The authors, the editors, and the publisher are to be commended for producing this important publication." Journal of Near Eastern Studies . (Franz Steiner 1998)
Cities have played an important role in our lives since the dawn of civilization. However, cities are slowly becoming overwhelmed and therefore intervention is desirable towards green, blue and egalitarian nature. Even with current urban issues, we must rise to the occasion as professionals to create cities that are social, cities that take care of the environment, and cities that are digital. Increased citizen participation is indispensable in this process. The ‘International Conference on Future is Urban (IFCU’ 21) Dec 16-18, 2021, Ahmedabad, India’, takes into account Livability, Resilience & Resource Conservation for planning Future and cities in future.
Ths book is one of the most important to explore the formation of Islamic thought and civilisation. William Montgomery Watt made an outstanding contribution to Islamic scholarship.
Advancing Heritage Jnnovaıions in lndia" explores !he intersection of heriıage preservation and urban innovation withiıı the Indian coııtext. This insigbtful volume brings together diverse perspectives and case studies, h.igbJightiog lıow traditi.onal practices can coexist with cootemporary urban oeeds. Tbrougb detaile-d aııalyses, the book delves into the dyııaınic relationship between urban development aııd cultural identity, offering innovative approaches to urban resilience and cult:ural conservaıion. It serves as a vital resource for scholars, practitioııers, and policymakers involved in heritage manageınent and urban development. The book is divided into two conıprehensive sections. PART J: Urbaıı lııııovations aud Resilience exaoıines historical and conternporary notions of urbaoization, tlıe role of blue-green infrastructure in clinıate resiJience, and tlıe architectural rehabil.itation of urban voids. PART il: Cultural Heritage and Conservation addresses the complexities of heritage managemenı, the regulatory frameworks surrOltnding protected monuments, ıhe visual aııd spatial significance of teınple cities, and sustainable heritage practices through circular ecoııoıny models. This sectioo also explores techııological advancenıenıs in heritage preservation and the spatial maııifestation of religious pathways. Collectively, tlıese contributioııs aim to inspire further researcb and action towards creatiııg sustainable, resilient, aod culturally eoriched urban environments in lndia and beyond.
Tibet’s Mount Kailas is one of the world’s great pilgrimage centres, renowned as an ancient sacred site that embodies a universal sacrality. But Kailas Histories: Renunciate Traditions and the Construction of Himalayan Sacred Geography demonstrates that this understanding is a recent construction by British colonial, Hindu modernist, and New Age interests. Using multiple sources, including fieldwork, Alex McKay describes how the early Indic vision of a heavenly mountain named Kailas became identified with actual mountains. He emphasises renunciate agency in demonstrating how local beliefs were subsumed as Kailas developed within Hindu, Buddhist, and Bön traditions, how five mountains in the Indian Himalayan are also named Kailas, and how Kailas sacred geography constructions and a sacred Ganges source region were related.
The Inka empire was the largest pre-Columbian polity in the New World. Its vast expanse, its ethnic diversity, and the fact that the empire may have been consolidated in less than a century have prompted much scholarly interest in its creation. In this study, Besom explores the ritual practices of human sacrifice and the worship of mountains, attested in both archaeological investigations and ethnohistorical sources, as tools in the establishment and preservation of political power. Besom examines the relationship between symbols, ideology, ritual, and power to demonstrate how the Cuzqueños could have used rituals to manipulate common Andean symbols to uphold their authority over subjugated peoples. He considers ethnohistoric accounts of the categories of human sacrifice to gain insights into related rituals and motives, and reviews the ethnohistoric evidence of mountain worship to predict locations as well as motives. He also analyzes specific archaeological sites and assemblages, theorizing that they were the locations of sacrifices designed to assimilate subject peoples, bind conquered lands to the state, and/or justify the extraction of local resources.