Non-Ionic Binary Surfactant Systems and Microemulsions as Model Systems for Thermal Diffusion Studies

Non-Ionic Binary Surfactant Systems and Microemulsions as Model Systems for Thermal Diffusion Studies

Author: Sascha Datta

Publisher: Cuvillier Verlag

Published: 2011-12-20

Total Pages: 209

ISBN-13: 373693971X


Thermal diffusion (or the Soret effect) describes the diffusion of matter in the presence of a temperature gradient. Although this process is studied and applied since more than 100 years the underlying molecular mechanism in liquids is still far from being understood. Colloidal dispersions are versatile model systems to study the thermal diffusion behavior of large particles in a solvent. However, the synthesis of colloidal particles with identical morphology is a complex task. On the other hand aqueous surfactant solutions and microemulsions are promising systems to study the Soret effect. Compared to colloidal particles the aggregates form spontaneously and do not require any additional stabilisation. Furthermore the radius and the shape of the diffusing aggregates, as well as their interfacial tension can be systematically adjusted via the variation of the composition and temperature. In order to address some important aspects of the thermal diffusion behavior three different types of self-assembled surfactant systems were formulated and systematically studied: (i) At first the role of the ionic dye Basantol® Yellow 215, which causes an unexpected two-mode signal in the classical Thermal Diffusion Forced Rayleigh Scattering (TDFRS) experiment [Ning et al. Progr Colloid Polym Sci (2006) 133: 111–115], is examined using the system H2O – C12E6. Systematic phase behavior studies and small angle neutron scattering experiments (SANS) proved that the dye is incorporated into the aggregates like an ionic co-surfactant, influencing not only the thermal diffusion behavior but also the overall properties of the systems. These results strongly suggest that one should refrain from the use of surface-active dyes in TDFRS experiments on self-assembled systems. (ii) To study the dependence of the Soret coefficient ST on the radius of the aggregates and the slope of the interfacial tension, both being controversially discussed in the literature, different microemulsions of the type H2O – C12E5 –n-alkane were formulated that allow for an isothermal study of these dependencies. Correlating the results of the systematic SANS and interfacial tension measurements with the Soret coefficient ST it was found that within the measurement range ST depends almost linearly on the droplet radius, the slope of the interfacial tension as well as on the product of both quantities. (iii) In the last part systematic surface tension and TDFRS measurements were performed in binary aqueous n-alkyl glucoside (CiGj) solutions to study the thermal diffusion behavior around the critical micelle concentration (cmc). The obtained results clearly show that the Soret coefficient exhibits an abrupt change at the cmc. To sum up, this work shows that aqueous surfactant systems and microemulsions are eminently suited to elucidate some of the underlying molecular mechanism of the Soret effect.

Oxygen transport in thin oxide films at high field strength

Oxygen transport in thin oxide films at high field strength

Author: Dieter Weber

Publisher: Forschungszentrum Jülich

Published: 2014

Total Pages: 141

ISBN-13: 3893369503


Ionic transport in nanostructures at high eld strength has recently gained attention, because novel types of computer memory with potentially superior properties rely on such phenomena. The applied voltages are only moderate, but they drop over the distance of a few nanometers and lead to extreme eld strengths in the MV/cm region. Such strong elds contributes signi cantly to the activation energy for ionic jump processes. This leads to an exponential increase of transport speed with voltage. Conventional high-temperature ionic conduction, in contrast, only relies on thermal activation for such jumps. In this thesis, the transport of minute amounts of oxygen through a thin dielectric layer sandwiched between two thin conducting oxide electrodes was detected semiquantitatively by measuring the conductance change of the electrodes after applying a current through the dielectric layer. The relative conductance change G=G as a function of current I and duration t follows over several orders of magnitude a simple, empirical law of the form G=G = CIAtB with t parameters C, A and B; A;B 2 [0; 1]. This empirical law can be linked to a predicted exponential increase of the transport speed with voltage at high eld strength. The behavior in the time domain can be explained with a spectrum of relaxation processes, similar to the relaxation of dielectrics. The in uence of temperature on the transport is strong, but still much lower than expected. This contradicts a commonly used law for high- eld ionic transport. The di erent oxide layers are epitaxial with thicknesses between 5 and 70 nm. First large-scale test samples were fabricated using shadow masks. The general behavior of such devices was studied extensively. In an attempt to achieve quantitative results with defect-free, miniaturized devices, a lithographic manufacturing process that uses repeated steps of epitaxial deposition and structuring of the layers was developed. It employs newly developed and optimized wet chemical etching processes for the conducting electrodes. First high-quality devices could be manufactured with this process and con rmed that such devices su er less from parasitic e ects. The lithographically structured samples were made from di erent materials. The results from the rst test samples and the lithographically structured samples are therefore not directly comparable. They do exhibit however in principle the same behavior. Further investigation of such lithographically structured samples appears promising