Igwebuike began as a methodology and philosophy. Gradually, its philosophical elements began to have serious implications for theological discourse, especially with the increasing need to do theology that arises from the philosophy of the African people. The present piece affirms the reality of the link between philosophy and theology, especially regarding the links between the great philosophical questions and the mysteries of salvation which are studied in theology under the guidance of the higher light of faith.
This book of readings is designed to accomplish two tasks: to philosophize on Igwebuike and to honour Professor KANU, Ikechukwu Anthony, O.S.A. These two tasks or goals go hand in hand because Igwebuike is Professor Kanu’s philosophy. The book clearly demonstrates why Kanu deserves honour as an African philosopher who has introduced a way of doing African philosophy. It is an approach of doing philosophy that takes into account African ontology and cosmology. Igwebuike as a systematic African thought is exploratory in nature. It investigates issues with a view of seeing how they are related. Doing philosophy in this way takes into account not only the African context but the world as a complex entity with myriads of challenges. The myriads of challenges facing humanity have a representation in this book. For this reason the book is bound to have a global impact. In terms of philosophizing, this book demonstrates that Africa is confronted with many discourses. Discourses that are already going on but need a more systematic African philosophical approach. Some of the discourses are on the environment, governance, infrastructure, human and material resource among others. — Denis Odinga Okiya Maryknoll Insitute of African Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
The study of African philosophy, like all great philosophical enquiries around the world, is fraught with the wrecks of words, wrenched from their original meaning, widened or narrowed, and forced into a bewildering variety of vessels that chum their ways in seas of semantic confusion. African philosophical studies has acquired and added to the many philosophical verbal transmogrifications that came originally from the Igbo of south-eastern Nigeria. In its turn, it has produced its own eccentric philosophical etymology, of which, perhaps the most striking example is Igwebuike philosophy. A reflection on Igwebuike philosophy reveals that it is a product of a meticulous and critical study of African philosophy. It is in this light that the scrupulous researcher would dissect the profound thinker behind the Igwebuike philosophy. In this book, scholars of different hues and academic endeavours have made excursus into the origin, originator, meaning and relevance of Igwebuike philosophy to contemporary African philosophical scholarship and African societies. Research shows that the brain behind Igwebuike philosophy that is gradually becoming a major part of African philosophical engagement is incontestably Prof Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu, O.S.A. Igwebuike itself is a philosophical principle that is drawn from African primordial practice of solidarity and complementarity; the works of professional African philosophers, African proverbs, African folk tales, African mythology, African symbols, African names and African songs. — Kanayo L. Nwadialor, Ph.D Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
In this work, Igwebuike is employed as a unifying concept of African thought, especially, that aspect concerning the human person’s conception of the spiritual and material universe in which he or she lives. It is an explanatory theory or principle that interprets the puzzle of our complex relationship with the non-corporal world and human social life, that is, major social institutions that ensure social continuity and group identity, and further, underpins the epistemological manifestations of the human person’s universe.
This piece studies the dimensions of Igwebuike, which include its place within the theater of being, and its literal and linguistic meanings. It presents Igwebuike as essentially a transcendent complementary comprehensive systematic effort to understand the structure and dynamics of reality ultimately for the purpose of giving honest answers to fundamental questions or opinions to questions that arise within the arena of asking questions and questioning answers, selfless enlightenment and furthering of human happiness.
This volume addresses three fundamental questions about the interplay between the ethics of globality and spirituality: What are the practical implications of spirituality for the condition of life in a turbulent era of violent religious/non-religious extremism? In what way can spirituality, the view of love, compassion, tolerance, and mutual recognition encounter mistrust, enmity, separateness, and violence? How, and in what way, can spirituality contribute to the newly emerging global ethics? Religious scholars distinguish between the esoteric and exoteric sides of belief systems. Esotericism centres on the inner awareness, and conceals a certain spirituality that is only transmittable to those who could successfully pass through a process of initiatic preparation and transpersonal practices to understand the mystical dimensions of existence. In contrast, exotericism takes the outer dimension of every day consciousness into account and favours the possibility of the popular understanding of the essence of existence. In this perspective, truth could be grasped by the public without the need of any transpersonal initiative and transformation of consciousness. Esotericism extends beyond religion and has become the spiritual philosophy of life without the need of being essentially religious. It has become common, notably in the West, to identify oneself as spiritualist without having religious affiliations. The condition of globality has provided an unprecedented opportunity for spiritual perspectives to grow. Ideas, perspectives, beliefs, and philosophies of life are growing outside local/national containers to express themselves in different global settings, while the forces of globalisation are influencing local identities and cultures. While evolving global transformations strengthen people’s capability to leave institutionally ordered belief systems, it simultaneously enables them to rearrange themselves around alternative perspectives. These fundamental transformations cultivate a fabulous landscape for the growth of spirituality.
The year 2021 marks the beginning of a promising decade for Africa. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, the continent continues to be home to seven of the world's ten fastest-growing economies. Ours is a continent that has continued to give birth to beautiful and inspirational stories, in spite of difficult circumstances. It is on this basis that the Association for the Promotion of African Studies on 25th May, 2021 had her Annual International Conference on the theme: African Ideologies and Innovative Trends and Advances: Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future. The 2021 International Conference did not only highlight the triumphs of past years but focused on strategies for tackling forthcoming challenges in the African continent. The collective action of the members of the association as scholars in discussing innovative trends and advances within Africa is representative of the shared energy and excitement around Africa's academic potential. This conference was inspired by a retinue of questions that have bothered the inquisitive minds of the members of APAS and beyond. This is, therefore, the proceedings of the effort by the members of APAS who took up the challenge to respond to these questions through research. Scroll up and click on the BUY button