Michelle Miller-Adams presents the most accessible and comprehensive overview available of the emergence and development of the Promise movement nationwide as well as an up-to-date assessment of available research on the impacts of such programs.
Bartik provides a clear and concise overview of how state and local governments employ economic development incentives in order to lure companies to set up shop—and provide new jobs—in needy local labor markets. He shows that many such incentive offers are wasteful and he provides guidance, based on decades of research, on how to improve these programs.
Belman and Wolfson perform a meta-analysis on scores of published studies on the effects of the minimum wage to determine its impacts on employment, wages, poverty, and more.
Employee ownership firms offer workers the opportunity to own a stake in the firms where they work. This affords them the ability to share in profits and have a voice in firm-related decision-making. In this comprehensive new book, Kurtulus and Kruse provide new evidence on whether employee ownership firms are better equipped to survive recessions. In particular, they focus on broad-based employee ownership, which includes ownership at all levels in the firm’s hierarchy. The authors begin by defining what is meant by “employee ownership” and then discuss the prevalence of such firms in the United States. They also examine how employee ownership affects employment stability and why employee ownership firms have survived recessions more successfully than other firms. Kurtulus and Kruse conclude by saying that the benefits they observed in employee ownership firms, particularly the greater employment stability and survival rates, can help the overall economy. Therefore, increased government support to broaden employee ownership programs is merited.
This book provides analyses and evaluations of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) program, a federal government demonstration project that is targeted at providing career opportunities in the health care field for individuals in low-wage populations.
In The Path to Free College, Michelle Miller-Adams argues that tuition-free college, if pursued strategically and in alignment with other sectors, can be a powerful agent of change. She makes the case that broadly accessible and affordable higher education is in the public interest, yielding dividends not just for individuals but also for the communities, states, and nation in which they reside. Miller-Adams offers a comprehensive analysis of the College Promise movement--its history, impacts, and unintended consequences--and its relationship to access, affordability, and workforce readiness. These factors are explored through data, analysis, and case studies of existing place-based scholarship programs. She also examines historical precursors of the free-college movement and evaluates the possibility of national action. The Path to Free College outlines how the design of free-college programs should relate to programmatic goals and explores the suitability of different approaches. In addition, the book describes both the need for and the challenges of implementing a nationwide free-college program, as well as the variety of models and research-based evidence. Given the raging national debate about tuition-free college, the moment is right for a book that assesses state and local efforts and offers policy leaders and practitioners guidance going forward. The Path to Free College asserts that the promise of private and public gains warrants public investment in tuition-free college.
This book presents arguments for the following propositions: Local economic development strategies in the United States should include extensive investments in high quality early childhood programs, such as prekindergarten (pre K) education, child care, and parenting assistance. Economic development policies should also include reforms in business tax incentives. But economic development benefitsChigher earnings per capita in the local communityCcan be better achieved if business incentives are complemented by early childhood programs. Economic development benefits can play an important role in motivating a grassroots movement for investing in our kids.
"Fran Stewart dives into the murky waters where education and economic goals meet to confront several key issues facing policymakers and educators, including the role of public investment in human capital, the types of human capital investment that provide the greatest public return, and whether those investments should vary by region. She shows that not all high-paying jobs require STEM skills; that not all good-paying, highly skilled STEM jobs require college degrees; and that "soft skills" are important for STEM as well as other high-paying jobs." --Amazon.
The authors explore a new framework for evaluating economic development projects. This framework is based on a job-chain approach. Each new job created by an economic development incentive is filled by an employee who leaves behind another job. In turn, that job may be filled by someone who leaves behind their old job, etc. Such job chains end when an unemployedworker, someone not previously in the labor force, or an in-migrant to the labor market takes a vacancy. Job chains are the mechanism for observing and measuring "trickle down". The job trains model developed in this book presents new insights into local economic development evaluation and strategy.