Whole Numbers & Integers Fractions Decimals & Percents These three essential areas of math skills are absolutely necessary for success in school, college, a career, and in everyday life. Award-winning math teacher and author Richard W. Fisher ensures student success with his tested and proven teaching strategy.
Geometry Problem Solving Pre-Algebra These three essentials areas of math skills are absolutely necessary for success in school, college, a career, and in everyday life.
"When you are a young mathematician, graduate school marks the first step toward a career in mathematics. During this period, you will make important decisions which will affect the rest of your career. This book is a detailed guide to help you navigate graduate school and the years that follow. -- Publisher description.
The perfect math refresher for audults. Short, concise lessons include video tutorials. Reasons you may need this book. You have a math phobia. You have forgotten the math that you learned. You are re-entering the workforce. A new job requires strong math skills. You need to improve math skills to advance your career. And the list goes on.
A sharp mind, like a healthy body, is subject to the same ruleof nature: Use it or lose it Need a calculator just to work out a 15 percent service charge? Not exactly sure how to get the calculator to give you the figureyou need? Turn to this revised and updated edition of All the MathYou'll Ever Need, the friendliest, funniest, and easiest workoutprogram around. In no time, you'll have total command of all the powerfulmathematical tools needed to make numbers work for you. In adollars-and-cents, bottom-line world, where numbers influenceeverything, none of us can afford to let our math skills atrophy.This step-by-step personal math trainer: Refreshes practical math skills for your personal andprofessional needs, with examples based on everyday situations. Offers straightforward techniques for working with decimals and fractions. Demonstrates simple ways to figure discounts, calculatemortgage interest rates, and work out time, rate, and distance problems. Contains no complex formulas and no unnecessary technical terms.
This is the new, improved 2nd Edition version of No-Nonsense Algebra. Completely edited, and now contains extra quizzes for each chapter to maximize learning.
The "Algebra Survival Guide Workbook" presents thousands of practice problems (and their answers) to help students master algebra. Each problem set focuses like a laser beam on a particular algebra skill, then offers ample practice problems. Answers are conveniently displayed in the back. -- From product description.