In den letzten Jahren haben sich zwar verschiedene Publikationen den erweiterten Spieltechniken der Holzblasinstrumente, darunter auch speziell der Querflöte, gewidmet. Das Buch von Carin Levine, einer Protagonistin neuer Flötenmusik, und von Christina Mitropoulos-Bott erläutert jedoch erstmals sämtliche spiel- und klangtechnischen Möglichkeiten der Querflöte in systematischer Form. Es belegt diese Techniken anhand von instruktiven Literaturbeispielen, die gleichzeitig auch über die Besonderheiten der Notation informieren. Den Weg zur praktischen Ausführung zeigen wertvolle Übeanleitungen auf. Das Buch ist ein unverzichtbares Arbeitsmittel sowohl für den Komponisten wie für den Interpreten und Pädagogen. Umfassende Darstellung aller Spieltechniken der Querflöte in der Neuen Musik, didaktische Tipps zum Ausprobieren, aussagekräftige Notationsbeispiele aus zeitgenössischen Werken, praxiserprobt an allen gängigen Flötentypen, zweisprachiger Text (dt./engl.)
This is a book for both professional and amateur flute players. It contains instructions in sound production, breath control, intonation, tonguing, and dynamics; and it offers advice on phrasing, tone, vibrato, and orchestral playing. There are annotated fingering charts showing normal fingerings, and trill fingerings, and a concise account of the flute's history. There is also a useful repertory list, and an appendix by Sebastian Bell describing avant-garde techniques.
For the first time the exercises and teaching methods of world-renowned flutist William Bennett are featured in one workbook. After more than a decade of study with Bennett and many of his students, Roderick Seed has documented the tools that have made Bennett known for his ability to give the flute the depth, dignity, and grandeur of the voice or the stringed instrument. Topics range from how to overcome basic technical difficulties, such as pitch control, to the tools for phrasing, prosody, tone, and intonation needed for playing with different dynamics and ranges of expression. Advanced musicians will find useful exercises and techniques in this book that will deepen their knowledge and enjoyment of making music and help them in their quest to master the flute.
(Music Sales America). Trevor Wye's acclaimed Practice Books for the Flute have now sold over one million copies and proved invaluable to players at every grade. Each book explores individual aspects of flute technique in concise detail. This revised edition features updated diagrams, clearer musical notation and improved overall design. This omnibus edition of all six books in the Practice Book series is invaluable for both amateur and would-be professional players. Together these books form a complete reference guide for players who are looking to overcome technical difficulties, and who are seeking advice on how best to practice.
Teach yourself how to play flute with our easy flute lessons for beginners. ***Comes with online access to free flute videos for all examples. See and hear how each one is played by a teacher, then play along. Also includes music score and flute animation for easy music learning.*** "Awesome. I heart this book. Check it out, it is awesome!" - Brittany, DeRidder LA [sheetmusicplus] Progressive Beginner Flute contains all you need to know to start learning to be a great flute player - in one easy-to-follow, lesson-by-lesson flute tutorial. Suitable for all ages and all types of flute. No prior knowledge of how to read music or playing the flute is required to teach yourself to learn to play flute from this book. Teach yourself: • How to play flute notes and beginner flute scales over 2 octaves • All the fundamental techniques of flute playing including flute notes, rhythms and articulation required for beginner flute songs • Practical flute theory for learning how to read flute music for beginners and how to play beginner flute music • Flute tips and flute tricks that every player should know when learning flute including an introduction to flute improvisation • Shortcuts for how to learn flute fast by getting the most from flute practice sessions Contains everything you need to know to learn to play the flute today. Features include: • Progressive step-by-step easy beginners flute lessons written by a professional flute teacher • Easy-to-read flute music • Full color photos and diagrams • 80+ flute music exercises and popular easy flute music for beginners in classical flute, rock flute, blues flute, jazz flute, traditional and folk flute styles Beginner flute lessons have never been this easy for anyone who wants to learn how to play the flute, fast.'s flute lessons for beginners are used by students and flute teachers worldwide to learn how to play flute. For over 30 years, our team of professional authors, composers and musicians have crafted music lesson books that are a cut above the rest. We offer a huge selection of music instruction books that cover many different instruments and styles in print, eBook and app formats. Awarded the 'Quality Excellence Design' (QED) seal of approval for eBook innovation, continues to set the standard for quality music education resources.
Edwin Putnik, like most other contributors to the The Art of series, has been a member of many prestigious symphony orchestras and university faculties. The Art of Flute Playing can aid students of all degrees of advancement. Part I is devoted to Basic Principles and Pedagogy, Part II to Artist Performance. Part I is particularly helpful not only to beginning flute students, but also to non-flutists teaching in school music programs.
(Music Sales America). This companion to Trevor Wye's series of practice books continues the explanation of playing techniques in greater detail. Topics covered include finding a teacher, practicing, auditioning, performing, repertoire and careers.