This book critically analyses the ways in which Africa has shifted from the periphery of global trade, international relations and politics to the centre of the world stage because of its existing and potential economic prowess and purchasing power that the continent has to offer.
This book, which brings together scholars from the developed and developing world, explores one of the most salient features of contemporary international relations: South-South cooperation. It builds on existing empirical evidence and offers a comparative analytical framework to critically analyse the aid policies and programmes of ten rising donors from the global South. Amongst these are several BRICS (Brazil, India, China and South Africa) but also a number of less studied countries, including Cuba, Venezuela, the United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Turkey, and Korea. The chapters trace the ideas, identities and actors that shape contemporary South-South cooperation, and also explore potential differences and points of convergence with traditional North-South aid. This thought-provoking edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of international relations, international political economy, development, economics, area studies and business. /div
This book presents novel approaches to further SouthSouth Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale. The evolving aid architecture and mounting development challenges demand an urgent and critical review of existing aid modalities, policy-making and forums for international cooperation. With the rise of emerging powers, we face an important question: ls the changing global order transforming the nature of development cooperation? Promoting equitable broad-based growth in order to alleviate poverty, calls for a new understanding of the principles of development assistance, good governance, transparency, ownership, and accountability. This book is published in English. - Les changements en matière d’aide internationale et les défis soulevés par les crises alimentaires, financières et énergétiques exigent un examen critique des conventions actuelles en matière d’assistance et d’élaboration de politiques et de forums décisionnels en coopération internationale. À la lumière de la montée de pouvoirs émergents, une analyse de la manière dont un ordre mondial en mutation transforme la nature de la coopération pour le développement s’impose. La promotion d’une croissance économique équitable et d’une réduction de la pauvreté exige une nouvelle compréhension de l’aide au développement et une gouvernance, transparence, propriété et imputabilité optimales. L’avenir de la Coopération Sud-Sud repose sur de nombreux facteurs, comme l’amélioration des moyens de communication et le partage des connaissances entre pays partenaires, l’adoption d’une approche analytique pour définir les biens publics régionaux et mondiaux, l’identification et l’évaluation des bonnes et des mauvaises pratiques et la fusion des priorités économiques et sociales. Au moyen d'études de cas, les auteurs proposent des approches novatrices pour promouvoir la Coopération Sud-Sud et établir des politiques de développement international efficaces. Ce livre est publié en anglais.
This book examines the extent to which a space has opened up in recent years for the so-called "rising powers" of the global South to offer an alternative to contemporary global economic and political governance through emergent forms of South-South cooperation. In contrast to the Third Worldism of the past, the contemporary rising powers share in common the fact that their recent growth owes much to their extensive and increasingly international engagement, rather than partial withdrawal from the global economy. However, they are nonetheless openly critical of the perceived bias towards the global North in the dominant institutions of global governance, and seek to alter the global status quo to enhance the influence of the global South. Contributions to this volume address the question of whether such engagement, particularly on a "South-South" basis, can be categorised as a "win-win" relationship, or whether we are already seeing the emergence of new forms of competitive rivalry and neo-dependency in action. What kind of theoretical approaches and conceptual tools do we need to best answer such questions? To what extent do new groupings such as BRICS suggest a real alternative to the dominance of the West and of the neoliberal economic globalization paradigm? What possible alternatives exist within contemporary forms of South-South cooperation? This book was originally published as a special edition of Third World Quarterly.
This book presents a new theory explaining underdevelopment in the global South and tests whether financial inputs, the government-business-media (GBM) complex and spatiotemporal influences drive human development. Despite the entrance of emerging powers and new forms of aid, trade and investment, international political-economic practices still support well-established systems of capital accumulation, to the detriment of the global South. Global asymmetrical accumulation is maintained by ‘affective’ (consent-forming hegemonic practices) and ‘infrastructural’ (uneven economic exchanges) labours and by power networks. The message for developing countries is that ‘robust’ GBMs can facilitate human development and development is constrained by spatiotemporal limitations. This work theorizes that aid and foreign direct investment should be viewed with caution and that in the global South these investments should not automatically be assumed to be drivers of development.
This book provides a broad and in-depth introduction to the geopolitical, economic and trade changes wrought with the increasing influence of the countries of the Global South in international affairs. Since the introduction of the United Nations General Assembly's New International Economic Order, the countries of the Global South, particularly China, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Qatar, made an indelible impact upon the world's economic architecture.
The last quarter of the twentieth century was a period of economic crises, increasing indebtedness as well as financial instability for Latin America and most other developing countries; in contrast, China showed amazingly high growth rates during this time and has since become the third largest economy in the world. Based on several case studies, this volume assesses how China's rise - one of the most important recent changes in the global economy - is affecting Latin America's national politics, political economy and regional and international relations. Several Latin American countries benefit from China's economic growth, and China's new role in international politics has been helpful to many leftist governments' efforts in Latin America to end the Washington Consensus. The contributors to this thought provoking volume examine these and the other causes, effects and prospects of Latin America's experiences with China's global expansion from a South - South perspective.
This book presents a theory of economic integration in developing regions, where the level of intraregional economic interdependence is low and the dependence on extra-regional economic relations is high. It argues that the success or failure of regional integration in the Global South is to a large degree dependent on the reaction of extra-regional actors in Europe, North America and Northeast Asia. In doing so, it demonstrates that longstanding European integration theories cannot be successfully applied to other world regions, where economic conditions are fundamentally different. By providing detailed empirical analyses that are systematic in their use of a common theoretical and methodological framework the authors fill a significant lacuna in our understanding of these issues. This edited volume will appeal to students and scholars of comparative regionalism, area studies and global governance.
This book analyses the role of emerging powers as a development assistance providers and the nature of their development cooperation, their behaviour, motives and markedly their changing identities in international relations. With their growing economic and political clout, emerging powers are using economic instruments like foreign aid to ensure their position in the international system that is going through power shifts. By comparing three major emerging economies of the Global South- Brazil, India and China- this book would explore how emerging powers are changing the international aid architecture that is created and dominated by the traditional donors.
This compendium showcases the ongoing trends and challenges in South-South cooperation between India and select countries in Africa, for achieving food security and poverty reduction. Scholars and practitioners share diverse perspectives on the role of India’s development compact; aid, trade, private sector driven Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs), and concessional Lines of Credit (LOCs) to the agricultural and agro-processing sector in Africa. India- Africa cooperation also underscores that the sharing of knowledge and capabilities- technical and financial, along with North- South partnerships- through trilateral and multilateral mechanisms, can upscale agriculture and agro-processing sectors to centre stage the food security agenda and reduce poverty. Arguments made through the volume critically highlight hegemonic neo-liberal economic policies, structural adjustment programmes, import substitution practices, and the denationalization of food production, and illustrate the need for sustainable and cost effective agro-ecological practices, in the face of ongoing global challenges, such as the climate emergency and degradation of biodiversity and habitats. The axial questions addressed are; how does cooperation between countries of the Global South- India and Africa - impact intra-South trading, capacity building, and the investment landscape. Scientists, academics, development professionals, government officials, NGOs and international organizations, offer the readers; empirical case studies, policy perspectives, the limitations and challenges, and the way forward in an analytical manner.