Hempton explores the rise of Methodism from its unpromising origins as a religious society within the Church of England in the 1730s to a major international religious movement by the 1880s.
The world Methodist community now numbers over 75 million people in more than 130 countries. The story of Methodism is fascinating and multi-faceted because there are so many distinct traditions within it, some stemming directly from Britain and some arising in the United States. In this book, the authors address the issue of what holds all Methodists together and examine the strengths and diversity of an influential major form of Christian life and witness. They look at the ways in which Methodism has become established throughout the world, examining historical and theological developments, and patterns of worship and spirituality, in their various cultural contexts. The book reflects both the lasting contributions of John and Charles Wesley, and the on-going contribution of Methodism to the ecumenical movement and inter-religious relations. It offers both analysis and abundant resources for further study.
The year 2003 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of John Wesley. Wesley did not originate the Evangelical Revival, which was transatlantic in its origins, but became the most energetic, original and pragmatic of the evangelical leaders, founding - even if it was not his intention - a world-wide Protestant Communion. This text seeks to set Wesley firmly in his historical context, analyzing his life, practice and theology. It shows that while there were many Methodisms, there was a central core of spirituality and style which had a great influence on the artisan groups of men (and women), providing stability, purpose and meaning, and enabling nobodies to become somebodies.