The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceddings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 15: Productivity Navy Style

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceddings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 15: Productivity Navy Style



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 14



Productivity improvement is a most difficult concept to come to grips with in the operations of a central, national government. The term "productivity improvement is most generally considered to mean the beneficial results of acts of innovation or change which are undertaken for the purpose of producing a greater output from a given input of resources. To some, this concept represents the very antithesis of bureaucracy, since it is claimed that by nature bureaucracy is growth prone and resistant to change. This paper describes a productivity program which is being implemented within the Navy industrial base. Three years of successful experience have shed considerable light on the management of change in large military organizations with a rigid institutional structure. The paper draws attention to major dimensions of the Navy's program and to the process of managing for productivity improvement.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium Paper Number 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium Paper Number 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 89



The Institute for Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (IREAPS) is an organization which conducts an industry/government cooperative program for enhancing U.S. shipbuilding capabilities through development and implementation of improved systems and manufacturing technology. The primary thrust of the IREAPS program is the conduct of research and development projects for a variety of design and production processes in the shipyard. Such projects are initiated and pursued only upon consensus of the participating organizations and are not considered complete or successful until they have been implemented under actual shipyard production conditions.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of Tghe IREASPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 23: Productivity Issues in Naval Shipbuilding

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of Tghe IREASPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 23: Productivity Issues in Naval Shipbuilding



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 18



Productivity is looked upon by most as the key to our American standard of life; however, as evident by the successes overseas, the United States seems to be only now coming to grips with the true essence of productivity -- human resource management. This paper will look at the changing nature of productivity as it relates to job design, participative management, and the increasing use of incentives, feedback, and goal setting. Likewise, a brief discussion of organizational design and recent developments toward work motivation will point up that the real key for productivity improvements lies with management. This then will help establish why there are real productivity issues that need to be addressed in the Navy shipbuilding program in the areas of engineering design, waterfront management, and Navy Project management. The essence of these issues relate hinderances to achieving productivity improvements due to: (1) poor organizational structures which preclude inclusion of productivity considerations early in the design phase; (2) improper attention and training provided to the first level supervisors at the waterfront and the failure to recognize the valuable contribution these people could provide; and, (3) the crucial requirement for having qualified and experienced ship production personnel on Navy management teams.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 15: Use of PRELIKON at Zigler Shipyards

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 15: Use of PRELIKON at Zigler Shipyards



Published: 1976

Total Pages: 16



The objective of this paper is to demonstrate to its readers that it is possible for a shipyard, the size of Zigler, to maintain a small but an effective engineering group provided it is supported by a powerful tool like PRELIKON. Further, an inhouse engineering department in a shipyard reduces communication gaps between engineering and production, thus giving rise to increased productivity.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 28: Standardization and Integration of Shipyard Processes and Procedures



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



NAVSEA's ongoing efforts to improve, standardize and integrate shipyard process instructions are outlined. This plan, will combine the best features of various DOD, Navy and Private programs including for example: (1) the navy technical information presentation programs, (2) DOD computer aided time standards, (3) Navshipyd/Ordnance Station EM & S automated support (NEAS), (4) the Carnegie Mellon/USS CARL VINSON CUN 70 ZOG program, (5) shipboard nontactical ADP system (SNAP), (6) NAVSHIPYD Norfolk - work planning and control systems - PROMPT, and (7) technical repair standards (TRS) program. Specific aspects of these programs will be discussed including computer aided authoring, group technology, and common vocabularies, and a status report of these efforts as well as future plans will be provided.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program: Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 15: Present and Future AUTOKON.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program: Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 15: Present and Future AUTOKON.



Published: 1977

Total Pages: 22



The total design and production of a new product is particularly a problem for large projects, for example special purpose ships and offshore structures, where a close co-operation and control is demanded by owners, classification societies and officials in general. In today's situation, lacking as it is in new orders, the builder is often forced by the terms of the contract to spend only a very short period of time on design activities. Shortening the leadtime for design and work preparation is as very important for the ability of a company to compete. Preferably this shortening of lead- time must not induce extra costs or be at the expense of product quality. Based on our experiences in the use of EDP as well as our plans for further development, we will focus on what has been done and what may still be done to strengthen our competitiveness in this area.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



Following the premise of engineering standards, Standard planning Modules represent production work package arrangements which are predefined to simplify the creation of planning networks at the central planning level. The approach centers around the notion that a vast majority of production activities can be established without the aid of available, detailed engineering. The creation of workpackages under this approach is dependent solely upon historical production performance, adaptation of work from previous vessels of the same class, specific details provided by the vessel's specification, and general arrangement engineering drawings. Final production schedules, at the workpackage level, become a derivative of the planning schedule as detailed information becomes available from engineering, material procurement, and other sources. The nature of planning a ship's construction has historically dictated that most, if not all, of the ship's details be known. Working from production drawings, Planning generates the varied labor workpackages necessary to support the fabrication and installation of steel and systems, Since Planning waits for such detail to be available, the timing of the production schedule development tends to occur immediately before those schedules are needed by the yard. In fact, a common complaint of many shipyards is that the production schedules are often published after preliminary construction has begun, normally in the form of steel cutting and substructure assemblies.

The National Shipbuilding Reseaerch Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 8: Modern Ship Repair Technology Applied to Naval Vessels (The National Shipbuilding Research Program).

The National Shipbuilding Reseaerch Program, Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 8: Modern Ship Repair Technology Applied to Naval Vessels (The National Shipbuilding Research Program).



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 21



During the past several years the Maritime Administration has sponsored the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP). The primary thrust of this program has been to identify those techniques which have enabled the Japanese to become world leaders in shipbuilding. To date, the NSRP has been directed primarily toward new construction. However, in the Fall of 1981, Norfolk Naval Shipyard embarked on a program to adapt these techniques to the repair of naval ships. This effort is based on the Outfit Planning and Product Work Breakdown Structure methodology presented in the NSRP publications. Further, a mini-computer system has been installed at Norfolk which allows schedules to be produced in a real-time manner. This system allows the shipyard to take full advantage of the NSRP techniques.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews



Published: 1980

Total Pages: 71



The Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (REAPS) program aims at increasing U.S. shipyard productivity. The organization, activities and current and planned development projects of the program are reviewed. The 1980 symposium focuses on developing a consensus on a format for long range facility plans, with an emphasis on cost effectiveness and environmental impacts.