The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 5A-1: An Approach for Improving White Collar Productivity

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 5A-1: An Approach for Improving White Collar Productivity



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 17



The bastion of the white-collar segment within the typical shipyard has rarely been penetrated by outside influences, especially under the banner of productivity improvements. This paper will discuss enlisting the talents of both white and blue collar employees to gain some advantages in this area. The technique espoused here is the empowerment of selected employees at the operational level through the use of Action Teams. This is the level at which daily shipyard operations are conducted, above the worker level and below the management level. A recent project sponsored by SNAME Ship Production Committee Panel SP-5 on Human Resources, and performed under the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP), conducted a hands-on application of this theory in a small shipyard with favorable results.

An Approach for Improving White-Collar Productivity

An Approach for Improving White-Collar Productivity



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 13



The bastion of the white-collar segment within the typical shipyard has rarely been penetrated by outside influences, especially under the banner of productivity improvements. This paper will discuss enlisting the talents of both white and blue collar employees to gain some advantages in this area. The technique espoused here is the empowerment of selected employees at the operational level through the use of Action Teams. This is the level at which daily shipyard operations are conducted, above the worker level and below the management level. A recent project sponsored by SNAME Ship Production Committee Panel SP-5 on Human Resources, and performed under the National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP), conducted a hands-on application of this theory in a small shipyard with favorable results. This project will be discussed in some detail in this paper.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 4B-1: Corporate Repair Philosophy and Measuring for Continuous Improvement at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 4B-1: Corporate Repair Philosophy and Measuring for Continuous Improvement at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 22



Initial zone technology implementation at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (PNSY) in 1986 set the stage for one of the most significant shifts in culture and repair philosophy ever witnessed at a public naval shipyard. Attempting to fundamentally change the way that the shipyard conducted business forced senior and middle management to completely understand the dynamic and interrelatedprocessesthatwere utilized to perform depot level work. Through the Philadelphia Quality Process (PQP), this understanding was achieved and changes that were necessary to shift from a Ship Work Breakdown Structure (SWBS) to a Product Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS) began.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1991 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings: Paper No. IIA-2: Breaking the Chains of Tradition and Fantasy - A Revolutionary Approach to the Constraints on Productivity

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1991 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings: Paper No. IIA-2: Breaking the Chains of Tradition and Fantasy - A Revolutionary Approach to the Constraints on Productivity



Published: 1991

Total Pages: 12



Productivity improvement is becoming an ever more crucial agenda item for the U.S. Shipbuilding Industry. Initiatives to improve productivity in U.S. shipyards have traditionally taken the form of piecemeal efforts to increase capability and capacity through technological upgrades of production methods, facilities, tooling, and machinery. In spite of the fact that those initiatives have been successful in eliminating many of the physical constraints of productivity, a broadening productivity with foreign competitors places U.S. shipbuilding in a noncompetitive position in the international commercial market. The continuing failure of technological initiatives to narrow the productivity gap does more than suggest that additional measures need to be taken. It strongly indicates the presence of productivity constraints which exist beyond the realm of technology. In fact, one of the most valuable opportunities currently available to U.S. shipbuilders may exist in the realization that many of the constraints limiting productivity in shipbuilding are actually self-imposed, arising from traditional management and organizational policies which run counter to the new and changing realities of modern industry.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings. Paper No. 7B-3: Performance Measurement in Unstable Conditions

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings. Paper No. 7B-3: Performance Measurement in Unstable Conditions



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 12



A number of descriptions of systems of performance measurement have been published, and more work has been carried out recently to develop their use for estimating purposes. One of the key problems is that most of the systems described rely on a systematic database which is built up from analysis of a stable production system. Currently such stability is the exception rather than the rule for most shipbuilding companies. The paper reviews the problem, focusing on global measures which can allow overall performance to be assessed, and also on work station performance. It considers the relationship between the global and local measures and proposes a method which would allow performance to be established readily. A method of planning for an improved performance in the future, but during the life of existing contracts is also proposed.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 4A1: Producibility in the Naval Ship Design Process - A Progress Report

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1992 Ship Production Symposium Proceedings, Paper No. 4A1: Producibility in the Naval Ship Design Process - A Progress Report



Published: 1992

Total Pages: 31



In October 1989, A Ship Design for Producibility Workshop was held by the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) at the David Taylor Research Center (DTRC). The purpose of the workshop was To develop the framework of a plan to integrate producibility concepts and processes into the NAVSEA Ship Design Process. The major recommendations of the workshop included initiatives related to increased training of NAVSEA design engineers in modem ship production concepts, development of producibility design tools and practices for use by NAVSEA design engineers, improved cost models, implementation of produability strategies for ship design process improvements, modification to existing acquisition practices, and improved three-dimensional (3-D) digital data transfer. The workshop was one of NAVSEA s first Total Quality Leadership (TQL) initiatives and was subsequently expanded into the Ship Design, Acquisition and Construction @AC) Process Improvement Project. This paper reports on the major findings and recommendations of the workshop, the near term accomplishments since the workshop, and the long range strategic plan for continuously improving producibility in the Naval Ship Design Process.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of Tghe IREASPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 23: Productivity Issues in Naval Shipbuilding

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of Tghe IREASPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 23: Productivity Issues in Naval Shipbuilding



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 18



Productivity is looked upon by most as the key to our American standard of life; however, as evident by the successes overseas, the United States seems to be only now coming to grips with the true essence of productivity -- human resource management. This paper will look at the changing nature of productivity as it relates to job design, participative management, and the increasing use of incentives, feedback, and goal setting. Likewise, a brief discussion of organizational design and recent developments toward work motivation will point up that the real key for productivity improvements lies with management. This then will help establish why there are real productivity issues that need to be addressed in the Navy shipbuilding program in the areas of engineering design, waterfront management, and Navy Project management. The essence of these issues relate hinderances to achieving productivity improvements due to: (1) poor organizational structures which preclude inclusion of productivity considerations early in the design phase; (2) improper attention and training provided to the first level supervisors at the waterfront and the failure to recognize the valuable contribution these people could provide; and, (3) the crucial requirement for having qualified and experienced ship production personnel on Navy management teams.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 15: Shipbuilding Project Management

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 15: Shipbuilding Project Management



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 29



American shipbuilding management and planning has become a topic of increasing discussion in recent years and various proposals for change have been advanced. Many of these propose adoption-of certain techniques and approaches successfully used --in other major shipbuilding countries such as Japan and Korea, where shipbuilding management is based on organizational, decision making, and operating structures and procedures founded on quite different cultural backgrounds, human relations, and traditions than those found in the U.S. While some of the techniques and approaches found successful in those countries may be transferrable, it must be recognized that the environment in the U.S. cannot be changed in the short run. This makes successful application of some of these methods difficult. Factors which make Japanese and Korean shipbuilding competitive include value engineering, quality circles, labor incentives, high productivity manufacturing processes; rationalized ship design and production, effective organization, labor relations and flexibility, good supplier and customer relations, and effective production planning management and control. There are some factors which are distinctly different, such as the lack of adversity between shipbuilder and client on one hand and management and labor on the other hand. There is a general recognition and acceptance in these countries that adversary relations and potential litigous actions hinder achievement of ship production efficiency and on schedule low cost (and therefore price) delivery. Similarly most supplier, client, and labor issues with shipbuilding management are resolved by various informal approaches with little if any delay. This is quite different from the generally formal approach used in the U.S.A., where procedure, documentation, and even conflict resolution methods are often defined.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium Paper No. 1: Ship Production Committee Panel Overviews



Published: 1980

Total Pages: 71



The Research and Engineering for Automation and Productivity in Shipbuilding (REAPS) program aims at increasing U.S. shipyard productivity. The organization, activities and current and planned development projects of the program are reviewed. The 1980 symposium focuses on developing a consensus on a format for long range facility plans, with an emphasis on cost effectiveness and environmental impacts.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1988 Ship Production Symposium. Paper No. 3A: Problem Solving -- How to Matrix

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1988 Ship Production Symposium. Paper No. 3A: Problem Solving -- How to Matrix



Published: 1988

Total Pages: 13



Problem-solving groups have long been part of shipping management culture, the traditional title for these groups has been the task force. With advent of changes in culture to employee-involvement/participation-management, managers inserted quality circles in their problem-solving toolbox, quality circles and task force typify disparate sites on the grid of problem-solving groups, the incongruity of theses groups entreats development of additional problem-solving groups for the managers toolbox. The paper provides definition/ characteristics of four problem-solving groups: task forces, quality circles, study circles, and special study teams, the latter two groups--study circles and special study teams, remedy many of the deficiencies of the former two groups--task forces and quality circles. With these four groups the shipyard manager has an expanded toolbox to tackle productivity problems.