The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1993 Ship Production Symposium. Paper No. 8: Network Scheduling Development in an MRP II Environment

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1993 Ship Production Symposium. Paper No. 8: Network Scheduling Development in an MRP II Environment



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 18



Large manufacturing industries have been able to successfully reduce cost and cycle time through the use of Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) systems and principles to control material flow and the production process. Ship construction can not be neatly classified as a manufacturing process. The complex relationships involved with the installation and activation of ship's systems more closely resembles a construction operation. Work of this type has traditionally been controlled through an activity based network scheduling system. However, MRP 11 principles offer numerous benefits for the shipbuilding industry. This paper discusses an approach to planning, scheduling, and management of ship construction which takes advantage of benefits from both approaches. By using both network scheduling and MRP II in an integrated scheduling system, a shipyard will be better able to plan and execute the ship construction process.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1990 Ship Production Symposium, Paper No. 3A-2: Index Based Management Information Systems: A Study in Structured Operations

The National Shipbuilding Research Program, 1990 Ship Production Symposium, Paper No. 3A-2: Index Based Management Information Systems: A Study in Structured Operations



Published: 1990

Total Pages: 13



In any job, project, program, or complex undertaking there exists a need to understand all aspects of the work. This understanding is necessary to satisfy all requirements in the most effective and efficient way. The methods available to plan and accomplish these tasks are as vary as much as the tasks themselves. They range from job shop techniques to Material Requirements Planning (MRP) to Project-Based Management Information System (PBMS) to continuous manufacturing. This paper is a critical analysis aimed at classifying two of these system approaches as they relate to the ship repair equation. Material Requirements Planning (MRP I) tracks a need for material through a project. The production process on the material determines how labor is applied to transform raw materials into finished products. MRP material needs are determined by sales forecasting; while requirements are determined algorithmically from material take-offs. Another form is Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). This form of MRP is a management process, supported by computers, which results in monthly production plans based outlooks, etc., and is far sales more comprehensive in scope and integration than MRP I.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the IREAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 11: Rapid Development of Production Schedules With Standard Planning Modules



Published: 1982

Total Pages: 23



Following the premise of engineering standards, Standard planning Modules represent production work package arrangements which are predefined to simplify the creation of planning networks at the central planning level. The approach centers around the notion that a vast majority of production activities can be established without the aid of available, detailed engineering. The creation of workpackages under this approach is dependent solely upon historical production performance, adaptation of work from previous vessels of the same class, specific details provided by the vessel's specification, and general arrangement engineering drawings. Final production schedules, at the workpackage level, become a derivative of the planning schedule as detailed information becomes available from engineering, material procurement, and other sources. The nature of planning a ship's construction has historically dictated that most, if not all, of the ship's details be known. Working from production drawings, Planning generates the varied labor workpackages necessary to support the fabrication and installation of steel and systems, Since Planning waits for such detail to be available, the timing of the production schedule development tends to occur immediately before those schedules are needed by the yard. In fact, a common complaint of many shipyards is that the production schedules are often published after preliminary construction has begun, normally in the form of steel cutting and substructure assemblies.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1988 Ship Production Symposium, Paper No. 2B: An Integrated CAD/CAM Network for Work Packaging Development and Database Management

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. 1988 Ship Production Symposium, Paper No. 2B: An Integrated CAD/CAM Network for Work Packaging Development and Database Management



Published: 1988

Total Pages: 24



The Zone Logic Technology CAD/CAM and networked Database Management System is an integrated system of commercially available, off-the-shelf computer hardware and software products. These products have been carefully selected, tailored, and integrated to specifically satisfy and support the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (PNSY) Zone Technology Program in support of work packaging development, computer aided graphics and an on line, real-time, distributive database management system. The process used publishing this paper serves as a small example of some of the capabilities of the system at PNSY. The entire document, including graphics, was generated on the system. Scanners, CAD and PC systems were utilized to input, develop and convert the graphics files into appropriate formats for import into a technical publications software package. LAN interconnection capabilities provided option developing portions of this document on different systems and at different locations with the ability IO access the appropriate files remotely. Philadelphia Naval Shipyard has thrust itself into the 21st century in both new management and automated technologies. Senior managers arc making bold business decisions necessary to the shipyard shipyard's survival. A pilot project has been initiated to develop and execute a transition phase to improve shipyard productivity. Major changes to management, workpackaging, production, planning, and design execution are currently ongoing Computer assistance has been developed and is being coupled with these changes, thus forming a Zone Logic Technology (ZLT) Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and networked Data Base Management System (DBMS).

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 7: Shipyard Planning and the Computer: Fact Or Fantasy

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 7: Shipyard Planning and the Computer: Fact Or Fantasy



Published: 1980

Total Pages: 15



The planning environment in American shipyards has undergone a change[of technique and attitude with the upswing in use of computers. Traditional planning mechanisms have given way to PERT networks and sophisticated data collection and reporting computer systems. This transition has not been as successful as was intended as evidenced by the planning and scheduling problems faced by many of these computerized yards. Data processing was moved from the basic accounting arena into operations research and massive production-oriented systems which has diluted the planning effort. This is caused by planners which have not evolved from production, a planning attitude that the computer can solve all problems. and management's inability to recognize the shortcomings of computer software. Technology is available to assist the shipyard with total planning and complete ship's plans and schedules. However planning. in itself, must be adapted to use this computer technology and not be driven by it.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 8: WORK-PAC: Work Planning and Control System

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium. Paper No. 8: WORK-PAC: Work Planning and Control System



Published: 1977

Total Pages: 39



WORK-PAC, Work Planning and Control System, is a complete computer software package designed to improve shipyard labor planning and to monitor labor charges against planned estimates, measure job progress and give notice to both real and potential labor over-runs and schedule slippages. WORK-PAC permits a ship repair/conversion or new construction project to be broken down into discrete work orders, which can be classified under any given set of work cost account categories: steel work; piping, electrical and machinery systems; outfit; design/drawing; and yard support services. To further facilitate labor scheduling and control, WORK-PAC allows these work orders to be assignable to specific ship zones and shop work centers. The input of planned manhours (with or without trade estimate detail) and scheduled start and finish dates and the actual manhours from timecards as applied to these work orders completes the planning feedback cycle that is tailored to shipyard operations. WORK-PAC accumulates labor charges by individual trade, differentiating between regular and premium manhours. In addition, a special WORK-PAC feature provides for separate accounting of job repair end re-work efforts as required. WORK-PAC generates numerous reports and analyses for various. levels of the shipyard organization and at various levels of detail. WORK-PAC issues automatic warnings of data errors and signals areas of budget over-runs and/or schedule slippages early in the production cycle before they become critical and while they are still resolvable.

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 21: Planning and Scheduling Ship Construction Subject to Limited Resources

The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Proceedings of the REAPS Technical Symposium, Paper No. 21: Planning and Scheduling Ship Construction Subject to Limited Resources



Published: 1981

Total Pages: 23



The over-riding concern in shipbuilding today is how to increase productivity. However, attention instead should be focused upon improving management policy. Quality of goods and services produced and the improvement of production operations from a controlled learning experience should be management's primary goals. By concentrating on these, increased productivity will be a by-product. The learning process, however, requires a basis from which management, can evaluate past performance and develop a program for avoiding failures and improving upon the successes. This basis does not evolve by happenstance. It must be the result of deliberate, careful and reasonably detailed planning and a means for capturing actual performance against the plan. This discussion addresses the vital need to consider and accommodate the impact of limited resources (manpower, floor space crane capacity, etc.) to the planning Problem. Often ignored by planning, resources, if not available in sufficient quantities, or not applied properly, will most definitely lead to higher costs and longer production schedules.