The Millennium Prize Problems

The Millennium Prize Problems

Author: James Carlson

Publisher: American Mathematical Society, Clay Mathematics Institute

Published: 2023-09-14

Total Pages: 185

ISBN-13: 1470474603


On August 8, 1900, at the second International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris, David Hilbert delivered his famous lecture in which he described twenty-three problems that were to play an influential role in mathematical research. A century later, on May 24, 2000, at a meeting at the Collège de France, the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) announced the creation of a US$7 million prize fund for the solution of seven important classic problems which have resisted solution. The prize fund is divided equally among the seven problems. There is no time limit for their solution. The Millennium Prize Problems were selected by the founding Scientific Advisory Board of CMI—Alain Connes, Arthur Jaffe, Andrew Wiles, and Edward Witten—after consulting with other leading mathematicians. Their aim was somewhat different than that of Hilbert: not to define new challenges, but to record some of the most difficult issues with which mathematicians were struggling at the turn of the second millennium; to recognize achievement in mathematics of historical dimension; to elevate in the consciousness of the general public the fact that in mathematics, the frontier is still open and abounds in important unsolved problems; and to emphasize the importance of working towards a solution of the deepest, most difficult problems. The present volume sets forth the official description of each of the seven problems and the rules governing the prizes. It also contains an essay by Jeremy Gray on the history of prize problems in mathematics.

The Abel Prize 2008-2012

The Abel Prize 2008-2012

Author: Helge Holden

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2014-01-21

Total Pages: 561

ISBN-13: 3642394493


Covering the years 2008-2012, this book profiles the life and work of recent winners of the Abel Prize: · John G. Thompson and Jacques Tits, 2008 · Mikhail Gromov, 2009 · John T. Tate Jr., 2010 · John W. Milnor, 2011 · Endre Szemerédi, 2012. The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a description of each mathematician's work. In addition, each profile contains a complete bibliography, a curriculum vitae, as well as photos — old and new. As an added feature, interviews with the Laureates are presented on an accompanying web site ( The book also presents a history of the Abel Prize written by the historian Kim Helsvig, and includes a facsimile of a letter from Niels Henrik Abel, which is transcribed, translated into English, and placed into historical perspective by Christian Skau. This book follows on The Abel Prize: 2003-2007, The First Five Years (Springer, 2010), which profiles the work of the first Abel Prize winners.

A First Course in Modular Forms

A First Course in Modular Forms

Author: Fred Diamond

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2006-03-30

Total Pages: 462

ISBN-13: 0387272267


This book introduces the theory of modular forms, from which all rational elliptic curves arise, with an eye toward the Modularity Theorem. Discussion covers elliptic curves as complex tori and as algebraic curves; modular curves as Riemann surfaces and as algebraic curves; Hecke operators and Atkin-Lehner theory; Hecke eigenforms and their arithmetic properties; the Jacobians of modular curves and the Abelian varieties associated to Hecke eigenforms. As it presents these ideas, the book states the Modularity Theorem in various forms, relating them to each other and touching on their applications to number theory. The authors assume no background in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Exercises are included.

Vertex Operator Algebras, Number Theory and Related Topics

Vertex Operator Algebras, Number Theory and Related Topics

Author: Matthew Krauel

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2020-07-13

Total Pages: 250

ISBN-13: 1470449382


This volume contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Vertex Operator Algebras, Number Theory, and Related Topics, held from June 11–15, 2018, at California State University, Sacramento, California. The mathematics of vertex operator algebras, vector-valued modular forms and finite group theory continues to provide a rich and vibrant landscape in mathematics and physics. The resurgence of moonshine related to the Mathieu group and other groups, the increasing role of algebraic geometry and the development of irrational vertex operator algebras are just a few of the exciting and active areas at present. The proceedings center around active research on vertex operator algebras and vector-valued modular forms and offer original contributions to the areas of vertex algebras and number theory, surveys on some of the most important topics relevant to these fields, introductions to new fields related to these and open problems from some of the leaders in these areas.

The Millennium Problems

The Millennium Problems

Author: Keith J. Devlin

Publisher: Granta Books

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 237

ISBN-13: 9781862077355


In 2000, the Clay Foundation of Cambridge, Massachusetts, announced a historic competition: Whoever could solve any of seven extraordinarily difficult mathematical problems, and have the solution acknowledged as correct by the experts, would receive $1million in prize money. They encompass many of the most fascinating areas of pure and applied mathematics, from topology and number theory to particle physics, cryptography, computing and even aircraft design. Keith Devlin describes here what the seven problems are, how they came about, and what they mean for mathematics and science. In the hands of Devlin, each Millennium Problem becomes a fascinating window onto the deepest questions in the field.

Poincare's Prize

Poincare's Prize

Author: George G. Szpiro

Publisher: Penguin

Published: 2008-07-29

Total Pages: 324

ISBN-13: 9780452289642


The amazing story of one of the greatest math problems of all time and the reclusive genius who solved it In the tradition of Fermat’s Enigma and Prime Obsession, George Szpiro brings to life the giants of mathematics who struggled to prove a theorem for a century and the mysterious man from St. Petersburg, Grigory Perelman, who fi nally accomplished the impossible. In 1904 Henri Poincaré developed the Poincaré Conjecture, an attempt to understand higher-dimensional space and possibly the shape of the universe. The problem was he couldn’t prove it. A century later it was named a Millennium Prize problem, one of the seven hardest problems we can imagine. Now this holy grail of mathematics has been found. Accessibly interweaving history and math, Szpiro captures the passion, frustration, and excitement of the hunt, and provides a fascinating portrait of a contemporary noble-genius.

100 Years of Math Milestones: The Pi Mu Epsilon Centennial Collection

100 Years of Math Milestones: The Pi Mu Epsilon Centennial Collection

Author: Stephan Ramon Garcia

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.

Published: 2019-06-13

Total Pages: 581

ISBN-13: 1470436523


This book is an outgrowth of a collection of 100 problems chosen to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the undergraduate math honor society Pi Mu Epsilon. Each chapter describes a problem or event, the progress made, and connections to entries from other years or other parts of mathematics. In places, some knowledge of analysis or algebra, number theory or probability will be helpful. Put together, these problems will be appealing and accessible to energetic and enthusiastic math majors and aficionados of all stripes. Stephan Ramon Garcia is WM Keck Distinguished Service Professor and professor of mathematics at Pomona College. He is the author of four books and over eighty research articles in operator theory, complex analysis, matrix analysis, number theory, discrete geometry, and other fields. He has coauthored dozens of articles with students, including one that appeared in The Best Writing on Mathematics: 2015. He is on the editorial boards of Notices of the AMS, Proceedings of the AMS, American Mathematical Monthly, Involve, and Annals of Functional Analysis. He received four NSF research grants as principal investigator and five teaching awards from three different institutions. He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society and was the inaugural recipient of the Society's Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research. Steven J. Miller is professor of mathematics at Williams College and a visiting assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He has published five books and over one hundred research papers, most with students, in accounting, computer science, economics, geophysics, marketing, mathematics, operations research, physics, sabermetrics, and statistics. He has served on numerous editorial boards, including the Journal of Number Theory, Notices of the AMS, and the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal. He is active in enrichment and supplemental curricular initiatives for elementary and secondary mathematics, from the Teachers as Scholars Program and VCTAL (Value of Computational Thinking Across Grade Levels), to numerous math camps (the Eureka Program, HCSSiM, the Mathematics League International Summer Program, PROMYS, and the Ross Program). He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society, an at-large senator for Phi Beta Kappa, and a member of the Mount Greylock Regional School Committee, where he sees firsthand the challenges of applying mathematics.

What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences

What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences

Author: Barry Cipra

Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.


Total Pages: 108

ISBN-13: 9780821890431


Mathematicians like to point out that mathematics is universal. In spite of this, most people continue to view it as either mundane (balancing a checkbook) or mysterious (cryptography). This fifth volume of the What's Happening series contradicts that view by showing that mathematics is indeed found everywhere-in science, art, history, and our everyday lives. Here is some of what you'll find in this volume: Mathematics and Science Mathematical biology: Mathematics was key tocracking the genetic code. Now, new mathematics is needed to understand the three-dimensional structure of the proteins produced from that code. Celestial mechanics and cosmology: New methods have revealed a multitude of solutions to the three-body problem. And other new work may answer one of cosmology'smost fundamental questions: What is the size and shape of the universe? Mathematics and Everyday Life Traffic jams: New models are helping researchers understand where traffic jams come from-and maybe what to do about them! Small worlds: Researchers have found a short distance from theory to applications in the study of small world networks. Elegance in Mathematics Beyond Fermat's Last Theorem: Number theorists are reaching higher ground after Wiles' astounding 1994 proof: new developments inthe elegant world of elliptic curves and modular functions. The Millennium Prize Problems: The Clay Mathematics Institute has offered a million dollars for solutions to seven important and difficult unsolved problems. These are just some of the topics of current interest that are covered in thislatest volume of What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences. The book has broad appeal for a wide spectrum of mathematicians and scientists, from high school students through advanced-level graduates and researchers.