Follows the adventures of Isaac, a young Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe who becomes a cowboy on a horse ranch in North Dakota at the turn of the century.
Hy Burstein is a man with a passion, a passion for horseback riding which he has passed on to his family, and which comes alive in the pages of his story. A successful businessman, Hy takes his family on horseback adventures throughout the United States, Europe and the Middle East, spending a great deal of time in Israel, where his wife, the former Miss Israel, grew up. The full color, and black and white photographs throughout this travelog highlight the breath-taking landscapes the author encounters as he travels off the beaten track. But not all his adventures are beautiful. Hy encounter rednecks and anti-Semites who challenge him with their bigotry and hatred. Instead of moving on, Hy defends himself and reveals his pride in his religion and his people.
Follows four generations of Haurowitzes, from 1859 when the first Jewish settler, Boggy, arrives in Oklahoma's forgotten territory. Intertwined with a family of Swedish immigrants, they struggle against betrayals, nature, and burgeoning statehood, to find their families utterly transformed.
When a Jewish grandfather comes to live with his son's family, he relates his experiences fleeing Eastern Europe for America, his adventures as a cowboy, and his assimilation into American culture. Original.
This expanded and updated edition includes new coverage of Austria, Ukraine, and Lithuania in addition to Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and all of the ancestral homes to the great majority of North American Jews.
The author explores the phenomenon of the Jewish culture in Europe. In this book she askes in what way do non-Jews embrace and enact Jewish culture and for what reasons.