The Fire Eater's Lunchbreak / Poems

The Fire Eater's Lunchbreak / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 212

ISBN-13: 0615236286


THE FIRE EATER'S LUNCHBREAK: What does happen when we stop swallowing the flame, whatever it might be? This world, our own drudgery, our passions, low or high, that locus of our experience we call "I" - and take a break? There's a Sufi text by Shaykh ibn 'Ata Illah whose title I've always loved: "The Giving Up of the Management of Your Affairs." Neat trick! But somehow that's also the key to the present title, and God willing to something of the poems this book contains. Poem: His High Command/and an ant's vibrating antenna//The horrors of war/and a newborn's uncurling fingers//Flash floods/and a dry riverbed gurgling//The heart alone/and entire humanity's pulse beat

Like When You Wave at a Train / Poems

Like When You Wave at a Train / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 92

ISBN-13: 0615204902


This may be my most personal book, as I wrote this collection of poems as an attempt to definitively and honestly connect in a deep way with Farid, my teenage stepson. Ah, since you're not my/ natural son, you can be my/ supernatural son! No actual genes of mine// swim in your blood, your flesh doesn't/ resemble mine, though since I've been your/ dad from the time you were two, we now have a/ definite// family resemblance, leaping over/ genetic fact like some sleek green grasshopper of/ supernatural light.

Through Rose Colored Glasses / Poems

Through Rose Colored Glasses / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2008-04-07

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 061518412X


THROUGH ROSE COLORED GLASSES is a book of visionary poems mindful of the story of Sayyedina 'Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, who one day passed by a decaying dog carcass in the road with his companions, and replied, when they complained at how rank it smelled, "Yes, but its teeth are beautiful!" We can live our lives in misery seeing only the miserable aspects of this often grindingly difficult existence, or in peace seeing the beauteous and majestic Handprint of The Divine Reality in everything. These often ecstatic poems, mindful of the former, prefer the latter for their inspiration and their goal.

The Puzzle / Poems

The Puzzle / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal Moore


Published: 2011

Total Pages: 222

ISBN-13: 0578088916


A grand outgoing, heading directly into the puzzlement, the puzzle, puzzling it all out... Poems of search and devotion to the One, through labyrinthine manifestations... self and its various sheddings.

The Soul's Home / Poems

The Soul's Home / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2014

Total Pages: 232

ISBN-13: 0578142244


This collection from 2013 continues the intended trajectory of a lifetime's work that celebrates and posits the direct perception that The Divine Reality faces us from everywhere and in literally every circumstance of each moment of our lives. In this, the world's soul envelope has been turned inside out, revealing itself in images of light. Rather than invoking metaphors for experience, my project has been to "move from the word as symbol toward the word as reality" (as W.C. Williams said about the poetry of Ezra Pound), words not standing for an already completed experience, physical or spiritual, but in the act of writing itself revealing the core, the poem's very details being in themselves the experience, between seen and unseen, with transitive imagination the active aesthetic practice, as much as Allah inspires and allows.

The Perfect Orchestra / Poems

The Perfect Orchestra / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2009

Total Pages: 172

ISBN-13: 0578025698


I'm not sure why anyone would want to undergo spiritual training, the rigors and difficulties of a path of spiritual discipline, except to reach a state of enlightenment. And I'm not sure that the state of enlightenment would be one of grim survival, or a harsh stoicism after all the exhausting rigors, but rather a joyful and constant perception of the simultaneous multifariousness of all things, and the single Divine core around which we all endlessly circulate'¦ The Perfect Orchestra of the Real. This world's natural light is supernatural light, and even when shining on the discordant, radiates calm, back to the central chord, the tonally harmonic resolution that laps throughout the universe as well as through us, end to end, and back again.

Invention of the Wheel / Poems

Invention of the Wheel / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 163

ISBN-13: 0578061163


These poems consider (sometimes wildly) the inventions that are our lives, and their Inventor, the Divine Fashioner of ourselves and our actions, with passionate imagination, surreal humor, and abiding focus and love for that Fashioner, in all His manifestations.

Shaking the Quicksilver Pool / Poems

Shaking the Quicksilver Pool / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2009-03-01

Total Pages: 162

ISBN-13: 0578016907


SHAKING THE QUICKSILVER POOL: Poems that point to Infinite Beauty (The Book of Infinite Beauty being the too ambitious previous title of this collection), which is only Allah, al-Jamal, Who created everything out of love in a balance of Beauty and Majesty, two attributes sometimes clearly manifest, sometimes at odds with each other, as seen by our clouded human perceptions. But behind every event and every creation, is that Infinite One, and the quicksilver pool is our total existence here, which, to focus more intensely, we might give a shake (our selves), to see God's Face in the things we see...

The Crown of Creation / Poems

The Crown of Creation / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore


Published: 2012-07-01

Total Pages: 135

ISBN-13: 0578109190


This poem was suggested in a flash by a paragraph in Michael McClure's book, "Scratching the Beat Surface," in which he quotes Ernst Haekel in the words used here as an epigraph, "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." He goes on to say, in explanation, "Haekel meant that the individual, in his growth from meeting of sperm and ovum at conception, lives out, in fetus, the growth and evolution of his tribe; that first he is an amoeba, then a colonial organism, then an invertebrate, then a lancet, then a fish, until at last he is a mammal and a human." Reading this brought together for me various strands of thought into one clear picture, in harmony with the cosmological picture of the Muslim saints: "Man is a little cosmos, the cosmos is a big man." And the view that Allah created the entire creation as a setting, as it were, into which He placed man, the jewel, the perfect diamond, as the seal and culmination of this creation. ________________________________________________

Chants for the Beauty Feast / Poems

Chants for the Beauty Feast / Poems

Author: Daniel Abdal Moore


Published: 2011-04-01

Total Pages: 155

ISBN-13: 0578074826


Chants for the Beauty Feast are poems in celebration of our breathing, living, daring and imaginal beauty, in this world with all its aches and pangs, and the next and the Unseen world with its intersections into and throughout this one, divinely directed. Light everywhere moving with relentless bliss.