The Cosmotheandric Experience is not a Christian, or an Indic, or a Buddhist study, but an interdisciplinary study with a firm foundation. It aims at an integration of the whole of reality: We have to reconstruct the body of Prajapati, even if some of the parts feel unworthy, are shy or run away ... We have to think of all of the fragments of the present world in order to bring them together into a harmonious--though not monoliithic--whole. The Cosmotheandric principle, which the author advocates, could be formulated by saying that the divine, the human and the earthly are three irreducible dimensions which constitute the real.
"In The Intercultural Challenge of Raimon Panikkar, sixteen men and women steeped in the multi-layered, multi-cultural texture of Panikkar's unique gifts are gathered to consider his profound contributions to philosophy of religions and interreligious dialogue. Born in Spain of a Spanish mother and Indian father, Panikkar is a Catholic priest who considers himself a practicing Hindu and a secularist as well as a Catholic. Professor Emeritus of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Panikkar holds doctorates in chemistry, philosophy, and theology and has given lectures worldwide, including the prestigious Gifford Lectures in Edinburgh (soon to be published by Orbis as The Rhythm of Being.) Panikkar's many books include The Unknown Christ of Hinduism, The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha, and The Cosmotheandric Experience."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
An Advaitic Modernity?: Raimon Panikkar and Philosophical Theology poses Raimon Panikkar as a stimulating dialogue partner in postmodern philosophical theology who can help us rethink the relationship between transcendence and immanence through an advaitic critique of modernity. Andrew D. Thrasher argues that Panikkar advaitic critique of modernity may transform several discourses, such as how Panikkar’s cosmotheandric metaphysics may reshape a theology of religion and offer a religious interpretation of a relational ontology that builds on the Heideggerian ontological tradition and how Panikkar’s metaphysics solves problems in Heidegger’s ontology.
Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to his Life and Thought is a guide to the life, work and thought of Raimon Panikkar, a self-professed Buddhist-Christian-Hindu philosopher and theologian. A man of deep and wide learning and an extremely prolific author, Panikkar is equally at home in various religious and cultural traditions and embodies in himself the ideals of intercultural, intrareligious, and interreligious dialogues. This book explicates Panikkar's basic vision of life as the harmonious rhythm of divinity, humanity, and the cosmos, which he terms cosmotheandrism, and shows how it permeates and illumines his articulations of the central Christian doctrines. Given the complexity and difficulty of Panikkar's thought this book is a welcome companion for a course on Panikkar and for a general reader who wishes to understand one of the most profound and orginal thinkers of our time.
Religious philosopher Panikkar sees wisdom as our universe, our world, our Mother Earth, and as a source of happiness and joy--a dwelling place where people are blessed. Here he discusses wisdom in the context of four different areas: an existential feminine approach; a less fragmented anthropology; its most ancient meaning in philosophy; and the preservation of its identity.
Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to his Life and Thought is a guide to the life, work and thought of Raimon Panikkar, a self-professed Buddhist-Christian-Hindu philosopher and theologian. A man of deep and wide learning and an extremely prolific author, Panikkar is equally at home in various religious and cultural traditions and embodies in himself the ideals of intercultural, intrareligious, and interreligious dialogues. This book explicates Panikkar's basic vision of life as the harmonious rhythm of divinity, humanity, and the cosmos, which he terms cosmotheandrism, and shows how it permeates and illumines his articulations of the central Christian doctrines. Given the complexity and difficulty of Panikkar's thought this book is a welcome companion for a course on Panikkar and for a general reader who wishes to understand one of the most profound and orginal thinkers of our time.
This title explores the meaning of Christian theology in light of the scientific discoveries of our age. Like Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry, Delio opens out eyes to the omni-active, all-powerful, all-intelligent Love that forms and guides the interrelatedness and interbeing of everything and everyone - ourselves included.
This issue of CIRPIT REVIEW features the Cirpit Proceedings of three Conferences promoted by Cirpit Association in the year 2012, in collaboration with public and private institutions, universities and Philosophical Departments (CISRECO – ROMA TRE Univ, SIENA Univ.), which saw the participation of several Italian and foreign scholars of intercultural philosophy and inter-religious dialogue (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa, Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). The Review also features contributions by Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. The topics discussed regard the actual problems and perspectives of interculturality, pluralism and dialogue, focusing on the many different visions of the world, cultures, philosophies , behaviors, values, and with the problem of peace: the real practical question of human coexistence on the planet .Questo numero della Cirpit Review 4/2013 accoglie gli Atti di tre Convegni promossi dall’Associazione Cirpit, in collaborazione con alcune istituzioni pubbliche e private, università e dipartimenti filosofici (CISRECO -. Università ROMA TRE, Università di SIENA), che hanno visto la partecipazione di diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri di filosofia interculturale e di dialogo interreligioso (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa , Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). La rassegna ospita anche i contributi di Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. Gli argomenti trattati riguardano gli attuali problemi e prospettive relative all’interculturalità, al pluralismo e al dialogo e sono incentrati sulle molteplici visioni del mondo, culture, filosofie, comportamenti, valori e sul problema della pace: la vera questione pratica della convivenza umana sul pianeta .