This book sets out a critical analysis of the body of law and policy initiatives that constitute the EU's common transport policy. The development of the transport policy is charted through amending and founding Treaties as well as non-legislative documents. The book uses a model of sustainability as the basis for the analysis as the criteria for sustainable development were set out under Article 11 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. However, sustainable development, when taken in the context of transport is difficult to reconcile with unbridled economic growth and unchecked freedom of movement and the book identifies a contradiction at the heart of European policy, which can only become more accentuated as environmental trends become more explicit. The book argues that European regulation will eventually be forced to recognize this dichotomy, and take more forceful action to protect environmental and social development, even at the cost of economic progress.
During the 1990s there were two major developments to the Common EU Maritime Transport Policy (CMTP): the establishment of European Union policies on safe seas and on shortsea shipping respectively. This book critically analyzes and appraises these and other developments to the CMTP in this period, while also studying policy Europeanization. It focuses on both the economic environment of maritime transport and the interaction of policy makers and organized interests during the policy-making process, with an emphasis on the political dimensions. By developing an innovative economic model, the book examines the ways in which governmental and non-governmental policy makers and their ideas interact within the EU's structure and dynamics, and shows how these factors account for why, when and how the specific common EU policy has developed.
This is an up-to-date account of how the European Union works, including developments since the introduction of the Treaty on European Union, the modifications introduced since the Treaty of Amsterdam and the preparations for economic and monetary union and enlargement. It focuses on how the EU is structured and operates, and has a review of the nature and operations of the major policies.
This book concerns the regulation of transport within a European context, covering air, inland waterways, rail, road passenger and freight, urban public transport, and short sea shipping. All these sectors have experienced substantial changes over the
An exploration of the European Union with sections on conflict, intelligence and security, immigration and human rights, world economic development and environmental sustainability, high technologies and their growing impact.
Viewing transportation through the lens of current social, economic, and policy aspects, this four-volume reference work explores the topic of transportation across multiple disciplines within the social sciences and related areas, including geography, public policy, business, and economics. The book’s articles, all written by experts in the field, seek to answer such questions as: What has been the legacy, not just economically but politically and socially as well, of President Eisenhower’s modern interstate highway system in America? With that system and the infrastructure that supports it now in a state of decline and decay, what’s the best path for the future at a time of enormous fiscal constraints? Should California politicians plunge ahead with plans for a high-speed rail that every expert says—despite the allure—will go largely unused and will never pay back the massive investment while at this very moment potholes go unfilled all across the state? What path is best for emerging countries to keep pace with dramatic economic growth for their part? What are the social and financial costs of gridlock in our cities? Features: Approximately 675 signed articles authored by prominent scholars are arranged in A-to-Z fashion and conclude with Further Readings and cross references. A Chronology helps readers put individual events into historical context; a Reader’s Guide organizes entries by broad topical or thematic areas; a detailed index helps users quickly locate entries of most immediate interest; and a Resource Guide provides a list of journals, books, and associations and their websites. While articles were written to avoid jargon as much as possible, a Glossary provides quick definitions of technical terms. To ensure full, well-rounded coverage of the field, the General Editor with expertise in urban planning, public policy, and the environment worked alongside a Consulting Editor with a background in Civil Engineering. The index, Reader’s Guide, and cross references combine for thorough search-and-browse capabilities in the electronic edition. Available in both print and electronic formats, Encyclopedia of Transportation is an ideal reference for libraries and those who want to explore the issues that surround transportation in the United States and around the world.
Author: National Research Council (U.S.). Transportation Research Board. Committee for an International Comparison of National Policies and Expectations Affecting Public Transit
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Transportation Research Board, National Research Council
This report was prepared for policy makers searching for ways to boost public transit use in U.S. urban areas and wishing to know what can be learned from the experiences of Canada and Western Europe. Describes the differences in public transit use among U.S., Canadian, and Western European cities; identifies those factors, from urban form to automobile usage, that have contributed to these differences; and offers hypotheses about the reasons for these differences--from historical, demographic, and economic conditions to specific public policies, such as automobile taxation and urban land use regulation.
This handbook is the result of four years of teaching European Union Transport Law to the law students of the University of Roma Tre. The handbook is divided into four modules, reflecting areas where the intervention of EU law has been most significant: air transport, rail transport, port services and passengers’ rights. With the evolution of transport regulation in the EU in these last years and thanks to the success of the first edition (over 2000 downloads in 18 months), we have considered it useful to expand the topics presented in this primer. In particular we have added in this second edition a specific module on the painstaking process of opening port services to competition. Furthermore a paragraph has been added on the Single European Sky (SES) programme. The second part of the handbook includes the most relevant judgments and decisions by the EU Courts and Commission which we found particularly useful to illustrate, from a practical point of view, the policies underlying EU transport law and the conflicting interests of the various stakeholders.
This important book addresses the strategic dimensions of networks, especially in transportation and information communication technology in Europe. It also looks at the implications of European integration policies for network operations and developments, and the assessment of network synergy effects.