Imperial Rulership and Cultural Change in Traditional China

Imperial Rulership and Cultural Change in Traditional China

Author: Frederick P. Brandauer

Publisher: University of Washington Press

Published: 2014-07-01

Total Pages: 330

ISBN-13: 0295801522


This volume examines the role of dynastic rulers, the imperial system, and the ruling literati in the promotion and shaping of Chinese thought and culture. It includes ten papers chosen for publication from a conference held in Taiwan in September 1992: “Determining Orthodoxy: Imperial Roles” by Jack L. Dull; “Ssu-ma Ch’ien’s Portrayal of the First Ch’in Emperor” by Stephan Durrant; “The Literary Emperor: The Case of Han Wu-ti” by David R. Knechtges; “Empress Wu and Feminist Sentiments in T’ang China” by Chen Jo-shui; “Academies: Official Sponsorship and Suppression” by Thomas H. C. Lee; “Imperial Power and The Reestablishment of Monastic Order in the Northern Sung” by Huang Chi-chiang; “Imperial Rulership in Cultural History: Chu Hsi’s Interpretation” by Huang Chun-chieh; “The Emperor and the Star Spirits: A Mythological Reading of the Shui-hu chuan” by Frederick P. Brandeur; “Ku Yen-wu’s Image and Ideal of the Emperor: A Cultural Giant and Political Dwarf” by Ku Wei-ying; and “Imperial Power and the Appointment of Provincial Governors in Ch’ing China” by R. Kent Guy. It will be of interest to students of Chinese culture including literature, art, religion, philosophy, and politics.

Emperor Wu Zhao and Her Pantheon of Devis, Divinities, and Dynastic Mothers

Emperor Wu Zhao and Her Pantheon of Devis, Divinities, and Dynastic Mothers

Author: N. Harry Rothschild

Publisher: Columbia University Press

Published: 2015-06-16

Total Pages: 382

ISBN-13: 0231539185


Wu Zhao (624–705), better known as Wu Zetian or Empress Wu, is the only woman to have ruled China as emperor over the course of its 5,000-year history. How did she—in a predominantly patriarchal and androcentric society—ascend the dragon throne? Exploring a mystery that has confounded scholars for centuries, this multifaceted history suggests that China's rich pantheon of female divinities and eminent women played an integral part in the construction of Wu Zhao's sovereignty. Wu Zhao deftly deployed language, symbol, and ideology to harness the cultural resonance, maternal force, divine energy, and historical weight of Buddhist devis, Confucian exemplars, Daoist immortals, and mythic goddesses, establishing legitimacy within and beyond the confines of Confucian ideology. Tapping into powerful subterranean reservoirs of female power, Wu Zhao built a pantheon of female divinities carefully calibrated to meet her needs at court. Her pageant was promoted in scripted rhetoric, reinforced through poetry, celebrated in theatrical productions, and inscribed on steles. Rendered with deft political acumen and aesthetic flair, these affiliations significantly enhanced Wu Zhao's authority and cast her as the human vessel through which the pantheon's divine energy flowed. Her strategy is a model of political brilliance and proof that medieval Chinese women enjoyed a more complex social status than previously known.



Author: 梅昌_

Publisher: 千華駐崧博

Published: 2018-02-12

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 9787545140989


�_武帝__(公元前156_公元前87)西_第七位皇帝,_大的政治家、_略家、_人。他是中_封建王朝中最杰出君主之一,中__史上第一位使用年_的皇帝,__了大_王朝_盛的局面,成_中_封建王朝第一__展高峰,__辟了__的疆域,奠定了_地的基本范_。 _武帝生于_景帝前元年。_景帝即位后,__出生。__初名彘,天生___人,慧悟洞_,_退自如。他_小有惊人__力,求知欲特__,尤___中古代圣_帝王_人事_,_直_目不忘。前元四年,__以皇子身份被封___王。前元五年,栗太子__被_,__被立_太子。后元三年,景帝逝世,太子__即皇帝位。建元六年_太后去世,_武帝掌握大_。 _了加_中央集_,武帝接受大臣主父偃建_,_布推恩令,允__王_自己土地分_子弟,建立_小_侯_。__,就使原__立的地方王_自_地__力上交_了_家。此后,地方的王与侯__享受物_上的特_,即只享用自己封地的租_,_有了以前的政治特_,奠定了中_大一_的政治格局。 武帝_了__命令,_立中朝尚_台,__多儒生代替元老_以掌握_家政_,同_通_打_丞相_加_自己_力。公元前124年,武帝_平民出身的儒生公_弘做丞相,改_了以前由_族做丞相的_例。 _了_一步加_君主_力,武帝用派御史的方式_地方豪_、官吏_行_督。公元前106年,他_全_分成十三__察_,每__叫作部,每部派出一名刺史,中央的刺史叫作司_校尉,其他十二_州都叫刺史。刺史地位相_高,相_于_差大臣,六百石__的刺史可以督察二千石__的郡_守相等。 _了中央政府在__和政治上的需要,武帝_冶_、煮_、_酒等民_生意收_中央管理,使_家_占__民生意_最重要的手工_和商_的利_。他_十分重_解__制__,先后_行六次_制改革,一方面_定了金融,另一方面_地方___重新_一于中央。特_是三官五_的_行,解_了困扰西_金融多年的私_、____,所以_制改革取得了_大成功,极大促_了__的_展。 在思想上,武帝采用董仲舒“_黜百家,_尊儒_”的建_,_束先秦以_“_异道,人异_,百家殊方”的局面,并以儒家思想作__家的_治思想,_儒_教育在中_古代的特殊地位_平了道路,并_立了__的最高_府太____行儒_教育。采取以儒_主以法__,_法外儒的体制,_固政府_威和皇_地位。 在_事上,武帝首先平定了南方_越___,后以_事手段代替和_政策,以_底解_北方匈奴威_。三次派兵大_模出_匈奴,收复河套地_,_取河西走廊,____朝北部疆域推至了漠北。武帝是中__史上第一位派大_深入匈奴腹地_行__的皇帝。大_模的_外__,使得_威__,奠定了_地的基本范_,__了_武盛世的局面。 武帝_期,__出使西域,_辟了__之路,第一次_中_的目光投向了世界,_使到_了大宛、康居、大月氏、大夏、安息、今印度、于_、扜_、犁_等__,_拓了_接__大_的__之路。其中最_到_埃及__山大港,使__非的___易就此成型。 _史典籍《__》_价武帝是“雄才大略”。古代著作《_法》___“威_睿德曰武”,就是_威_、__、明智、仁德叫武。在中__史_上,“秦皇_武”_常互相_接。他的功_,_中__史_程和之后西_王朝的_展影_十分深_。