Toward the end of his life, Maurice Merleau-Ponty made a striking retrieval of F. W. J. Schelling's philosophy of nature. The Barbarian Principle explores the relationship between these two thinkers on this topic, opening up a dialogue with contemporary philosophical and ecological significance that will be of special interest to philosophers working in phenomenology and German idealism.
The world’s population is now 7.4 billion people, placing ever greater demands on our natural resources. As we stand witness to a possible reversal of modernity’s positive trends, Malthus’s pessimism is worth full reconsideration. This Norton Critical Edition includes: · An introduction and explanatory annotations by Joyce E. Chaplin. · Malthus’s Essay in its first published version (1798) along with selections from the expanded version (1803), which he considered definitive, as well as his Appendix (1806). · An unusually rich selection of supporting materials thematically arranged to promote classroom discussion. Topics include “Influences on Malthus,” “Economics, Population, and Ethics after Malthus,” “Malthus and Global Challenges,” and “Malthusianism in Fiction.” · A Chronology and a Selected Bibliography.
This two-volume co-authored study explores the history of the concept ‘barbarism’ from the 18th century to the present and illuminates its foundational role in modern European and Western identity. It constitutes an original comparative, interdisciplinary exploration of the concept’s modern European and Western history, with emphasis on the role of literature in the concept’s shifting functions. The study contributes to a historically grounded understanding of this figure’s past and contemporary uses. It combines overviews with detailed analyses of representative works of literature, art, film, philosophy, political and cultural theory, in which “barbarism” figures prominently. Diese auf 2 Bände konzipierte komparatistische und interdisziplinäre Studie in englischer Sprache geht der Geschichte des Barbarenbegriffs vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart nach. Seit der griechischen Antike spielen Bild und Begriff des Barbarischen eine eminente Rolle für das abendländische Selbstverständnis. Die Studie verbindet Epochenüberblicke mit der Analyse herausragender literarischer, philosophischer, politik- und kulturtheoretischer, aber auch bildkünstlerischer und kinematographischer Werke und legt einen besonderen Akzent auf den Beitrag ästhetischer Verfahren zur Aufdeckung der Herkunft und der Implikationen des Barbarenbegriffs.