BattleTech Legends: D.R.T.

BattleTech Legends: D.R.T.

Author: Jim Long

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2018-09-11

Total Pages: 352



DEAD RIGHT THERE Flush with their success against the Jade Falcons on Borghese, Jeremiah Rose and the Black Thorns head to Harlech to draw a new assignment. Their only requirement: Their new job must let them face off against the Clans. They find more than they bargained for. Their assignment: Garrison duty on Wolcott—a Kurita planet deep in the heart of the Clan Smoke Jaguar occupation zone. The world itself is besieged, but protected from further Clan aggression by the Clan code of honor. And Wolcott makes a useful staging area for Kurita raids on Smoke Jaguar-occupied territory. The mission pay is good. The advance is unbelievable. They just have to live long enough to spend it...

BattleTech Legends: Blood Legacy

BattleTech Legends: Blood Legacy

Author: Michael A. Stackpole

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2018-10-23

Total Pages: 576



THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY... Since appearing in the Inner Sphere, the frenzied Clans have overwhelmed every planet they’ve invaded, brutally crushing any opposing force. Their race is selectively bred for combat. Their technology is superior to anything the Inner Sphere possesses. Nothing the Great Houses have can stop them. Humanity’s only hope—an alliance of mortal enemies—may be doomed. The Clan invaders have chosen their next objective—Luthien, capital of the Draconis Combine. House Kurita must now fight for survival on its homeworld. Hanse Davion is presented with a situation undreamt of...the final defeat of the Dragon itself. Should he attack his distracted foe and destroy the enemy his family has battled for over 300 years? Or should he reinforce a fellow House of the Inner Sphere against a force that Davion and the Federated Commonwealth might not otherwise defeat when their time comes? And even if the Houses should somehow agree to stand together against the Clan menace, another just as dangerous threat lurks within their very midst. ComStar, the semi-mystic sect that controls interstellar communication, schemes to hurl House Davion, House Kurita, and the Clans into a devastating war that will leave ComStar in a position to dominate the Inner Sphere...

BattleTech Legends: Surrender Your Dreams

BattleTech Legends: Surrender Your Dreams

Author: Blaine Lee Pardoe

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2022-03-14

Total Pages: 409



BEYOND THE WALLS… They are the Fidelis, a brotherhood of warriors whose devotion to honor and courage on the battlefield is unmatched. Their existence known only to a former exarch, they are a fighting force to be reckoned with—a force three knights must consider as they undertake missions that could save the Republic…or cripple it. Lady Crystal Synd embodies the vision of the knight-errant. Devoted wholeheartedly to the Republic and its citizens, she believes in her mission. But what she must do to accomplish it will test her mettle as a knight—and as a human being. Hunter Mannheim is descended from a long line of military leaders, and feels he must continue the tradition of excellence in service and sacrifice in battle. But what he must sacrifice in the name of duty may be more than he can bear. Kristoff Erbe is a man burdened by shame. His father was a collaborator who served as commander of a “re-education camp” for those who defied the fanatical Word of Blake. To this day, Kristoff searches for a way to redeem his family honor. Three knights. Three dreams. For each, one chance lies outside the walls of the Fortress Republic…

BattleTech Legends: The Last Charge

BattleTech Legends: The Last Charge

Author: Jason M. Hardy

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2022-09-06

Total Pages: 434



BESET ON ALL SIDES… It is a time of trials for the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth. Besieged by enemies, their once-mighty forces are struggling to simply survive—as is their leader… Anson Marik is at his wit’s end. His Lyran enemies—aided by the warriors of Clan Wolf—are pressing on the borders of the Commonwealth. His chief tactician wishes to resign in the middle of chaos. And his abilities as a leader are failing him—he finds himself unable to summon the legendary rage that focuses his mind—and the loss could not have come at a worse time. For his allied enemies are on the move, taking the Commonwealth apart planet by planet, forcing Marik to pull his forces back in a fighting retreat. And if Anson Marik cannot gather his strength to stop the invasion, his people will be doomed...

BattleTech Legends: Patriot's Stand

BattleTech Legends: Patriot's Stand

Author: Mike Moscoe

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2021-07-27

Total Pages: 369



A DESPERATE FIGHT… Under assault and ill-equipped, Alkalurops has come apart since the loss of its communications grid and the inability of the Republic of the Sphere to re-establish it. But in a universe of powerful players, a leader has to grab power fast if she's going to survive... Grace O'Malley's people are valiantly making a stand against Hansen's Roughriders, a band of mercenaries destroying everything in their path. Badly outnumbered, her forces need real BattleMechs operated by trained MechWarriors. And they're not going to be easy to afford, especially since the big mine owners refuse to offer any funds for planetary defense. But Grace will not surrender her homeland, no matter what the price. Even though the ragtag locals are putting up a surprisingly good fight, Loren Hansen remains confident he can defeat them. What he doesn't count on is an opponent determined to write her planet's history in the scorched wreckage of the battlefield...

BattleTech Legends: Trial by Chaos

BattleTech Legends: Trial by Chaos

Author: J. Steven York

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2021-12-28

Total Pages: 417



THE PRICE OF PEACE… The Raging Bears have begun their occupation of the planet Vega with the hope of restoring order on a planet beset by violence and civil ruin. But their bold move to stabilize Prefecture I for the Republic of the Sphere may be the chance their enemies have been waiting for… While the military takeover of Vega was no great challenge, setting up a new planetary government and restoring the infrastructure of civilization have proven far more difficult for the peacekeeping forces of the Rasalhague Dominion. An underground resistance stubbornly refuses to cease its operations, and Galaxy Commander Isis Bekker suspects the Draconis Combine is secretly supporting the rebellion. As the Combine threatens them from without, the Bears also find themselves plagued by betrayal and deception from within. Unless they can expose the dissenting elements in their clan, they may end up as fodder for destruction…or usher in a new understanding of what it means to be Clan, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since their return to the Inner Sphere…

BattleTech Legends: Hunters of the Deep

BattleTech Legends: Hunters of the Deep

Author: Randall N. Bills

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2021-09-26

Total Pages: 330



DISSENT FROM WITHIN… Sea Fox Clansmen are space-bound, nomadic warrior-merchants who live and die aboard their naval vessels, going planetside only to negotiate a new deal or for combat—often the same thing for a Fox. Divided into five autonomous Khanates, they are led by the Khan of Clan Sea Fox. Their mission: to make deals and acquire the revenue needed to expand Sea Fox's honor, glory, and power... For more than a decade, ovKhan Sha Clarke has watched his Spina Khanate achieve greater wealth and fame than any other. A burning passion drives him to free Spina Khanate from the shackles of Clan Sea Fox—no matter the cost... Fiercely loyal to Clan Sea Fox, ovKhan Petr Kalasa knows Sha is plotting rebellion, but even he cannot guess the lengths to which the other ovKhan will go to achieve his goal. Attempting to stop his rival, he baits Sha into a one-on-one duel. The result is a disaster that vividly demonstrates how much Petr will have to sacrifice to put an end to Sha's machinations. Yet his suspicions of Sha will not let him rest. Petr has lost one battle, but—as the Clan as his witness—he will not lose the war...

BattleTech Legends: Warrior: Riposte

BattleTech Legends: Warrior: Riposte

Author: Michael A. Stackpole

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2018-12-13

Total Pages: 540



THE GAUNTLET IS THROWN… Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner have united two Great Houses of the Inner Sphere in a marriage that upsets the balance of power among the stars. Though some hope this may bring an end to centuries of war, Maximilian Liao of the Capellan Confederation has enlisted the aid of two highly placed Davion traitors to destroy Hanse Davion and the Federated Suns from both within and without. But in the distant star chambers of the Capellan March and Draconis Combine, the warlords of Maximilian Liao are honoring a different and more deadly vow: to wage an unholy war that threatens to rip apart the vulnerable worlds of the Federated Suns. As Davion ’Mech commander Andrew Redburn and his mercenaries streak into battle, an explosive clash of metal and men signals the return of a formidable foe. Interstellar legend Yorinaga Kurita has returned to stake his claim as the most bloodthirsty warrior of all. For both men, it is do-or-die combat that could ensure the triumph of a glorious new alliance—or result in total annihilation…

BattleTech Legends: Dragon Rising

BattleTech Legends: Dragon Rising

Author: Ilsa J. Bick

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2022-03-20

Total Pages: 507



CLAWS THAT CATCH… As a reward for her loyalty and cunning, Katana Tormark has been granted the rank of Warlord of Dieron—a somewhat dubious honor. For even as she is given her new title, she is also given a nearly impossible task to prove her worth—one that may usher in a new era of interplanetary chaos... Barely three generations ago, the Draconis Combine ceded control of dozens of planets to the Republic of the Sphere. But now, with Terra locked behind its impenetrable Fortress Wall, these same planets are left to fend for themselves. Some go on as if nothing has changed, while others find themselves pawns in a deadly game of territorial sovereignty. These are the planets Katana must take over if she is to reestablish the historic Dieron Military District. If she can manage this with minimal resources and the very subtle support of the Coordinator, then she will become a full-fledged warlord of House Kurita. But Katana’s enemies inside and outside the Combine see the ensuing confusion as a chance to destroy her once and for all...

BattleTech Legends: To Ride the Chimera

BattleTech Legends: To Ride the Chimera

Author: Kevin Killiany

Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs

Published: 2022-09-17

Total Pages: 531



TO REFORGE A SHATTERED LEAGUE… A MechWarrior without peer, Thaddeus Marik has become the figurehead for a new community of worlds attempting to resurrect the Free Worlds League after the collapse of the Republic of the Sphere. After defeating a Lyran invasion on the planet of Savannah and negotiating a successful alliance with the Clan Protectorate Coalition, Marik must now ally himself with Jessica Halas-Hughes Marik if the new league is to have a chance. Having Marik and his forces at her side gives Jessica much-needed credibility and greater influence on Oriente. But old hatreds die hard, erupting in a war against enemies who will stop at nothing to destroy the founding of a new league...