Esta investigación de los procesos de recepción de TV pretende obtener un conocimiento útil de ésta, para formar televidentes críticos, autónomos y creativos. El libro está estructurado en dos partes: la primera aborda la recepción, y la segunda discute la educación y la generación de alternativas.
La forma de consumir televisión está cambiando a gran velocidad. Las narrativas transmedia, el consumo en dispositivos móviles, la gamificación, las llamadas «segundas pantallas», la implicación con redes 2.0 y la audiencia social representan un reto, pero también ofrecen enormes posibilidades para los creadores de contenidos audiovisuales. El concepto de televisión basada en el broadcasting cede su protagonismo a los contenidos con implicación en social media y concepción transmedia. Este libro nos acerca a las nuevas rutinas productivas y al diseño de estrategias acordes con este nuevo paradigma comunicativo, y lo hace combinando los referentes académicos con aportaciones directas de la industria de la comunicación y el análisis de casos de éxito para ofrecer a los lectores la posibilidad de comprender en qué medida está cambiando el audiovisual, los espectadores y las dinámicas sociales en torno a la televisión.
This work brings together 14 national reports and a detailed account of television in the European Union. It provides data on the contradictory processes of media globalization and decentralization and offers an optomistic approach to the future of television in the new era of digital broadcasting.
Mexican cinema is booming today, a decade after the international successes of Amores perros and Y tu mamá también. Mexican films now display a wider range than any comparable country, from art films to popular genre movies, and boasting internationally renowned directors like Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Guillermo del Toro. At the same time, television has broadened its output, moving beyond telenovelas to produce higher-value series and mini-series. Mexican TV now stakes a claim to being the most dynamic and pervasive national narrative. This new book by Paul Julian Smith is the first to examine the flourishing of audiovisual fiction in Mexico since 2000, considering cinema and TV together. It covers much material previously unexplored and engages with emerging themes, including violence, youth culture, and film festivals. The book includes reviews of ten films released between 2001 and 2012 by directors who are both established (Maryse Sistach, Carlos Reygadas) and new (Jorge Michel Grau, Michael Rowe, Paula Markovitch). There is also an appendix that includes interviews carried out by the author in 2012 with five audiovisual professionals: a feature director, a festival director, an exhibitor, a producer, and a TV screenwriter. Mexican Screen Fiction will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars and essential reading for anyone interested in one of the most vibrant audiovisual industries in the world today.
Este manual está dirigido a estudiantes de comunicación y de educación de grado y posgrado. El eje central de toda la obra es el novedoso concepto de Factor R-elacional, atendiendo al nuevo modelo que los autores han bautizado como «TRIC» (Tecnologías de la Relación, Información y Comunicación), que dibuja un nuevo escenario de contextos y mediaciones en la comunicación digital y móvil. Este libro contiene todas las partes esenciales para entender la comunicación digital: fundamentos, principios, interactuantes, competencias, mediaciones e inteRmetodología.Desde una perspectiva educomunicativa, los autores proponen métodos innovadores para llevar a cabo prácticas de aprendizaje digital en entornos presenciales, semipresenciales y virtuales. Como aportación final, se entrevista a seis reconoidos expertos en educación mediática y competencia digital para abordar desde su mirada diferentes temas planteados en el libro, de forma dialógica y abierta a la reflexión. También se brinda a los lectores la posibilidad de participar e interactuar en un laboratorio de experiencias TRIC.
La peculiaridad del presente libro es que son dos libros en uno. Los primeros 5 capítulos se presentan bajo el subtítulo “Conocer a las Audiencias” y en ellos se abordan temas que tienen a las audiencias contemporáneas y sus procesos de consumo cultural y de interacción mediática y digital como centro de la discusión; mientras que los siguientes 5 capítulos se agrupan bajo el subtítulo: “Posicionarse a las Nuevas Estrategias para Nuevos Sectores” y ofrecen temas variados relacionados a la publicidad, los modelos de negocio y las nuevas situaciones del mercado mediático, abordajes sobre turismo y la situación nueva de turistas en tanto receptores de información con demandas más puntuales a la ofertada tradicionalmente. El capítulo final es un ensayo elocuente sobre el comportamiento comunicacional de sectores de la audiencia vinculados a Internet frente a una teleserie de la televisión clásica en Ecuador. Y si bien estos dos conjuntos de capítulos difieren en sus temáticas concretas, conllevan en común la búsqueda de nuevas definiciones, nuevos diseños metodológicos y nuevas conceptualizaciones de sus temas específicos.Los autores aquí reunidos proceden del ámbito iberoamericano, hispano y luso parlante, americano y europeo, lo cual ofrece una singular muestra internacional de trayectorias, intereses académicos y abordajes a los temas seleccionados.
This book presents a collection of chapters that focus on the convergence of television today, approached using an interdisciplinary perspective. Clearly, the importance of technological advances describes only one aspect of this evolutionary process. In this book, convergence is also examined from other equally important perspectives, which include a historical case study on convergence and culture-viewer evolution and the changes that interactivity has introduced as opposed to static content. Because this publication focuses on all aspects that transform the medium, users, content, broadcasting, and interactive technology, it becomes evident that convergence is a highly interdisciplinary subject that must always be addressed from various perspectives.
"Genuinely transnational in content, as sensitive to the importance of production as consumption, covering the full range of approaches from political economy to textual analysis, and written by a star-studded cast of contributors" - Emeritus Professor Graeme Turner, University of Queensland "Finally, we have before us a first rate, and wide ranging volume that reframes television studies afresh, boldly synthesising debates in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences...This volume should be in every library and media scholar’s bookshelf." - Professor Ravi Sundaram, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies Bringing together a truly international spread of contributors from across the UK, US, South America, Mexico and Australia, this Handbook charts the field of television studies from issues of ownership and regulation through to reception and consumption. Separate chapters are dedicated to examining the roles of journalists, writers, cinematographers, producers and manufacturers in the production process, whilst others explore different formats including sport, novella and soap opera, news and current affairs, music and reality TV. The final section analyses the pivotal role played by audiences in the contexts of gender, race and class, and spans a range of topics from effects studies to audience consumption. The SAGE Handbook of Television Studies is an essential reference work for all advanced undergraduates, graduate students and academics across broadcasting, mass communication and media studies.
Media and Metamedia Management has contributions from seven prestigious experts, who offer their expertise and the view from their vantage point on communication, journalism, advertising, audiovisual, and corporate, political, and digital communication, paying special attention to the role of new technologies, the Internet and social networks, also from an ethics and legal dimension. A total of 118 authors belonging to 31 universities from Spain, Portugal, England and Ecuador have contributed to this book edited, coordinated and introduced by professors Francisco Campos-Freire and Xosé López-García, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, José Rúas-Araújo, from the University of Vigo, and Valentín A. Martínez-Fernández, from the University of A Coruña. Readers may also enjoy 66 articles, grouped into diverse chapters, on Journalism and cyberjournalism, audiovisual sector and media economy, corporate and institutional communication, and new media and metamedia.
This first book in the Journalism Insights series examines the major practical and ethical challenges confronting contemporary sports journalists which have emerged from, or been exacerbated by, the use of digital and social media. Combining both quantitative and qualitative research and contributions from industry experts in sports reporting across Europe, America and Australia, the collection offers a valuable look at the digital sports reporting industry today. Issues discussed in the text include the ethical questions created by social media abuse received by sports journalists, the impact of social media on narratives about gender and race, and the ‘silencing’ of journalists over the issue of trans athletes, as well as the impact on ‘traditional’ aspects of sports journalism, such as the match report. The book features first-hand accounts from leading sports reporters and scholars about how these changes have affected the industry and sets out what ‘best practice’ looks like in this field today. This book will be a useful resource for scholars and students working in the fields of journalism, media, sports and communication, as well as for current sports journalism practitioners interested in the future of a changing industry.