The animated worlds of the current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nickelodeon cartoon and Batman: The Animated Series collide in this outstanding mini-series featuring fan-favorite characters from both universes! Villains start to mysteriously escape Arkham and Batman seeks to track them down, but he discovers that they have left Gotham completely... and gone to the New York City of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Collects issues #1-6!
Spinning straight out of the hit Nickelodeon show, Volume 2 collects four more fantastic tales. The Turtles battle Fishface, the Shellraiser goes haywire, Dogpound ruins a movie night for everyone, and Monkey Brains squares off against Rat King! Collects issues #5_8!
The Turtles return from Burnow Island to find unimaginable tragedy. As the family struggles to cope, an enraged Foot Clan prepares its revenge. It's all been building to this...the start of the final storyline leading to #50!
Donatello accidentally creates a new water-based mutant in his lab. The aquatic ally seems peaceful enough... until the Drip realizes thereĆs a lot more water in the world than Don lets on! Collects issues #13_14 and the Carmelo Anthony Special!
The Kraang have infiltrated the local zoo to mutate as many animals as possible, Donatello whips up a new invention in the hopes of getting April's attention but with unintended consequences, and Leonardo creates the mother of all obstacle courses. Collects issues #13_16.