This volume contains the papers which were presented to the workshop "Computer-Science Logic" held in Karlsruhe on October 12-16, 1987. Traditionally Logic, or more specifically, Mathematical Logic splits into several subareas: Set Theory, Proof Theory, Recursion Theory, and Model Theory. In addition there is what sometimes is called Philosophical Logic which deals with topics like nonclassical logics and which for historical reasons has been developed mainly at philosphical departments rather than at mathematics institutions. Today Computer Science challenges Logic in a new way. The theoretical analysis of problems in Computer Science for intrinsic reasons has pointed back to Logic. A broad class of questions became visible which is of a basically logical nature. These questions are often related to some of the traditional disciplines of Logic but normally without being covered adequately by any of them. The novel and unifying aspect of this new branch of Logic is the algorithmic point of view which is based on experiences people had with computers. The aim of the "Computer-Science Logic" workshop and of this volume is to represent the richness of research activities in this field in the German-speaking countries and to point to their underlying general logical principles.
This volume contains the 13 best of the 18 papers presented at the first MFDBS conference held in Dresden, GDR, January 19-23, 1987. A short summary of the two panel discussions is also included. The volume is intended to be a reflection of the current state of knowledge and a guide to further development in database theory. The main topics covered are: theoretical fundaments of the relational data model (dependency theory, design theory, null values, query processing, complexity theory), and of its extensions (graphical representations, NF2-models), conceptual modelling of distributed database management systems and the relationship between logic and databases.
This volume contains most of the papers presented at the 6th Logic Programming Conference held in Tokyo, June 22-24, 1987. It is the successor of Lecture Notes in Computer Science volumes 221 and 264. The contents cover foundations, programming, architecture and applications. Topics of particular interest are constraint logic programming and parallelism. The effort to apply logic programming to large-scale realistic problems is another important subject of these proceedings.
This volume contains the proceedings of CONCURRENCY 88, an international conference on formal methods for distributed systems, held October 18-19, 1988 in Hamburg. CONCURRENCY 88 responded to great interest in the field of formal methods as a means of mastering the complexity of distributed systems. In addition, the impulse was determined by the fact that the various methodological approaches, such as constructive or property oriented methods, have not had an extensive comparative analysis nor have they been investigated with respect to their possible integration and their practical implications. The following topics were addressed: Specification Languages, Models for Distributed Systems, Verification and Validation, Knowledge Based Protocol Modeling, Fault Tolerance, Distributed Databases. The volume contains 12 invited papers and 14 contributions selected by the program committee. They were presented by authors from Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.
This volume is the proceedings of the second International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) held in Bruges, Belgium, August 31 - September 2, 1988. ICDT intends to provide a European forum for the international research community working on theoretical issues related to database and knowledge base systems. The proceedings of this conference contain all invited and accepted papers, which represent the latest results obtained in ongoing research in database theory worldwide. Most major themes of research in database theory are covered in ICDT '88: the relational model, logic and databases, object-oriented databases, deductive databases, conceptual models, analysis and design of data structures, query languages, concurrency control and updates and transactions.
This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Workshop on Algebraic and Logic Programming held in Gaussig (German Democratic Republic) from November 14 to 18, 1988. The workshop was devoted to Algebraic Programming, in the sense of programming by algebraic specifications and rewrite rule systems, and Logic Programming, in the sense of Horn clause specifications and resolution systems. This includes combined algebraic/logic programming systems, mutual relations and mutual implementation of programming paradigms, completeness and efficiency considerations in both fields, as well as related topics.
The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was held at the University of Würzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As the interest in the fascinating field of Computational Geometry and its Applications has grown very quickly in recent years the organizers felt the need to have a workshop, where a suitable number of invited participants could concentrate their efforts in this field to cover a broad spectrum of topics and to communicate in a stimulating atmosphere. This workshop was attended by some fifty invited scientists. The scientific program consisted of 22 contributions, of which 18 papers with one additional paper (M. Reichling) are contained in the present volume. The contributions covered important areas not only of fundamental aspects of Computational Geometry but a lot of interesting and most promising applications: Algorithmic Aspects of Geometry, Arrangements, Nearest-Neighbor-Problems and Abstract Voronoi-Diagrams, Data Structures for Geometric Objects, Geo-Relational Algebra, Geometric Modeling, Clustering and Visualizing Geometric Objects, Finite Element Methods, Triangulating in Parallel, Animation and Ray Tracing, Robotics: Motion Planning, Collision Avoidance, Visibility, Smooth Surfaces, Basic Models of Geometric Computations, Automatizing Geometric Proofs and Constructions.