This comprehensive monograph synthesizes the research on the Individual Placement and Support model of supported employment for people with severe mental illness. It identifies empirical foundations for core principles of the model and reviews the literature on effectiveness, long-term outcomes, cost-effectiveness, generalizability, implementation, and policy implications.
Traditional approaches to vocational rehabilitation, such as skills training classes, job clubs, and sheltered employment, have not been successful in helping people with severe mental illness gain competitive employment. Supported employment, in which clients are placed in jobs and then trained by on-site coaches, is a radically new conceptual approach to vocational rehabilitation designed for people with developmental disabilities. The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) method utilizes the supported employment concept, but modifies it for use with the severely mentally ill. It is the only approach that has a strong empirical research base: rates of competitive employment are 40% or more in IPS programs, compared to 15% in traditional mental health programs. The third volume in the Innovations in Practice and Service Delivery with Vulnerable Populations series, this will be extremely useful to students in psychiatric rehabilitation programs and social work classes dealing with the severely mentally ill, as well as to practitioners in the field.
"The TSW program is an evidence-based intervention that enhances people's cognitive functioning in order to help them get and keep competitive jobs. This book explains how to provide the TSW program, and includes materials for implementing it, such as educational handouts and assessment tools. In addition, the book contains a wealth of information about overcoming common cognitive obstacles to steady employment that may be useful to the broad range of professionals helping individuals return to work"--
Ce livre comprend un profil du mouvement de l'intégration au travail et du Supported employment avec une perspective historique, une déclaration des orientations nécessaires à l'intégration sociale, des stratégies d'iontervention reliées à une approche behavioriste sur l'enseignement professionnel et des recommandations pour l'application de programme d'intégration au travail.
Updated with a new and improved assessment approach, more self-employment success stories, and the latest on policy changes and online opportunities, this book is your step-by-step guide to helping adults with disabilities get a small business off to a strong start.
Current estimates suggest that between one and three percent of people living in the United States will receive a diagnosis of mental retardation. Mental retardation, a condition characterized by deficits in intellectual capabilities and adaptive behavior, can be particularly hard to diagnose in the mild range of the disability. The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) provides income support and medical benefits to individuals with cognitive limitations who experience significant problems in their ability to perform work and may therefore be in need of governmental support. Addressing the concern that SSA's current procedures are consistent with current scientific and professional practices, this book evaluates the process used by SSA to determine eligibility for these benefits. It examines the adequacy of the SSA definition of mental retardation and its current procedures for assessing intellectual capabilities, discusses adaptive behavior and its assessment, advises on ways to combine intellectual and adaptive assessment to provide a complete profile of an individual's capabilities, and clarifies ways to differentiate mental retardation from other conditions.
This comprehensive, authoritative text provides a state-of-the-art review of current knowledge and best practices for helping adults with psychiatric disabilities move forward in their recovery process. The authors draw on extensive research and clinical expertise to accessibly describe the “whats,” “whys,” and “how-tos” of psychiatric rehabilitation. Coverage includes tools and strategies for assessing clients’ needs and strengths, integrating medical and psychosocial interventions, and implementing supportive services in such areas as housing, employment, social networks, education, and physical health. Detailed case examples in every chapter illustrate both the real-world challenges of severe mental illness and the nuts and bolts of effective interventions.