As the U.S. enters a new cent., the 107th Cong. and the new admin. face an array of challenges and opportunities to enhance the performance and accountability of the Fed. gov't. and to position our country for the future. The GAO's recently issued Performance and Accountability Series describes those challenges. This report provides a framework for considering the budgetary implications of certain program reform options discussed in past GAO work but not yet addressed or enacted. This report is not a complete summary of possible options, but it does provide specific examples that demonstrate the programmatic and fiscal oversight needed as we enter the new millennium. Charts and tables.
The burden of cleaning up Superfund & other haz. waste sites is increasingly shifting to taxpayers, part'y. since bus. handling haz. sub. are no longer taxed under Superfund & the backlog of sites needing cleanup is growing. While environ. laws rely on the polluter paysÓ principle, the extent to which liable parties cease oper. or restructure can directly affect the cleanup costs faced by taxpayers. This report: determines how many bus. with liab. under fed. law for environ. cleanups have declared bankruptcy, & how many such cases the gov't. has pursued in court; identifies challenges the EPA faces in holding bankrupt & other financially distressed bus. resp. for their cleanup oblig.; & identifies actions that EPA could take to ensure that bus. pay for their cleanups.
In Understanding Environmental Policy, Steven Cohen introduces an innovative, multidimensional framework for developing effective environmental policy within the United States and around the world. He demonstrates his approach through an analysis of four case studies representing current local, national, and international environmental challenges: New York City's garbage crisis; the problem of leaks from underground storage units; toxic waste contamination and the Superfund program; and global climate change. He analyzes the political, scientific, technological, organizational, and moral import of these environmental issues and the nature of the policy surrounding them. He also places a specific focus on the response from the George W. Bush administration. Cohen considers how our current environmental policy and problems reflect the value we place on our ecosystems; whether science and technology can solve the environmental problems they create; and what policy is necessary to reduce environmentally damaging behaviors. Cohen's multifaceted approach is essential reading for analysts, managers, activists, students, and scholars of environmental policy.
Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies