Starting from basic electrodynamics, this volume provides a solid, yet concise introduction to theoretical optics, containing topics such as nonlinear optics, light-matter interaction, and modern topics in quantum optics, including entanglement, cryptography, and quantum computation. The author, with many years of experience in teaching and research, goes way beyond the scope of traditional lectures, enabling readers to keep up with the current state of knowledge. Both content and presentation make it essential reading for graduate and phD students as well as a valuable reference for researchers.
While the theory of special relativity is often associated with the idea of traveling faster than light, this book shows that in all these cases subtle forces of nature conspire to prevent these motions being harnessed to send signals faster than the speed of light. The author tackles these topics both conceptually, with minimal or no mathematics, and quantitatively, making use of numerous illustrations to clarify the discussion. The result is a joy to read for both scientists familiar with the subject and laypeople wishing to understand something of special relativity.
This introduction to the field contains a careful selection of topics and examples without sacrificing scientific strictness. The author guides readers through mathematical modelling, the theoretical treatment of the underlying physical laws and the construction and effective use of numerical procedures to describe the behaviour of the dynamics of physical flow. Both students and experts intending to control or predict the behavior of fluid flows by theoretical and computational fluid dynamics will benefit from the combination of all relevant aspects in one handy volume. The book consists of three main parts: The design of mathematical models of physical fluid flow; A theoretical treatment of the equations representing the model, as Navier-Stokes, Euler, and boundary layer equations, models of turbulence, in order to gain qualitative as well as quantitative insights into the processes of flow events; The construction and effective use of numerical procedures in order to find quantitative descriptions of concrete physical or technical fluid flow situations. This is the first text of its kind to merge all these subjects so thoroughly.
The main goal of this book is to establish the fundamental theorems of the subject in full and rigourous detail. In particular, the book contains complete proofs of Gromov's compactness theorem for spheres, of the gluing theorem for spheres, and of the associatively of quantum multiplication in the semipositive case. The book can also serve as an introduction to current work in symplectic topology.
This is a true masterpiece that will prove to be indispensable to the serious researcher for many years to come. --Enrico Bombieri, Institute for Advanced Study This is a truly comprehensive account of sieves and their applications, by two of the world's greatest authorities. Beginners will find a thorough introduction to the subject, with plenty of helpful motivation. The more practised reader will appreciate the authors' insights into some of the more mysterious parts of the theory, as well as the wealth of new examples. --Roger Heath-Brown, University of Oxford, Fellow of Royal Society This is a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of sieve methods. The theory of the sieve is developed thoroughly with complete and accessible proofs of the basic theorems. Included is a wide range of applications, both to traditional questions such as those concerning primes, and to areas previously unexplored by sieve methods, such as elliptic curves, points on cubic surfaces and quantum ergodicity. New proofs are given also of some of the central theorems of analytic number theory; these proofs emphasize and take advantage of the applicability of sieve ideas. The book contains numerous comments which provide the reader with insight into the workings of the subject, both as to what the sieve can do and what it cannot do. The authors reveal recent developements by which the parity barrier can be breached, exposing golden nuggets of the subject, previously inaccessible. The variety in the topics covered and in the levels of difficulty encountered makes this a work of value to novices and experts alike, both as an educational tool and a basic reference.
This text is for a course in cryptography for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Material is accessible to mathematically mature students having little background in number theory and computer programming. Core material is treated in the first eight chapters on areas such as classical cryptosystems, basic number theory, the RSA algorithm, and digital signatures. The remaining nine chapters cover optional topics including secret sharing schemes, games, and information theory. Appendices contain computer examples in Mathematica, Maple, and MATLAB. The text can be taught without computers.
The Mandelbrot set is a fractal shape that classifies the dynamics of quadratic polynomials. It has a remarkably rich geometric and combinatorial structure. This volume provides a systematic exposition of current knowledge about the Mandelbrot set and presents the latest research in complex dynamics. Topics discussed include the universality and the local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set, parabolic bifurcations, critical circle homeomorphisms, absolutely continuous invariant measures and matings of polynomials, along with the geometry, dimension and local connectivity of Julia sets. In addition to presenting new work, this collection documents important results hitherto unpublished or difficult to find in the literature. This book will be of interest to graduate students in mathematics, physics and mathematical biology, as well as researchers in dynamical systems and Kleinian groups.
Among the many differences between classical and p-adic objects, those related to differential equations occupy a special place. For example, a closed p-adic analytic one-form defined on a simply-connected domain does not necessarily have a primitive in the class of analytic functions. In the early 1980s, Robert Coleman discovered a way to construct primitives of analytic one-forms on certain smooth p-adic analytic curves in a bigger class of functions. Since then, there have been several attempts to generalize his ideas to smooth p-adic analytic spaces of higher dimension, but the spaces considered were invariably associated with algebraic varieties. This book aims to show that every smooth p-adic analytic space is provided with a sheaf of functions that includes all analytic ones and satisfies a uniqueness property. It also contains local primitives of all closed one-forms with coefficients in the sheaf that, in the case considered by Coleman, coincide with those he constructed. In consequence, one constructs a parallel transport of local solutions of a unipotent differential equation and an integral of a closed one-form along a path so that both depend nontrivially on the homotopy class of the path. Both the author's previous results on geometric properties of smooth p-adic analytic spaces and the theory of isocrystals are further developed in this book, which is aimed at graduate students and mathematicians working in the areas of non-Archimedean analytic geometry, number theory, and algebraic geometry.