On prend de plus en plus conscience de la necessite d'une normalisation sur le plan national et international des produits de transformation du manioc pour le commerce international. Ce rapport recapitule les informations dont on dispose actuellement sur les normes existantes, a la fois officielles et autres, concernant les produits du manioc et on y discute les parametres de qualite qui y sont lies.
Monthly. References from world literature of books, about 1000 journals, and patents from 18 selected countries. Classified arrangement according to 18 sections such as milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products, and food microbiology. Author, subject indexes.
HTTPS://WWW.CODEOFCHINA.COM EMAIL:[email protected] "Codeofchina Inc., a part of TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., is a professional Chinese code translator in China. Now, Codeofchina Inc. is running a professional Chinese code website, www.codeofchina.com. Through this website, Codeofchina Inc. provides English-translated Chinese codes to clients worldwide. About TransForyou TransForyou (Beijing) Translation Co., Ltd., established in 2003, is a reliable language service provider for clients at home and abroad. Since our establishment, TransForyou has been aiming to build up a translation brand with our professional dedicated service. Currently, TransForyou is the director of China Association of Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS); the committeeman of Localization Service Committee / Translators Association of China (TAC) and the member of Boya Translation Culture Salon (BTCS); and the field study center of the University of the University of International Business & Economics (UIBE) and Hebei University (HU). In 2016, TransForyou ranked 27th among Asian Language Service Providers by Common Sense Advisory. "
This toolkit provides a framework, guidelines, and practical tools for conducting an analysis of a country's trade competitiveness in terms of growth and share performance, diversification, and quality.