Shelf Sediment Dynamics and Development of Lithostratigraphy

Shelf Sediment Dynamics and Development of Lithostratigraphy



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 21



This workshop designed an integrated investigation of the stratigraphic signature that is created on the shelf and slope portions of continental margins. The goals of the overall program will: add geological perspective to shelf and slope studies of sediment transport, morphology and fine-scale stratigraphy (time scales

Sediment Erosion and Redistribution in Fine-Grained Shelf Environments

Sediment Erosion and Redistribution in Fine-Grained Shelf Environments



Published: 2007

Total Pages: 7



My long-term goal within the EuroSTRATAFORM program has been to increase our ability to predict sediment transport in fine-grained regions of the continental shelf through field work and application and further development of models at the Adriatic and Gulf of Lions EuroSTRATAFORM sites. Testing and extending our conceptual and numerical sediment transport models at these sites is an important goal of the EuroSTRATAFORM shelf process studies. The broad objectives of this project are to 1) measure along-shelf, across-shelf and temporal variations in critical shear stress and entrainment rates; 2) compare suspended sediment concentrations measured by bottom tripod with values calculated using measured entrainment rates; and 3) explore the implications of spatial variations in critical shear stress on cross-shelf sediment transport and deposition. During FY07 I was given a no-cost extension in order to 1) serve as lead guest editor of a special issue of Continental Shelf Research devoted to recent studies of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in the Gulf of Lions (Xavier Durrieu de Madron and Pere Puig are co-editors); and 2) complete analysis of erosion measurements made in the Gulf of Lions during the EuroSTRATAFORM program.

Field Measurements of Sediment Transport Processes in Support of the STRATAFORM Shelf Dynamics Study: Progress Report for 1995-1997

Field Measurements of Sediment Transport Processes in Support of the STRATAFORM Shelf Dynamics Study: Progress Report for 1995-1997



Published: 1997

Total Pages: 0



The global objective of the VIMS involvement in the STRATAFORM program continues to be to improve understanding of the spatially and temporally varying mechanisms that suspend, transport, and deposit sediment on the continental shelf in the vicinity of the mouth of the Eel River specifically and on continental shelves generally. Common objectives of the 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 field campaigns included: (a) to characterize the nature and spatial variability of bed roughness by means of side-scan sonar surveys; and (b) to obtain estimates of time-varying bed stresses over contrasting bottom types at two sites and to evaluate sediment resuspension in response to those stresses by means of bottom boundary layer tripod deployments. Field activities in 1996-1997 were also aimed at supporting the team efforts of the Eel River Plume Study.

A Study of Sediment Motions and Bottom Layer Dynamics Over the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf and Upper Slope. Final Technical Report, 1 June 1992--31 May 1995

A Study of Sediment Motions and Bottom Layer Dynamics Over the Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf and Upper Slope. Final Technical Report, 1 June 1992--31 May 1995



Published: 1995

Total Pages: 13



A study of sediment dynamics over the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) in the vicinity of the Cape Hatteras Confluence (CHC), including the mouths of estuaries, the shelf and the slope, was carried out by investigators at North Carolina State University as part of the Department of Energy Ocean Margins Program. Studied were processes effecting sediment motion. In particular, the processes which determine rates of vertical transport of dissolved carbon dioxide and organic matter and particulates to and from the bottom by turbulent mixing resuspension and particulate sinking and vertical motions induced by BBL convergences; especially during periods of storm activity when both surface waves and currents are maxima.