Oceanographic Observations at Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) in the Arctic Ocean in 1959-1960

Oceanographic Observations at Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) in the Arctic Ocean in 1959-1960

Author: Kou Kosunoki


Published: 1962

Total Pages: 126



Oceanographic obs rvation in the sou h rn Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean were conducted at Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) between June 1959 and September 1960. An lysis of data on temperature, salinity, and chemical elements revealed five major water masses in his region: Arctic Surface Water, Upper Intermediate Water, Atlantic Water, Low Intermediate Water, and Deep Shelf Water. Intrusion of relatively warm Pacific Water along the 25.5 - 26.0 isopycnal surface at about 75 m was characteristic. The temperature structure of the deep water in the Beaufort Basin showed that there is a relatively warm water mass at depths below 880 m (Lo r Intermediate Water), which is warmer than bottom waters in the Atlantic Water occurring between he upper and lower 0 C isotherms (250 m and 880 m respectively) is characterized by positive temperatures, having a maximum of 0.45 C at about 450 m. Deep Shelf Water is found at 15 m to 40 m on the very shallow continental shelf, being characterized by relatively low temperatures and abundance of silicon. E SONAL CHANGES IN TEMPERATURE AND OTHER OCEANOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS IN THE SURFACE LAYER ARE DESCRIBED IN CONNECTION WITH SUMMER HEATING AND WINTER ICE FORMATION. (Au hor).