Welcome To The Family

Welcome To The Family

Author: Kenneth Copeland

Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers

Published: 2012-05-01

Total Pages: 26

ISBN-13: 1606836730


In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares on a one-to-one basis the steps you are to follow in joining God's family. He shows what God's Word says about receiving salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing. Heaven wouldn't be the same without you!

He Gave Me Beauty for Ashes

He Gave Me Beauty for Ashes

Author: Olayinka Akingbade

Publisher: Xlibris Corporation

Published: 2010-02-22

Total Pages: 58

ISBN-13: 145003845X


He Gave Me Beauty for Ashes (Isaiah 61:3) Olayinka Akingbade A Journal on my Triumph Over Breast Cancer This journal was written as part of the healing process during my battle with cancer, and as an inspiration to others. I am not an experienced writer; however, jotting everything down along the way, not knowing how it was all going to end, seemed adventurous for me. Encouraged to write by my niece Dr. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo and my friend Natalie James while I was sick, I did not realize how effective and helpful this journal was going to be. Some of the proceeds of the sale of this book will go to support the American Cancer Society, in the hopes that more patients may be placed on Abraxane, the chemotherapy medication which helped so much during my recovery process, that, although seemingly inescapable, I did not need to have a Mastectomy after all! THE PAINS AND THE SORROW While composing this work, I recalled certain feelings that I experienced but had not included in the journal: The very first time I received chemotherapy, I felt weak, nauseated, and quite aggravated from the pain on my chest. My doctor had warned me that this was going to be very strong chemotherapy, and my heart had to be strong in order to withstand it. I vomited several times, and almost vomited on my visitors! And there were times when the pain was so strong, it would hurt if I cried or laughed. Any movement was excruciatingly painful; all I could bear was to lie down on my side. I just wanted to be left alone. In fact, I remember instructing my older son I did not want to speak to anyone, including “Big Mommy”, (the term of endearment my son had given to my sister Abosede Thomas, his Godmother). She had traveled from New York to Florida with her friend Yvonne Charles within 72 hours of hearing that I was admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with breast cancer. Being a competent nurse, she did nothing but shower me with care, yet I felt annoyed with all the attention. I recall her asking me if I was going through depression . . . I’m sure I was. I also remember sending away my friend Lourdes and my niece Oyinlola, who also came from New York to assist me, telling them I just wanted to be left alone. I now realize all these feelings of pain, despair, sorrow and loneliness are side effects of the chemotherapy. There were moments of confusion when I was not really sure what God was up to in all of this. Even though I trusted God knowing He’s in control and on the Throne, I still had many questions without answers, wondering what this was all about and how I was going to come out of it. There were times when fear came knocking at the door, remembering what had happened to people I knew that had suffered breast cancer. El me dio Belleza en Lugar de Cenizas (Isaias 61:3) Olayinka Akingbade Diario de Mi Triunfo Sobre el Cancer de Seno PROLOGO Este diario fue escrito como parte de mi proceso de sanidad durante mi batalla contra el cancer, y como inspiración a otros. No soy una escritora con experiencia; sin embargo, el escribirlo todo durante el proceso, sin saber como este proceso terminaría, me parecio una gran aventura. Animada a escribir por mi sobrina Dra. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo y mi amiga Natalie James mientras estuve enferma, no me imaginé cuan efectivo e útil este diario resultaría. Parte de los fondos recaudados de las ventas de este diario se otorgaran a la Sociedad Americana de Cancer, con la esperanza de que mas pacientes puedan beneficiarse de Abraxane, el medicamento de quimoterapia que me ayudó tanto durante mi proceso de recuperación, que a pesar de que parecía inevitable ¡no tuve la necesidad de una mastectomia después de todo! LOS DOLORES Y LA PENA Mientras redactaba esta obra, me vinieron a memoria ciertos sentimientos que experimenté, los cuales no habia incluído en mi diario: La primera ves que recibí quimotera

Principios Fundamentales De la Etica y de la Fe Cristiana

Principios Fundamentales De la Etica y de la Fe Cristiana

Author: Atilano Guilarte Leyva

Publisher: Palibrio

Published: 2012-04

Total Pages: 425

ISBN-13: 1463312377


La Verdad Busque la verdad y sígala La Biblia contiene la única verdad que salva de los horrendos efectos del pecado en la humanidad. Junto a ella vemos lado a lado al joven y al anciano, al sabio y al necio, al rico y al pobre, buscando en sus paginas la única verdad que sacia la sed del alma. En ella se encuentra el secreto de una vida superior, el convivir de una alta calidad humana, una vida fascinante que trasciende más allá de los crueles efectos del dolor, la angustia, la enfermedad, el envejecimiento y la muerte. Una vida gloriosa y eterna junto al Autor de la vida misma y Creador de las grandes maravillas de la naturaleza. Le invito a leerla con la iniciación de este eficiente método, y a practicar sus enseñanzas para que pueda encontrar en ella un raudal de bendiciones para su alma, para la vida cotidiana y para la inmortalidad. QUE DIOS LO BENDIGA

Salmos Modernos

Salmos Modernos

Author: EfraAn RAos Morales

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Published: 2022-01-17

Total Pages: 182

ISBN-13: 1639030972


Salmos de Dios para la epoca moderna Isaias 42, 9: "He aqui se cumplieron las cosas primeras y yo anuncio cosas nuevas; antes que salgan a la luz, yo os las hare notorias". El Espiritu Santo me ha inspirado a escribir este libro de Salmos Modernos, con vivencia diaria, sabiduria biblica, y con la inspiracion de Dios. La poesia biblica no solo es un don de nuestros antiguos patriarcas, sino mas bien llega a nosotros, hoy en dia, a traves de la lectura biblica y su sana aplicacion, con la direccion y motivacion del Espiritu Santo. Bienaventurados los que leen este libro "Salmos Modernos". Legado moderno de Dios a la humanidad.

Sanidad Divina

Sanidad Divina

Author: R. A. Torrey

Publisher: Babelcube Inc

Published: 2018-11-16

Total Pages: 37

ISBN-13: 1547531312


No sé de ningún libro acerca del tema de la Sanidad Divina que profundice en el tema y muestre todos los aspectos de la verdad en sus proporciones escriturales. Algunos ven sólo aquellos pasajes que enfatizan la habilidad y disposición de Dios para sanar nuestras enfermedades y lo que Él ha hecho para hacer tal sanidad posible el día de hoy; otros están totalmente ocupados con esos pasajes que dejan claro que Dios a veces no sana o que Dios tiene maneras diferentes de obrar en dispensaciones diferentes. Se necesita grandemente un libro que considere con absoluta imparcialidad todo lo que Dios tiene que decir acerca de este tema y que tenga solo una meta: descubrir exactamente lo que Dios enseña sobre este tema muy importante y todo lo que Él enseña. No hemos tomado en consideración tales interpretaciones extrañas, fantásticas y—para un erudito cuidadoso de la Biblia—ridículamente imposibles y realmente blasfemas en cuanto a que el pan en la Cena del Señor es para la sanidad del cuerpo, y el vino para la sanidad del alma. El tiempo nos faltaría para perseguir hasta su madriguera y decapitar a todas las fluctuaciones monstruosas que han obsesionado las imaginaciones excitadas de personas que han llegado a estar tan ocupadas con el pensamiento de la Sanidad Divina que fantaseaban que lo veían en todas partes. Hay una necesidad particular de un libro confiable sobre la Sanidad Divina en estos tiempos concretos. En todas partes hay un gran interés extraordinario en el tema. La gente está recurriendo por miles y por diez miles en ciudades diferentes a los aventureros y aventureras que a menudo no sólo les roban su oro, sino aquello que es mucho más precioso que el oro. Y no pocos evangelistas que han salido perdiendo en la labor legítima de la ganancia de almas, están poniendo en la delantera el asunto de la sanidad del cuerpo, y sin duda están atrayendo multitudes mucho mayores y recibiendo una paga mucho mayor que lo q

Philip's Daughters

Philip's Daughters

Author: Estrelda Y. Alexander

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2009-01-01

Total Pages: 277

ISBN-13: 163087700X


This volume brings together twelve scholars from a variety of scholarly fields including biblical studies, history, theology, sociology, anthropology, and missiology in a multi-disciplinary exploration of themes related to women's leadership within the three branches of the renewal movement: Holiness, Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions. These scholars - women and men - from both within and outside the traditions, draw on various methodologies including hermeneutics, ethnography, critical theory, and historical analysis to explore the experiences and contributions of women from the movement's inception to the present. They keep before us the challenges that still impact women's full participation as equal partners in ministry and leadership on both the American and global scene. The volume looks at the multiple roots of women's marginalization within the renewal movement while suggesting progressive solutions that take seriously the social locations of Pentecostal and Charismatic congregations and the theological foundations on which the movement has been built. At the same time, it locates these discussions within the broader postmodern realities facing the church as it attempts to faithfully live out its witness to the biblical truth that both male and female are created in the God's image and endowed with the capacity to work creatively toward the unfolding of the Kingdom.


Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers


Total Pages: 3265



Sanidad Divina

Sanidad Divina

Author: Yiye Ávila

Publisher: Unilit

Published: 1995

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781560636342


Toda enfermedad viene de manera directa o indirecta del diablo, no de Dios. ¿Estás enfermo? Satanás te enfermó y no Dios, que es amor y misericordia. La ciencia sana mediante el uso de medicamentos, operaciones y otros medios que han tenido éxito en muchas ocasiones. Sin embargo, Dios sana mediante el poder omnipotente del Espíritu Santo y creándolo todo nuevo. Lee en este libro hermosos testimonios que hablan de ese poder sanador y de cómo Dios responde a los que esperan en Él. All sickness comes directly or indirectly from the devil, not from God. Are you sick? Satan made you sick, not God who is love and mercy. Science heals through the use of medication, operations and other means that have been successful on many occasions. However, God heals through the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit and by creating everything new. Read in this book beautiful testimonies that speak of that healing power and how God responds to those who wait on Him.

Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing

Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing

Author: Candy Gunther Brown

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2011-02-24

Total Pages: 420

ISBN-13: 0199792526


Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity is a global phenomenon that comprises a quarter of the world's two billion Christians and is growing rapidly. This volume reveals that the primary appeal of pentecostalism worldwide is as a religion of healing. Contrary to popular stereotypes of flamboyant, fraudulent, anti-medical "faith healing" televangelists who preach a materialistic, "health and wealth" gospel, handle serpents, or sensationally "exorcize" demons, this book offers a more nuanced portrait. The collected essays illumine local variations, hybridities, and tensions in practices on six continents, and depict the extent of human suffering and powerlessness experienced by people everywhere and the attractiveness to many of a global religious movement that promises material relief by invoking spiritual resources. This is the first book of its kind. Achieving the twin goals of thick description and comparative analysis of global practices is best achieved by bringing area experts into conversation. This volume's distinguished, international team of contributors includes sociologists, anthropologists, historians, political scientists, theologians, and religious studies scholars from North America, Europe, and Africa. Read together, these essays set the agenda for a new program of scholarly inquiry into some of the largest forces of change at work in the world today-globalization, pentecostalism, and healing-each of which is extremely powerful in itself and which together are reshaping our world in vastly significant ways.