Sanarse y ayudar a sanar

Sanarse y ayudar a sanar

Author: Satya

Publisher: Youcanprint

Published: 2016-05-16

Total Pages: 263

ISBN-13: 8893213028


La enfermedad psico-física-emocional es una expresión de disonancias presentes en el cuerpo, en el corazón y en el Alma. Los Ángeles, con los mensajes aquí contenidos, donados a través de la canalización, nos ayudan a aceptar con serenidad cada disonancia, a reconocer sus causas, a comprender su sentido, a descubrir nuestro ‘Sanador interior’. Los Ángeles nos enseñan las ‘Recetas’ que llevan a la sanación, transforman, crean, permiten, nos reconcilian y hacen que vivamos como realmente deseamos. De esta manera descubrimos que: "El Camino hacia la sanación es el Camino del Amor, dónde el corazón camina de la mano del Alma para aprender ‘volar’. El libro forma parte de la siguiente serie de libros que contienen las canalizaciones donadas por los Ángeles. Con estos mensajes los Ángeles nos ayudan a recorrer el Camino para vivir en armonía con nosotros mismos y con los demás, en serenidad, en paz, a tener un corazón simple y alegre, un corazón de niño feliz. Estos libros pueden ayudarnos a recorrer un Camino de crecimiento y evolución. 1° libro: Tu mano en la Mía (2a edición) 2° libro: Estoy a tu lado 3° libro: Sanarse y ayudar a sanar 4° libro: Ayudar con la Luz y el Amor



Author: Dr. Jim Bourque Starr

Publisher: Author House

Published: 2011-09-21

Total Pages: 253

ISBN-13: 1463419759


La Intuicin es un Don que todos tenemos por igual pero igual que tantos talentos en la vida, si no lo usamos, lo perdemos. El Toque de la sanacin tambin lo tenemos todos pero solo aquellos que lo usan pueden hacer grandes cambios en su vida y las vidas que tocan. Ahora t o cualquiera persona puede aprender a utilizar estos dos regalos maravillosos para sanarte a ti mismo o los dems con esta tcnica de sanacin sagrada y energtica llamada InTuiTouch o toque intuitivo. Desarrollada en mas de 30 aos de experiencia clnica de sanacin y quiroprctica, combinando la filosofa de la sanacin cuntica con el extra sentido de la intuicin para guiarte a la fuente de cualquier enfermedad o reto de salud. Pginas de inspiracin e historias de sanaciones espontneas, que le darn al lector herramientas para aplicar inmediatamente en su vida. Incluida en la seccin final de este libro una sinopsis del manual tcnico para comenzar a utilizar la tcnica inmediatamente y ser un sanador del mtodo InTuiTouch, aunque se recomienda tomar los cursos Bsico e intermedio para profundizar, perfeccionar y adquirir la experiencia y sabidura completa.




Total Pages: 167



If It Could Happen To Buddha, Why Not You

If It Could Happen To Buddha, Why Not You


Publisher: SCB Distributors

Published: 2010-11-20

Total Pages: 104

ISBN-13: 8183281974


The Buddha never claimed to be anything other than an ordinary human being; he attributed his spiritual search and self-realisation to human effort, understanding and intelligence. But how many of us really take time out to reflect on our potential to usher fundamental changes in our lives and then more importantly, do something about it? This profoundly written book, interspersed with quotes from various masters like Osho, reminds us that the seed of consciousness is already sown-it is our responsibility to make ourselves fertile with practises like meditation to let our true being sprout. The path to follow is of awareness, discovery and transformation. Appa deepo bhava-we are all born with the possibility of becoming a light unto ourselves.

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code

Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson

Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials

Published: 2019-05-07

Total Pages: 245

ISBN-13: 1250214521


"I believe that the discoveries in this book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and in so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones."—Tony Robbins In this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of "trapped emotions"—emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love. The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,” and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.

Amor Después De un Corazón Roto, Volumen I

Amor Después De un Corazón Roto, Volumen I

Author: Stephan Labossiere

Publisher: Highly Favored Ent

Published: 2022-03-21

Total Pages: 128

ISBN-13: 0998018996


¡Encontrar la felicidad después de un corazón roto comienza aquí! A veces parece que el dolor nunca desaparecerá... Tal vez tus padres te abandonaron. Tal vez tu mejor amiga te traicionó. O tal vez tu pareja de toda la vida decidió hacer las maletas y se marchó de repente. Cuando alguien que "se supone" que te ama decide alejarse de ti, puede ser extremadamente devastador. Pero sea cual sea el escenario, debes saber que el dolor del rechazo y del corazón roto es un dolor que todo el mundo experimenta, a menudo más de una vez, sólo que de diferentes maneras. Y debes saber que está bien llorar la pérdida. Sin embargo, lo que NO está bien es dejar que el dolor te paralice hasta el punto de que no puedas funcionar, concentrarte o lograr algo. Cada día, mes o año que pasas enojada es un tiempo precioso que no vas a recuperar. No te sirve de nada. Así que si has estado luchando para seguir adelante después de haber sido herido de cualquier manera, ¡entonces NECESITAS esta guía! Es como la terapia, pero en un libro. Aprende a: Identificar las capas de ruptura que necesitan ser reparadas Comienza tu viaje único de autosanación Encontrar la paz interna y la verdadera felicidad Amarte plenamente a ti misma y todo lo que eres Ponte en el camino hacia un nuevo futuro satisfactorio, gratificante y reparador. Tienes una opción. Puedes seguir sufriendo y revolcándote en la miseria. O puedes ser proactiva en tomar una inmersión profunda en una solución que está específicamente diseñada para sanar tu corazón. Es hora de expulsar el dolor, la miseria y el resentimiento con el que has estado luchando. Pide este libro hoy y empieza a sentirte mejor de inmediato. ¡Ahora es tu oportunidad de recuperar tu vida! 🙌



Author: Adamari Lopez

Publisher: Penguin

Published: 2013-11-05

Total Pages: 265

ISBN-13: 069815472X


“Before getting my diagnosis, I walked through life without purpose, without a reason to be. What happened in my life needed to happen, I needed to live it. I needed to pass through these painful experiences to be the woman that I am today, a better version of myself.” Adamari López, the internationally known actress, had everything—a loving family, a perfect boyfriend, and a leading role on a successful telanovela in Mexico—when three words changed her life forever: you have cancer. Suddenly, in only a few months, the world that she knew collapsed and her life was turned upside-down. In Thriving, the normally private López reveals the triumphs and trials of her life, sharing anecdotes of her childhood and her family while describing her journey through breast cancer; the sudden illness of her mother; her wedding, one of the happiest days of her life; and, later, what she considers to be the hardest blow of all: the dissolution of her marriage. However, through it all, her strength and her faith never failed, and her loving and positive spirit, along with her perpetual smile, helped her to discover a new and rewarding start in love and in life. Includes new bonus material!

The Body Code

The Body Code

Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson

Publisher: St. Martin's Essentials

Published: 2023-02-21

Total Pages: 398

ISBN-13: 1250773830


A powerful new approach to natural, intuitive whole-body healing. The Body Code is a truly revolutionary method of holistic healing. Dr. Bradley Nelson, a globally renowned expert in bioenergetic medicine, has spent decades teaching his powerful self-healing method and training practitioners around the globe, but this is the first time his system of healing will be available to the general public in the form of The Body Code. The Body Code is based on the simple premise that the body is self-healing and knows what it needs in order to thrive and flourish. The Body Code method allows readers to tap into this inner knowing, and find imbalances in 6 key areas—Energies, Circuits and Systems, Toxicity, Nutrition and Lifestyle, Misalignments, and Pathogens—that are the root causes of our physical, mental and emotional issues. By identifying and releasing these imbalances, readers become empowered to activate their body's innate healing power. Featuring a foreword from George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM, and filled with powerful first-hand accounts of healing, hundreds of color illustrations, and concrete, actionable steps, The Body Code is a road map to healing based in deep study of the human body, time-proven ancient practices, and the unlimited power of the subconscious mind.

Pharmakeia A Hidden Assassin

Pharmakeia A Hidden Assassin

Author: Ana Mendez Ferrell

Publisher: Voice of the Light Ministries, Incorporated

Published: 2018-05-28

Total Pages: 200

ISBN-13: 9781933163963


In this book, I am unmasking what I consider to be one of the greatest adversaries of this century, the spirit of "Pharmakeia." This spirit controls the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. Millions of people are captive, believing that the answer to their sickness is found in medicine.Within these pages, you will read things that you never imagined that could be true. You will get to know the real purposes behind the great drug companies and their spiritual undercurrents. You will understand the origin of sickness, how to destroy it with the power of Jesus Christ, how to break the bonds of "Pharmakeia" and the structure that it has built up in your mind and in your body to kill you.