Role Of Women In The Development Of Science And Technology In The Third World - Proceedings Of The Conference Organized By The Canadian International Development Agency And The Third World Academy Of Sciences

Role Of Women In The Development Of Science And Technology In The Third World - Proceedings Of The Conference Organized By The Canadian International Development Agency And The Third World Academy Of Sciences

Author: A M Faruqui

Publisher: #N/A

Published: 1991-02-26

Total Pages: 992

ISBN-13: 9814632953


This conference was organised by the Third World Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency. For the 250 female scientist participants from distant lands and diverse cultures from the Caribbean to the Far East, the conference proved a stimulating experience to recognize their strength in terms of numbers and achievements, to forge new links, nationally and internationally, and to demonstrate that science is independent of gender and is no longer an exclusively male-dominated preserve. The first part of the proceedings deals with the global, Third World and national perspectives of the theme “Women and Science” and the second highlights the scientific contributions by Third World women scientists, their personal experiences and scientific reports. The publication of these proceedings would serve as a potentially effective strategy aimed at enhancing the status of women scientists, not only in the Third World but worldwide.

Genre et fondamentalismes/Gender and Fundamentalisms

Genre et fondamentalismes/Gender and Fundamentalisms

Author: Fatou Sow

Publisher: African Books Collective

Published: 2018-09-26

Total Pages: 434

ISBN-13: 2869787847


When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources, and places of expression for fundamentalisms, particularly in relation to politics? Those are the central questions asked throughout this book alongside a discussion on the result when religion, strenthened by culture, is used as a political tool to access moral and social power. Cultural and religious messages often form the basis of decisions, laws and programs made in politics, and have a direct effect on society in general, and on women and gender relations in particular. The various forms taken by fundamentalisms in some African countries and the contexts under which they have emerged, the ways in which they (re)shape identities and relationships between men and women are also analysed in this book. These fundamentalisms are frequently sources of concern in social debates, in feminist and feminine organizations as well as in academia and politics. The manipulation of cultures and religions are becoming progressively political, and consequently can cause social discrimination, or even physical, moral, and symbolic violence.

Power and Gender in European Rural Development

Power and Gender in European Rural Development

Author: Henk de Haan

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2017-11-28

Total Pages: 314

ISBN-13: 1351151460


Since the early 1990s, new public and private actors, emphasizing issues such as landscape, nature, environment and food safety, have challenged EU rural development policies. This book looks at this innovative framework and, in particular, the impacts of the interactions between established interests and newcomers in local power relations. Specific attention has been given to the gendered nature of these processes. Case studies from throughout Western Europe analyze local rural power relations and present overviews of the significance of rural gender relations. The book demonstrates that traditional and new forms of social organization in rural areas create new forms of political participation. Changing forms of social capital and political participation not only influence the relation between state and civil society, but also male-female relationships. The book argues that the dynamics of these gendered power relations produce competing discourses, which can often hinder policy making and implementation.

The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics

The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics

Author: Célestin Monga

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Published: 2015-07-02

Total Pages: 1125

ISBN-13: 0191510742


A popular myth about the travails of Africa holds that the continent's long history of poor economic performance reflects the inability of its leaders and policymakers to fulfill the long list of preconditions to be met before sustained growth can be achieved. These conditions are said to vary from the necessary quantity and quality of physical and human capital to the appropriate institutions and business environments. While intellectually charming and often elegantly formulated, that conventional wisdom is actually contradicted by historical evidence and common sense. It also suggests a form of intellectual mimicry that posits a unique path to prosperity for all countries regardless of their level of development and economic structure. In fact, the argument underlining that reasoning is tautological, and the policy prescriptions derived from it are fatally teleological: low-income countries are by definition those where such ingredients are missing. None of today's high-income countries started its growth process with the "required" and complete list of growth ingredients. Unless one truly believes that the continent of Africa-and most developing countries-are ruled predominantly if not exclusively by plutocrats with a high propensity for sadomasochism, the conventional view must be re-examined, debated, and questioned. This volume-the second of the ^lOxford Handbook of Africa and Economics-reassesses the economic policies and practices observed across the continent since independence. It offers a collection of analyses by some of the leading economists and development thinkers of our time, and reflects a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints. Africa's emergence as a potential economic powerhouse in the years and decades ahead amply justifies the scope and ambition of the book.

Développement, inégalités, pauvretés

Développement, inégalités, pauvretés

Author: Nicola Maria Boccella

Publisher: KARTHALA Editions

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 440

ISBN-13: 9782845866614


Tant au niveau des revenus que du développement économique, les inégalités n'ont pas diminué dans le monde, en ce début du troisième millénaire ; et cela malgré les interventions des gouvernements, des ONG et des bailleurs de fonds internationaux. On commettrait également une grave erreur de diagnostic si l'on considérait la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale comme des caractéristiques réservées aux pays en développement. Les inégalités dans la répartition du revenu et dans l'accès aux droits existent également dans les pays les plus riches. Les essais regroupés dans cet ouvrage entendent procéder à une étude aussi exhaustive que possible des rapports entre développement économique, égalité et pauvreté. Cette analyse est conduite dans le cadre de trois grands domaines thématiques. Le premier présente le cadre théorique de référence relatif aux interconnexions entre développement économique et inégalités. Le deuxième est consacré à l'étude de la pauvreté et de l'exclusion sociale dans les régions et pays en développement (Sahel, Maroc, Burkina Faso, Nigeria). Enfin, le troisième thème porte sur l'analyse des inégalités et de la pauvreté dans les pays développés, en particulier dans les zones urbaines de Rome, Naples, Munich, Dublin, aux fins d'une analyse comparative. Dans l'essai introductif Growth and Inegality. Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence, sont examinées les interconnections entre croissance économique et inégalités. Les auteurs procèdent ainsi à une revue critique, aussi vaste que minutieuse, de la littérature en la matière. Ils démontrent que l'examen des inégalités ne saurait être limité à la répartition du revenu mais qu'il faut également l'étendre à bien d'autres facteurs pour identifier les dimensions réelles du bien-être et des inégalités.