This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Risk Assessment and Risk-driven Testing, RISK 2015, held in conjunction with the OMG Technical Meeting in Berlin, Germany, in June 2015. The revised 8 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 12 submissions. This workshop addresses systematic approaches that combine risk assessment and testing. Also, the workshop was structured into the three sessions namely Risk Assessment, Risk and Development and Security Testing.
This hands-on guide for business, project and test managers and test practitioners presents an effective approach for using risk to construct test strategies for e-business systems. Using an easily-learned risk-analysis technique, it teaches you how to use risk to select and prioritize test methods for e-business projects. This innovative resource shows you how to select test techniques to address business risks and integrate them into a coherent test process. The book presents twenty-four test techniques that address failure modes found in web applications. Grouped into seven categories, they are organized to make test strategy development easy. Each chapter has a comprehensive list of references to papers, books and web resources. The book provides you with guidelines for post-deployment monitoring of availability, performance, security and site integrity. It includes an overview of eight most important tool types with guidelines for selection and implementation. What?
Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety provides guidelines for industries that manufacture, consume, or handle chemicals, by focusing on new ways to design, correct, or improve process safety management practices. This new framework for thinking about process safety builds upon the original process safety management ideas published in the early 1990s, integrates industry lessons learned over the intervening years, utilizes applicable "total quality" principles (i.e., plan, do, check, act), and organizes it in a way that will be useful to all organizations - even those with relatively lower hazard activities - throughout the life-cycle of a company.
The regulation of potentially hazardous substances has become a controversial issue. This volume evaluates past efforts to develop and use risk assessment guidelines, reviews the experience of regulatory agencies with different administrative arrangements for risk assessment, and evaluates various proposals to modify procedures. The book's conclusions and recommendations can be applied across the entire field of environmental health.
Risk assessment has become a dominant public policy tool for making choices, based on limited resources, to protect public health and the environment. It has been instrumental to the mission of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as other federal agencies in evaluating public health concerns, informing regulatory and technological decisions, prioritizing research needs and funding, and in developing approaches for cost-benefit analysis. However, risk assessment is at a crossroads. Despite advances in the field, risk assessment faces a number of significant challenges including lengthy delays in making complex decisions; lack of data leading to significant uncertainty in risk assessments; and many chemicals in the marketplace that have not been evaluated and emerging agents requiring assessment. Science and Decisions makes practical scientific and technical recommendations to address these challenges. This book is a complement to the widely used 1983 National Academies book, Risk Assessment in the Federal Government (also known as the Red Book). The earlier book established a framework for the concepts and conduct of risk assessment that has been adopted by numerous expert committees, regulatory agencies, and public health institutions. The new book embeds these concepts within a broader framework for risk-based decision-making. Together, these are essential references for those working in the regulatory and public health fields.
The fiscal and technological limitations associated with cleaning up hazardous waste sites to background conditions have prompted responsible parties to turn to risk-based methods for environmental rememdiation. Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities reviews and critiques risk-based methods, including those developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the American Society of Testing and Materials. These critiques lead to the identification of eleven criteria that must be part of any risk-based methodology adopted by the Navy, a responsible party with a large number of complex and heavily contaminated waste sites. January
This volume presents selected papers from the International Conference on Reliability, Safety, and Hazard. It presents the latest developments in reliability engineering and probabilistic safety assessment, and brings together contributions from a diverse international community and covers all aspects of safety, reliability, and hazard assessment across a host of interdisciplinary applications. This book will be of interest to researchers in both academia and the industry.
Softwaretests stellen eine kritische Phase in der Softwareentwicklung dar. Jetzt zeigt sich, ob das Programm die entsprechenden Anforderungen erfüllt und sich auch keine Programmierungsfehler eingeschlichen haben. Doch wie bei allen Phasen im Software-Entwicklungsprozess gibt es auch hier eine Reihe möglicher Fallstricke, die die Entdeckung von Programmfehlern vereiteln können. Deshalb brauchen Softwaretester ein Handbuch, das alle Tipps, Tricks und die häufigsten Fehlerquellen genau auflistet und erläutert, damit mögliche Testfehler von vornherein vermieden werden können. Ein solches Handbuch ersetzt gut und gerne jahr(zehnt)elange Erfahrung und erspart dem Tester frustrierende und langwierige Trial-und-Error-Prozeduren. Chem Kaner und James Bach sind zwei der international führenden Experten auf dem Gebiet des Software Testing. Sie schöpfen hier aus ihrer insgesamt 30-jährigen Erfahrung. Die einzelnen Lektionen sind nach Themenbereichen gegliedert, wie z.B. Testdesign, Test Management, Teststrategien und Fehleranalyse. Jede Lektion enthält eine Behauptung und eine Erklärung sowie ein Beispiel des entsprechenden Testproblems. "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" ist ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter für jeden Software Tester.
Effective risk management is essential for the success of large projects built and operated by the Department of Energy (DOE), particularly for the one-of-a-kind projects that characterize much of its mission. To enhance DOE's risk management efforts, the department asked the NRC to prepare a summary of the most effective practices used by leading owner organizations. The study's primary objective was to provide DOE project managers with a basic understanding of both the project owner's risk management role and effective oversight of those risk management activities delegated to contractors.