This report summarizes the occurrence of ionospheric scintillation observed during March 1978 scintillation tests conducted in Peru. The data are reduced and presented as was done in AFGL-TR-77-0282, 'Report on Peru Scintillation Tests - October 1976 and March 1977.' (Author).
Lists citations with abstracts for aerospace related reports obtained from world wide sources and announces documents that have recently been entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database.
A large scale test program was developed jointly by AFGL and AFAL to evaluate the effects of equatorial ionospheric irregularities on UHF (250 MHz) satellite communications to map the temporal and spatial extent of the equatorial scintillation region, and to determine the geophysical mechanisms leading to the formation of irregularities in the equatorial ionosphere and thus to scintillations. Of specific interest were scintillation characteristics and effects observed by airborne terminals and their relation to simultaneously obtained results from ground based terminals. The test results are based on radio propagation and geophysical measurements conducted from ground and airborne stations and show the general scintillation patterns, latitudinal dependence, heading dependence and signal statistics. Backscatter measurements from the Jicamarca radar and optical observations from the all sky imaging photometer show the development and motion of the irregularity structure. Scintillation plots for several satellites received at the ground stations and on the aircraft are included. (Author).
Sections 1-2. Keyword Index.--Section 3. Personal author index.--Section 4. Corporate author index.-- Section 5. Contract/grant number index, NTIS order/report number index 1-E.--Section 6. NTIS order/report number index F-Z.