The Experts analysed the impact of the resources situation and its sustainability on fish trade, and discussed globalization in the fisheries sector, taking into account the vertical concentration in the distribution channels and the resulting market power of retailers and supermarket companies.
Recommendations made include the need: for a background study and consultation on the normative framework for fish trade and food security; for the preparation of technical guidelines on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), fish trade and food security; and better training to improve capacity of policy makers and technical personnel on international issues dealing with fish trade and food security.
The purpose of this expert consultation was to review the draft Guidelines for Responsible Fish Trade, taking into account the current environment for the international trade in fish products, illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing (IUU), sustainability and post-harvest practices. This consultation followed on from a recommendation made by the FAO Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Fish Trade (COFI:FT) at its 10th session held in 2006,
At its thirty-second session, in July 2016, the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) underlined the importance of trade in fisheries services and welcomed the work of the FAO on conducting a literature review on the subject. In September 2017, during its sixteenth session, the FAO Sub-Committee on Fish Trade (COFI:FT) was invited to note the literature review and to make recommendations for future work on the topic. On this occasion, the Sub-Committee agreed to hold an expert consultation on trade in fisheries services that would allow a more detailed analysis, within a clear scope. This report is the result of the first Expert Consultation on Trade in Fisheries Services. The Expert Consultation was convened by FAO with the financial support of the Government of Sweden, in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 20 to 22 March 2018. The Expert Consultation was tasked to deliberate in a definition on trade in fisheries services, possible classification and methodologies for assessing its extension and impact. In addition, the Expert Consultation also suggested follow-up developments by FAO to enhance the work of the Organization.
Employing an inter-disciplinary and contextual approach, this book is a legal study which reflects political and ecological realities and their inter-relation in the context of sustainable marine fisheries focusing on specific EU-West African bilateral fisheries relations.
Market integration occurs when prices among different locations or related goods follow similar patterns over time. Current knowledge on market integration between aquaculture and wild-caught fish is based on a small number of species and markets. Most studies show the existence of market integration between wild and farmed conspecifics. However, there are some ambiguous results for European seabass and gilthead seabream in southern European countries in the literature. In this study, we investigate the existence of market integration between wild and farmed conspecifics for European seabass and gilthead seabream as well as several other key species in southern European countries.
The Workshop was held to review progress and problems in post-harvest fish utilization in Africa and formulate recommendations to FAO, its member countries and all institutes, institutions and persons interested in fish utilization in Africa. The experts reviewed in particular fresh fish utilization, fish processing, quality assurance, and marketing and socio-economic issues. The review was done through presentation by the secretariat of a report on progress and events since the Consultation in Fish Technology held in 2001, presentation of 26 papers, abstracts of two additional papers, and a field trip to the Mbegani Fisheries Development Centre, a fish market and a processing unit in Dar es Salaam. The report includes the recommendations as well as the papers that were available to the experts. - L'atelier a ete organise pour passer en revue les progres et problemes dans l'utilisation du poisson apres capture en Afrique, et formuler des recommandations a la FAO, a ses pays membres et a tous les instituts, institutions et personnes interesses par l'utilisation du poisson en Afrique. Les experts ont examine notamment l'utilisation du poisson frais, la transformation du poisson, l'assurance de qualite, la commercialisation et les questions socioeconomiques. Cet examen s'est effectue a travers la presentation, par le secretariat, du rapport sur les progres et evenements depuis la Consultation d'experts FAO sur la technologie du poisson en Afrique qui s'est tenue en 2001, des presentations de 26 communications, des resumes de deux contributions supplementaires, et une visite de terrain au Mbegani Fisheries Development Centre, au marche au poisson et dans une unite de transformation de poisson a Dar es Salaam. Le rapport inclut les recommandations de meme que les communications qui etaient a la disposition des experts."
This United Nations report examines the current state of knowledge of the world's oceans, for policymakers, and provides a reference for marine science courses.
"Beyond previous more simplistic approaches, this book takes a giant step towards understanding and translating into people-centered policies the actual position and complexity of fish production in Southeast Asian economies. Tackling how fi sheries and aquaculture are embedded in local and household economies and linked through dynamic supply chains to more distant, even global markets, the book makes essential policy and analytical recommendations. SEARCA and ISEAS have made a major contribution to the intellectual debate and action agenda for Southeast Asian fisheries." Dr Meryl Williams, Chair of the Commission of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
The issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in world fisheries is of serious and increasing concern. This document contains the report and papers presented a meeting of experts held in May 2000, which was organised by the Government of Australia in co-operation with the FAO. The preliminary draft international plan of action elaborated by the experts is appended to the report of the Consultation.