Proporciona las referencias de los principales documentos que puedan ser útiles para un formador de sector turístico interesado en ambientalizar su práctica profesional.
El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.
CONTENTS: Un paradosso italiano e una importante riforma della scuola - The Measurement of Socially Responsible Leadership: Considerations in Establishing Psychometric Rigor - The Evidence Base for School Inspection Frameworks - Una ruta hacia un sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad en Educación Superior: el proyecto TRALL - Good Practice in Teaching and the Risk of Educational Exclusion in Compulsory Secondary Education - Le dimensioni motivazionali dell'apprendimento scolastico: uno studio correlazionale sul concetto di sé e gli stili di attribuzione - Conditions, Standards and Practices of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities in Italian Infant School - Il linguaggio audiovisivo, gli studi di genere e la critica dei modelli culturali occidentali: il caso della serie televisiva «Top of the Lake» - The Development and Psychometric Properties of the «Self-Regulated Knowledge Scale - University» - La formación integral del estudiante y la formación continua de los profesores en la Educación Superior cubana: el papel de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria en su consecución - Relación dialógica entre el profesorado senior y el profesorado novel universitario
This six-volume handbook covers the latest practice in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). It presents TVET models from all over the world, reflections on the best and most innovative practice, and dozens of telling case studies. The handbook presents the work of established as well as the most promising young researchers and features unrivalled coverage of developments in research, policy and practice in TVET.
This is the conference book for the XIV European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, dedicated to the interactions between social law and other areas of law. In recent years, labour law and social security law have been subject to various reforms and developments. Social law is however not an isolated domain but rather interacts with other fields, often even functioning as a guide or giving direction to those lost at sea. In other words: serving as a lighthouse. The key aspect addressed in this book is the existence of a connection between social law sensu stricto (labour law and social security law) and other areas of law. Pursuing an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, it gathers contributions on topical and challenging issues in four broad areas: 1. Basic and fundamental principles of European social law 2. The future in the light of the past 3. The impact of regionalisation 4. Enforcement in social law In turn, various developments can be identified in connection with these topics: the emergence of social criminal law is creating new overlaps between social and criminal law; the growing number of administrative law sanctions offers new insights into and connections between social security law and administrative law; the increasing similarity of employment in the public and private sectors raises questions about the applicability of administrative law in labour law relations; the relation between the ECHR and the articles of the Constitution opens up new perspectives on the constitutional interpretation of freedoms and on the interaction between human rights, constitutional law and social law; and lastly, there is a growing influence of EU law and international treaty law (concerning trade) on social law. Can we, by looking at these developments, draw certain conclusions at a different and innovative level? The contributions were selected by an international working group of distinguished scholars from across Europe.
Distance Learning is for leaders, practitioners, and decision makers in the fields of distance learning, e'learning, telecommunications, and related areas. It is a professional journal with applicable information for those involved with providing instruction to all kinds of learners, of all ages, using telecommunications technologies of all types. Stories are written by practitioners for practitioners with the intent of providing usable information and ideas. Articles are accepted from authors??new and experienced??with interesting and important information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning. Distance Learning is published quarterly. Each issue includes eight to ten articles and three to four columns, including the highly regarded "And Finally..." column covering recent important issues in the field and written by Distance Learning editor, Michael Simonson. Articles are written by practitioners from various countries and locations, nationally and internationally.
Los adultos mayores siguen siendo el mayor consumidor de recursos de salud. Para un número creciente de personas mayores en la sociedad, que está disponible de inmediato para ayudar a la persona mayor en crisis las 24 horas del día los 7 días a la semana. En Educación geriátrica para servicios de emergencias médicas, segunda edición, se abordan con detalle todas las necesidades de la población de más edad para ayudar a tener la seguridad de que los adultos mayores reciban el tratamiento especializado que requieren de los profesionales de emergencias y de salud móvil cuando más se necesitan las destrezas de capacitación geriátrica.La segunda edición ahora aborda plenamente todos los objetivos de aprendizaje específicos de la geriatría en las Normas Nacionales de Educación en SME además de ser la fuente más confiable y completa de la información médicaprehospitalaria para la población de mayor edad. El texto presenta contenido ampliado y temas críticos nuevos, incluyendo el cuidado integrado de salud móvil y la respuesta a desastres. Al reconocer que las llamadas geriátricas son de las más complejas, el contenido del curso tiene un enfoque “superior al alcance” y reta a los estudiantes a clases más profundas, estudios de caso y escenarios realistas y complicados, análisis moderados, y una formación práctica de las destrezas.Para ordenar estos títulos en México, favor de llamar al: 01 800 134 6720. Para ordenar en América Central y del Sur, favor de comunicarse con Intersistemas al 011800 134 6720 o visitar:
International Academic Conferences: Teaching, Learning and E-learning (VIAC-TLEl) Management, Economics and Marketing (VIAC-MEM) Transport, Logistics, Tourism and Sport Science (VIAC-TLTS) Engineering, Robotics, IT and Nanotechnology (VIAC-ERITN)