While it is accepted that the pronunciation of English shows wide regional differences, there is a marked tendency to under-estimate the extent of the variation in grammar that exists within the British Isles today. In addressing this problem, Real English brings together the work of a number of experts on the subject to provide a pioneer volume in the field of the grammar of spoken English.
Grammar instruction based on corpus research. 50 grammatical structures presented in context. With activities, and answers in attached booklet. Suitable for self-study, building vocabulary, and developing grammar, reading and writing skills.
Многие считают, что английский язык – это трудно; что вы никогда не будете говорить, как носитель; Автор пособия не согласен. Он сам учил английский и знает, как преуспеть в этом. «Курс уникального английского: говори на настоящем английском» Часть 2 – это аудиокурс. Вы учите английский ушами, а не глазами, слушая веселые, а иногда странные истории. Мы обожаем истории, мы растем с историями, мы учимся на историях. Это уникальный курс английского для уникальных людей, как вы!
Student Activity Book has 16 movies with various exercises and is designed with some before - watching activities (BWA) such as discussion questions and reading activity. While-watching activities (WWA) are designed to help students to follow the plot and events in the movies. After-watching activities (AWA) cover some comprehension questions, sentence completion and true / false exercises, quotations asking for ‘who said this in the movie’ and a writing exercise about the summary, review and various essay types related to the topics in the movies. Öğrenci Çalışma Kitabı,16 film için hazırlanan alıştırmalardan oluşmaktadır. * Filmin konusuna ilişkin grup tartışmaları ve okuma alıştırmaları film izleme öncesinde tasarlanmıştır. * Film izleme aşamasındaki çalışmalar, öğrencinin filmi ve içinde geçen olayları takip edebilmesi amacıyla verilmektedir. * Film izleme sonrasında ise filmin anlaşılıp anlaşılmadğını ölçen sorular, cümle tamamlama, doğru yanlış, “Bunu kim söylemiştir?” sorusuna cevap arayan filmden alınmış cümleleri eşleştirme ve çeşitli konularda yazma alışıtmalarından oluşmaktadır. * Kitap bir film izleme partisinden çok öğrencilerin konulu filmleri izleyerek ve eğlenerek duyma, anlama ve öğrendikleri İngilizce bilgilerini bir anlamda test etmeyi hedeflemektedir.
The Oxford English Dictionary is the internationally recognized authority on the evolution of the English language from 1150 to the present day. The Dictionary defines over 500,000 words, making it an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, pronunciation, and history of the English language. This new upgrade version of The Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on CD-ROM offers unparalleled access to the world's most important reference work for the English language. The text of this version has been augmented with the inclusion of the Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series (Volumes 1-3), published in 1993 and 1997, the Bibliography to the Second Edition, and other ancillary material. System requirements: PC with minimum 200 MHz Pentium-class processor; 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended); 16-speed CD-ROM drive (32-speed recommended); Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 200, or XP (Local administrator rights are required to install and open the OED for the first time on a PC running Windows NT 4 and to install and run the OED on Windows 2000 and XP); 1.1 GB hard disk space to run the OED from the CD-ROM and 1.7 GB to install the CD-ROM to the hard disk: SVGA monitor: 800 x 600 pixels: 16-bit (64k, high color) setting recommended. Please note: for the upgrade, installation requires the use of the OED CD-ROM v2.0.
Real Grammar takes a fresh approach to English grammar. Real Grammar gives you freedom to communicate effectively in English with clarity and confidence.Traditional grammar books tell you what people say.Real Grammar explains why we say it.Learning why will allow you to truly understand English. You will discover the core concepts of English and gain a deeper understanding of how English works. Once you understand the simple connected core concepts of English, you can use them in a variety of situations to express a wide range of ideas. Real Grammar explores English grammar in a logical way, connecting what you learn with what you already know.Real Grammar features:- Simple explanations- Clear diagrams- Real life examples- Meaningful practiceReal Grammar as a teaching resource:As teachers, we want our students to use what they learn in class when they communicate in English. Knowing grammatical structures is one thing, but being able to use them in a natural way can prove challenging. The key is to get the student to understand why.This is done by:- Presenting grammar concepts clearly.- Comparing the new grammar concept to similar grammar concepts the student is already aware of. This helps the students understand the similarities and differences, developing their ability to apply grammar in a way that communicates their thoughts clearly.- Expanding into uses in other situations. We present other contexts that a part of speech is used in, guiding the student to reason, come to their own conclusions, and discover why.Real Grammar includes explanations and practice activities that can be taught as grammar lessons or can be easily integrated into other English classes.www.realgrammar.com
Eine umfassende Lernergrammatik zum Nachschlagen und Üben. Durch das klare und lernergerechte Konzept für das Selbststudium ebenso geeignet wie als Begleitmaterial im Unterricht. Die grundlegenden grammatikalischen Themen (nouns, articles, verbs) werden in den ersten Kapiteln behandelt, daran schließen sich komplexere Bereiche in einer flexiblen Unitstruktur an - Jede Unit (2 Seiten Erläuterungen und 2 Seiten mit vielfältigen Übungen) beginnt mit einem längeren Text, in dem das Grammatikthema in einer realitätsnahen Situation und in authentischer Sprache eingeführt wird. Abwechslungsreiche, in den Kontext eingebettete Übungen. Ansprechendes, durchgängig farbiges Layout. Lösungsschlüssel integriert (herausnehmbares Booklet). Audio-CD mit allen Eingangstexten.
I Want To Learn English is a phonics based, beginner level textbook for Adult and Adolescent School English Language Learners. It was developed to enhance the English learning experience using phonics lessons side by side with grammar components, contextual activities, grammar deep dives, reading comprehension and comprehensive, real-world conversations. With over eight years in publication, five years of trials and thousands of students sampled prior to its release, "I Want To Learn English" has proven to be one of the most effective English learning tools for English language programs, Refugee resettlement centers, individual students and English language learners who want to understand English starting at the basic level. The use of this textbook by Basic English Skills Programs has resulted in surging test scores (CASAS, WIDA, etc.), language proficiency growth, and overall satisfaction with courses taught using its methodical and comprehensive strategies. Throughout the textbook, there are audio components, which are conveniently available online on our website (iwtle.com), Anchor, and Spotify. Activities are also accompanied by corresponding videos on YouTube, which conveniently have QR codes printed next to most activities within the textbook. Students (and instructors) can access the audio (and video) components easily without the need to download any app whatsoever --and absolutely free.