"Over 500 ready-to-use fitness-oriented activities and games [per book] to help you prepare and teach interesting, fun-packed physical education lessons tailored to your students's specific developmental needs." --Cover.
"Over 500 ready-to-use fitness-oriented activities and games [per book] to help you prepare and teach interesting, fun-packed physical education lessons tailored to your students's specific developmental needs." --Cover.
"Over 500 ready-to-use fitness-oriented activities and games [per book] to help you prepare and teach interesting, fun-packed physical education lessons tailored to your students's specific developmental needs." --Cover.
A complete, sequential curriculum for grades K-9 boys and girls, More than 1,600 activities to improve physical fitness, promote sportsmanship, develop social skills, and build self-esteem. This volume covers K-2.
Written by a nationally known physical education teacher and author, this one-of-a-kind book contains PE games that allow children to develop team and lifetime sport skills in an exciting and meaningful setting--leaving them motivated, challenged, and enthusiastic about sport participation. In all, this user-friendly resource contains field-tested activities proven to enhance sport skills in fourteen sport categories--the most comprehensive sport lead-up game book available to physical educators. Each of the 242 games provides everything needed for its successful use. This includes an introduction with a skill purpose, number of participants required, suggested grade levels, equipment needed, play instructions, and illustration. In addition, you'll find helpful advice on how to use lead-up games most effectively in the PE curriculum, including how to introduce games to children, tips on finding the right game to achieve your learning objectives, safety guidelines, and much more.
Each volume contains hundreds of age-appropriate activities to build young children's competence and confidence as they develop and improve their motor skills abilities. The series is especially recommended for children ages 5 and up who have coordination and movement difficulties.
Fourteenth Edition. A valuable reference for both the pre-service and in-service elementary Physical Education teacher, this text complements Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children , Fourteenth Edition. Teachers of kindergarten through sixth grade will benefit from using these lesson plans as a guide for presenting movement experiences and skills in a sequential and well-ordered manner. Plans also include ideas for integrating academic content into daily classes. The lessons are presented in three complete sets that cover unique developmental levels, grades K-2, 3-4, and 5-6. Each section contains a year-long syllabus to assist teachers with planning. This text includes all the information necessary to present a comprehensive lesson. Can be packaged at a significant discount with each new copy of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children , Fourteenth Edition.