"Young readers are on a journey toward efficient processing of any texts they might like to attempt, and it is important every step of the way that they have successful experiences in reading independently those texts that are available at each point in time. In a literacy-rich classroom with a multitext approach, readers have the opportunity to hear written texts read aloud through interactive read-aloud, and so they build a rich treasure chest of known stories and nonfiction books that they can share as a classroom community" --
"Young readers are on a journey toward efficient processing of any texts they might like to attempt, and it is important every step of the way that they have successful experiences in reading independently those texts that are available at each point in time. In a literacy-rich classroom with a multitext approach, readers have the opportunity to hear written texts read aloud through interactive read-aloud, and so they build a rich treasure chest of known stories and nonfiction books that they can share as a classroom community" --
As a teacher of literacy, you transform the lives of the children in your classroom. The Reading Minilessons Book offers short, concise, purposeful lessons with a practical application in a specific area of literacy. Each minilesson engages children in inquiry that leads to the discovery and understanding of a general principle. Growing out of the interactive read-aloud experience and linked to independent reading, teachers use many of these texts as examples from which they generalise the understanding. Each of the four types of reading minilessons (management, literary analysis, strategies and skills, and writing about reading) in The Reading Minilesssons Book is organised into broad categories, or "umbrellas." An umbrella helps children develop a deeper understanding of concepts and their application. As lessons build on each other, teachers will often make an anchor chart, or visual representation, that can be referenced again and again as children encounter new texts and/or minilessons. The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom(tm) Reading Minilessons Book, Grade 6 contains 230 reading minilessons.
Using favorite picturebooks for her mini-lessons models, teacher Susan Lunsford shares 15 easy-to-do writing lessons. Mini-lessons include: Where do story ideas come from? Great First Lines, Exploring Settings, Painting Pictures with Words, Writing a Complete Story, and Great Endings. Her teacher-student dialogues make it all easy to replicate in your own classroom. Each mini-lessons includes follow-up strategies and activities and picturebook suggestions. Writing conference and management tips too! For use with Grades 1-3.
"A comical takeoff on the familiar Little Red Hen story, this upbeat read-along is brought vividly to life through Brian and Rosi Amador's tandem narration. ...Soft Latin background music is a lilting accompaniment." -Booklist
Harvey Daniels' Literature Circles introduced tens of thousands of teachers to the power of student-led book discussions. Nancy Steineke's Reading and Writing Together showed how a teacher can nurture friendship and collaboration among young readers. Now, Daniels and Steineke team up to focus on one crucial element of the Literature Circle model; the short, teacher-directed lessons that begin, guide and follow-up every successful book club meeting. Mini-lessons are the secret to book clubs that click. Each of these forty-five short, focused, and practical lessons includes Nancy and Harvey's actual classroom language and is formatted to help busy teachers with point-by-point answers to the questions they most frequently ask. How can I: steer my students toward deeper comprehension? get kids interested in each others' ideas? make sure kids choose just-right books? help students schedule their reading and meeting time? deal with kids who don't do the reading? get kids to pay more attention to literary style and structure? help special education and ELL students to participate actively in book clubs? get kids to expand their repertoire of reading strategies? make sure groups are on-task when I'm not looking over their shoulder? introduce writing tools (including role sheets) that support student discussion'. help shy or dominating members get the right amount of "airtime?" give grades for book clubs without ruining the fun? use scientific research to justify the classroom time I spend on literature circles? Each mini-lesson spells out everything from the time and materials needed to word-by-word instructions for students. The authors even warn "what could go wrong," helping teachers to avoid predictable management problems. With abundant student examples, reproducible forms, photographs of kids in action, and recommended reading lists, Mini-lessons for Literature Circles helps you deepen student book discussions, create lifelong readers, and build a respectful classroom community.
There has never been a more comprehensive resource available to teachers that does what the continuum does - provide specific behaviors and understandings that are required at each level for students to demonstrate thinking within, beyond, and about the text. These behaviors and understandings describe what students will be expected to do in order to effectively read and understand the text. More in-depth, more intuitive, and more essential than ever-The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Expanded Edition enables teachers to construct a common vision for student achievement that effectively and efficiently engages all students in the robust, authentic and meaningful literacy learning every child deserves. The Literacy Continuum provides a way to look for specific evidence of learning from prekindergarten through grade eight, and across eight instructional contexts. Each instructional context contributes substantially, in different but complementary ways, to students' development of the literacy process. With this indispensable literacy tool, Fountas and Pinnell remind you of The Literacy Continuum's critical role in transforming literacy teaching and learning. (Re)Discover The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Expanded Edition to: elevate your language and literacy expertise develop an understanding of the demands of texts on readers build your understanding of the reading and writing process and how it changes over time hone your observation of students' literacy behaviors teach toward student integration of the Systems of Strategic Actions articulate the literacy curriculum within and across grade levels activate the responsive teaching that meets students where they are and brings them forward with intention and precision build professional learning opportunities with colleagues create a common vision and common language for literacy in your school. Look for these new enhancements inside: Streamlined organization and navigation Expanded behaviors and examples across the continua First appearance of a behavior or goal or text characteristic is indicated by a red square (Behaviors are acquired and then elaborated over time) Clear organization of and explicit links to the Systems of Strategic Actions Four-color design for clarity and focus Also check out our on-demand mini-course: Thinking and Talking About Books Across the Day.
This book contains forty practical, classroom-tested and reproducible mini-lessons that get to the heart of reading motivation and that can be used immediately in English-as well as other content-area classrooms. These easy-to-use motivational lessons serve as weekly reading "booster shots" that help maintain reading enthusiasm in your classroom from September through June. The mini-lessons, ranging from five to twenty minutes in length, hit home with adolescents, and in turn, enable them to internalize the importance reading will play in their lives. Rather than telling students reading is good for them, the lessons in this book show them the benefits of reading.