The manga series that inspired the hit anime series now on Cartoon Network continues the story of 16-year-old Haru Glory and his quest to find the five missing RAVE Stones, which hold the key to victory over the Dark Bring. Young adult.
Belnika comes to the horrifying realization that Haru is part of the intruders that shes come to dispatch. Unfortunately for her ambitions, Belnika is not exactly an expert at swinging a sword.
THE BLACK DRAGON AND THE END OF FAIRY TAIL! Grimoire Heart is in disarray, but it1s already too late! Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse, is on its way to unleash death magic that will consume the world. To this massive beast, the 3dragon slayers2 are little more than insolent insects. There are some enemies not even Fairy Tail can defeat, and after this confrontation the guild will never be the same!
The Decaforce Sword has been shattered, leaving Haru and Elie no choice but to search for the one man who can mend it - a mysterious blacksmith named Musica. Their search takes them to Punk Street, where they find not one, but two Musicas. Which is the right one? And, without a sword, will Haru be able to fight the evil Shadow Guard and the villainous Beast Swordsman Lance?
The manga that has inspired the hit anime series on Cartoon Network has everything from epic storylines and comic relief to quest-driven adventure and the coolest cast of characters you'll ever meet ("Wizard").
A delightful gift to every Hiro Mashima fan! Discover HERO'S, the ultimate crossover, the new manga that brings together wizards, warriors, and spacefarers from every corner of the Hiro Mashima universe, including characters from FAIRY TAIL, RAVE MASTER, and EDENS ZERO. This is Mashima's victory lap! Don't miss it! The Fairy Tail guild are enjoying a well-deserved rest on True Island, an island known to contain the truth behind all the secrets of the world, when Natsu gets drawn into the jungle by the smell of delicious fruit. There he encounters Shiki, a young boy who's after the same fruit! Will our heroes become friends or rivals? And how many other classic characters will make an appearance? Find out as all your old faves from three manga classics come together for the first time in a brand-new adventure!