El libro aborda desde las reflexiones teóricas sobre el racismo y su vinculación con la categoría de inmigración, sustitutiva de la categoría de raza, o el encadenamiento entre la idea de nación y la de etnicidad, hasta el enfoque interaccionista simbólico para analizar los "curricula oculta", es decir, las actitudes y conductas de los docentes respecto a escolares de varias razas.
This international handbook gives a comprehensive overview of findings from longstanding and contemporary research, theory, and practices in early childhood education in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The first volume of the handbook addresses theory, methodology, and the research activities and research needs of particular regions. The second volume examines in detail innovations and longstanding programs, curriculum and assessment, and conceptions and research into child, family and communities. The two volumes of this handbook address the current theory, methodologies and research needs of specific countries and provide insight into existing global similarities in early childhood practices. By paying special attention to what is happening in the larger world contexts, the volumes provide a representative overview of early childhood education practices and research, and redress the current North-South imbalance of published work on the subject.
Desde 1971, año denominado de Acción contra el Racismo y la Discriminación Racial por la ONU, hasta 1997, declarado Año Europeo contra el Racismo y la Xenofobia, la discriminación racial no ha ido disminuyendo, sino que, debido a múltiples causas económicas, políticas, sociales y religiosas, ha aumentado su intensidad, la variedad de sus expresiones y los terribles fenómenos a que da lugar. ¿Qué puede aportar la educación para contrarrestar u oponerse a este fenómeno? ¿Cómo puede promover la transformación social? La escuela debe ser una plataforma para el desarrollo de la interculturalidad, fomentando estrategias de aprendizaje que enseñen a los ciudadanos a leer el mundo desde diversas perspectivas, evitando el dogmatismo y la intolerancia. La Educación Intercultural se encarga de proponer un tipo de práctica escolar, en la que los educandos trabajan por mejorar las posibilidades reales de convivencia y de justicia social.
Diversity is one of Canada's defining characteristics. Yet here, as in other Western democracies, diversity policies are being called into question by developments such as the growing salience of identity, race and religion. Do minorities really feel they belong to the country? Is discrimination still a reality? Is social cohesion being strained? In this volume, leading scholars from Canada, Europe and the United States explore two broad policy agendas: first, the multicultural agenda, which focuses on recognizing cultural differences, helping minorities express their distinct identities and practices, and building more inclusive conceptions of citizenship; and second, the integration agenda, which seeks to bring minorities into the mainstream, strengthen the sense of mutual support and solidarity, and reinforce the bonds of a common community. The authors of these 15 chapters and 8 commentaries examine these questions from a range of perspectives, with a focus on ethnocultural minorities and indigenous peoples. In their concluding chapter, the editors discuss priorities that emerge from the analysis and relate them to the objectives of strengthening belonging and shared citizenship. Book jacket.