The Prayer and Bible Band Topics are an excellent source for those who desire to know more about God's will for their lives through Bible study and practical application. The lessons include questions for the student's consideration and discussion.
The Prayer and Bible Band Topics are an excellent source for those who desire to know more about God's will for their lives through Bible study and practical application. The lessons include questions for the student's consideration and discussion.
This quarter I want to talk about some of the things that we in the Church Of God In Christ do and have done for many years. Sometimes we do things and never really know or understand why we do them. Some questions we can answer through God's Word and others through the thoughts of the early Saints. We must understand that some things were put in place and became a tradition because of someone's opinion. Everyone has opinions, but it doesn't mean that it's right or wrong, it's just an opinion. Sometimes it's a good opinion, but not workable for the good of all at any given time. So, as we study, let's remember that God's Word does not have private interpretations. For the Word says, “Let every man be a liar, but God's Word is the truth” (Romans 3:4a).