Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices provides an in-depth treatment of the physics of operation of power semiconductor devices that are commonly used by the power electronics industry. Analytical models for explaining the operation of all power semiconductor devices are shown. The treatment here focuses on silicon devices but includes the unique attributes and design requirements for emerging silicon carbide devices. The book will appeal to practicing engineers in the power semiconductor device community.
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices provides an in-depth treatment of the physics of operation of power semiconductor devices that are commonly used by the power electronics industry. Analytical models for explaining the operation of all power semiconductor devices are shown. The treatment here focuses on silicon devices but includes the unique attributes and design requirements for emerging silicon carbide devices. The book will appeal to practicing engineers in the power semiconductor device community.
This book discusses semiconductor properties, pn-junctions and the physical phenomena for understanding power devices in depth. Working principles of state-of-the-art power diodes, thyristors, MOSFETs and IGBTs are explained in detail, as well as key aspects of semiconductor device production technology. Special peculiarities of devices from the ascending semiconductor materials SiC and GaN are discussed. This book presents significant improvements compared to its first edition. It includes chapters on packaging and reliability. The chapter on semiconductor technology is written in a more in-depth way by considering 2D- and high concentration effects. The chapter on IGBTs is extended by new technologies and evaluation of its potential. An extended theory of cosmic ray failures is presented. The range of certain important physical relationships, doubted in recent papers for use in device simulation, is cleared and substantiated in this second edition.
This book relates the recent developments in several key electrical engineering R&D labs, concentrating on power electronics switches and their use. The first sections deal with key power electronics technologies, MOSFETs and IGBTs, including series and parallel associations. The next section examines silicon carbide and its potentiality for power electronics applications and its present limitations. Then, a dedicated section presents the capacitors, key passive components in power electronics, followed by a modeling method allowing the stray inductances computation, necessary for the precise simulation of switching waveforms. Thermal behavior associated with power switches follows, and the last part proposes some interesting prospectives associated to Power Electronics integration.
The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the various types of power semiconductor devices, to give an insight into how they function, and to explain and analyze the characteristics of the various components. All the important classes of power semiconductors are covered. Of particular interest, the author takes into account the role of plasma formation in the operation of highpower semiconductor devices.
Power Electronics Device Applications of Diamond Semiconductors presents state-of-the-art research on diamond growth, doping, device processing, theoretical modeling and device performance. The book begins with a comprehensive and close examination of diamond crystal growth from the vapor phase for epitaxial diamond and wafer preparation. It looks at single crystal vapor deposition (CVD) growth sectors and defect control, ultra high purity SC-CVD, SC diamond wafer CVD, heteroepitaxy on Ir/MqO and needle-induced large area growth, also discussing the latest doping and semiconductor characterization methods, fundamental material properties and device physics. The book concludes with a discussion of circuits and applications, featuring the switching behavior of diamond devices and applications, high frequency and high temperature operation, and potential applications of diamond semiconductors for high voltage devices. - Includes contributions from today's most respected researchers who present the latest results for diamond growth, doping, device fabrication, theoretical modeling and device performance - Examines why diamond semiconductors could lead to superior power electronics - Discusses the main challenges to device realization and the best opportunities for the next generation of power electronics
Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Devices: Materials, Physics, Design and Applications provides readers with a single resource on why these devices are superior to existing silicon devices. The book lays the groundwork for an understanding of an array of applications and anticipated benefits in energy savings. Authored by the Founder of the Power Semiconductor Research Center at North Carolina State University (and creator of the IGBT device), Dr. B. Jayant Baliga is one of the highest regarded experts in the field. He thus leads this team who comprehensively review the materials, device physics, design considerations and relevant applications discussed. - Comprehensively covers power electronic devices, including materials (both gallium nitride and silicon carbide), physics, design considerations, and the most promising applications - Addresses the key challenges towards the realization of wide bandgap power electronic devices, including materials defects, performance and reliability - Provides the benefits of wide bandgap semiconductors, including opportunities for cost reduction and social impact
This book presents physics-based models of bipolar power semiconductor devices and their implementation in MATLAB and Simulink. The devices are subdivided into different regions, and the operation in each region, along with the interactions at the interfaces which are analyzed using basic semiconductor physics equations that govern their behavior. The Fourier series solution is used to solve the ambipolar diffusion equation in the lightly doped drift region of the devices. In addition to the external electrical characteristics, internal physical and electrical information, such as the junction voltages and the carrier distribution in different regions of the device, can be obtained using the models.
This book covers the fundamentals and significance of 2-D materials and related semiconductor transistor technologies for the next-generation ultra low power applications. It provides comprehensive coverage on advanced low power transistors such as NCFETs, FinFETs, TFETs, and flexible transistors for future ultra low power applications owing to their better subthreshold swing and scalability. In addition, the text examines the use of field-effect transistors for biosensing applications and covers design considerations and compact modeling of advanced low power transistors such as NCFETs, FinFETs, and TFETs. TCAD simulation examples are also provided. FEATURES Discusses the latest updates in the field of ultra low power semiconductor transistors Provides both experimental and analytical solutions for TFETs and NCFETs Presents synthesis and fabrication processes for FinFETs Reviews details on 2-D materials and 2-D transistors Explores the application of FETs for biosensing in the healthcare field This book is aimed at researchers, professionals, and graduate students in electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electron devices, nanoelectronics and nanotechnology, microelectronics, and solid-state circuits.