Mississippi Magnolia is a collection of, what Munayem Mayenin, calls ionnets. Ionnets are a six line unit poems having two stanzas in them. In Mississippi Magnolia Mayenin tries to craft what love is: so ancient yet so new, so known yet so unknown, so close yet so beyond reach and finds a form suitable to bring that love home in English Poetry-into this form of ionnets.
Humanics: The Humanicsonomics calls the world and world humanity towards rising for a state of humanity where all humans are at liberty and in equality under the law in natural justice, where one is, in and for all and all is, in and for one and the entire humanity has grown into a real one-humanity-physiology, that is constructed by each and every human soul, making a cell in that physiology, in which each one is as infinitely valuable, necessary and vital as all others and in which all exist as one for all and all for one.
The rain won't stop nor would the silence They rain together one falling other rising A weaving goes on in the air the throbbing This textile of you goes on invisibly inward If you look inside this is the Temple of Maya That resides in my La Casa Bianca welcome to The Temple of Maya for here lit is the light of Your eyes Ihana that've hardly featured in sight For here Ljubljana the shape is your soul's alone And everything signs pines and sings your name In the air despairs may be but it is of living you Hard tears the heart yet it finds you and your pulse And rhythm in the air the light the right the left and In the word the lease the lock the open and the close
Humanics: The Foundation Humanics is the philosophical architecture, mechanism and system of human affairs management, that sets out to achieve a true civilisation in which civic societies exist in the rule of law, rooted in Natural Justice so that liberty and equality exist simultaneously, along with, purpose and meaning of human existence. A Humanical Society establishes itself by eradicating capitalism and all injustices and dehumanisation, suffering and misery it creates, fosters and nurtures, by discarding off the very idea of ownership, replacing it with belongingship, whereby, for the first time in human history, it creates equality and liberty for all humans as they create a humanical and civic society of equals under Natural Justice.