Covers the fields of advertising, marketing and branding, from advertising on radio and television to direct mail, from online advertising to branding and public relations to paid search inclusion. This book also covers trends in such areas as advertising agencies, marketing consultants, online advertising, branding strategies, and more.
This new almanac will be your ready-reference guide to the E-Commerce & Internet Business worldwide! In one carefully-researched volume, you'll get all of the data you need on E-Commerce & Internet Industries, including: complete E-Commerce statistics and trends; Internet research and development; Internet growth companies; online services and markets; bricks & clicks and other online retailing strategies; emerging e-commerce technologies; Internet and World Wide Web usage trends; PLUS, in-depth profiles of over 400 E-Commerce & Internet companies: our own unique list of companies that are the leaders in this field. Here you'll find complete profiles of the hot companies that are making news today, the largest, most successful corporations in all facets of the E-Commerce Business, from online retailers, to manufacturers of software and equipment for Internet communications, to Internet services providers and much more. Our corporate profiles include executive contacts, growth plans, financial records, address, phone, fax, and much more. This innovative book offers unique information, all indexed and cross-indexed. Our industry analysis section covers business to consumer, business to business, online financial services, and technologies as well as Internet access and usage trends. The book includes numerous statistical tables covering such topics as e-commerce revenues, access trends, global Internet users, etc. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled.
Offers a market research guide to the American health care industry - a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. This book covers national health expenditures, technologies, patient populations, research, Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care.
Provides detailed analysis and statistics of all facets of the real estate and construction industry, including architecture, engineering, property management, finance, operations, mortgages, REITs, brokerage, construction and development. Includes profiles of nearly 400 firms.
Covers almost everything you need to know about the food, beverage and tobacco industry, including: analysis of major trends and markets; historical statistics and tables; major food producers such as Kraft and Frito Lay; and more. It also includes statistical tables, a food industry glossary, industry contacts and thorough indexes.
The energy industry is boiling over with changes. This title offers a reference tool to the energy industry that covers various things from major oil companies to independents, utilities, pipelines, coal, LNG, oil field services, and refiners. It includes over a dozen statistical tables and profiles of The Energy 500 Firms.
A complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package, this volume contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and thorough indices.
A market research guide to the telecommunications industry - a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. It includes a chapter of trends, statistical tables, and an industry-specific glossary. It also provides profiles of the 500 successful companies in telecommunications.
A market research guide to the entertainment and media industry. It contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. It also includes one page profiles of entertainment and media industry firms, including addresses, phone numbers, executive names.
Contains a market research guide to the travel and tourism industry, including airlines, hotels, tour operators; travel agencies; E-commerce firms, cruise lines and car rentals. This book is useful for competitive intelligence, strategic planning, employment searches, or financial research.