Wildly-popular artist Ai Yazawa’s beloved fashion-centric manga, Paradise Kiss, is back in a glamorous omnibus edition to celebrate 20 years since the manga began serialization. Follow Yukari’s through-the-looking-glass journey as she is drawn into the world of fashion by a group of passionate, young aesthetes who are determined to make their couture label a success, with Yukari as their muse...
Nana Komatsu is a young woman who's endured an unending string of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she's hoping to take control of her life and put all those messy misadventures behind her. She's looking for love and she's hoping to find it in the big city. Nana Osaki, on the other hand, is cool, confident and focused. She swaggers into town and proceeds to kick down the doors to Tokyo's underground punk scene. She's got a dream and won't give up until she becomes Japan's No. 1 rock'n'roll superstar. This is the story of two 20-year-old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of Nana is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip and all-night parties. -- VIZ Media
This Side of Paradise is a novel about post-World War I youth and their morality. Amory Blaine is a young Princeton University student with an attractive face and an interest in literature. His greed and desire for social status warp the theme of love weaving through the story.
Anxious to get into a Tokyo groove, both women are on the prowl for a funky and cheap place to live. But inexpensive apartments in Japan's capital city are hard to find. Thank goodness each Nana has a clique of cool friends willing to help out. Too bad these friends are a little wiggy! -- VIZ Media
Sarina and her best friend Sumi are super close. Sumi often crashes at Sarina's place, and sometimes the two even make out a little bit. But Sarina figures a romantic relationship could never work between them. Sarina is an organized office worker, while Sumi is a nomadic freelance writer. Can the two find a way to make their very different lifestyles mesh?
Hachi hasn't seen Nana or the rest of Blast since she moved in with Takumi, and Shin and Reira's joint birthday party seems like the perfect chance for a little reunion. But Takumi is furious at Hachi for crashing the event, and she is forced to choose Takumi over Nana one more time. But was this Hachi's last chance to get back in Nana's life? -- VIZ Media
A chance meeting on a train to Tokyo sends two girls named Nana on a collision course with destiny! Nana "Hachi" Komatsu hopes that moving to Tokyo will help her make a clean start and leave her capricious love life behind her. Nana Osaki, who arrives in the city at the same time, has plans to score big in the world of rock'n'roll. Although these two young women come from different backgrounds, they quickly become best friends in a whirlwind world of sex, music, fashion, gossip and all-night parties! Things are slowly coming together for Nana Osaki. The guitarist and drummer from her old band have joined her in Tokyo and she's finally found a ripping new bass player to replace Ren Honjo. The Black Stones are back and they're ready to kick some ass. Nana Komatsu, however, can't shake her old nemesis, the Demon Lord. She's stuck in a dead-end job and there's trouble brewing with her boyfriend, Shoji. He's been working late and hasn't exactly been the most attentive lover. Poor Nana. Life in Tokyo is turning out to be a total bummer.
Sumi has long carried a torch for her best friend Sarina, but she's made peace with the fact that Sarina will never love her back. But as the two women start to blur the lines and kiss, will they go from being friends to lovers? Read their tale and many more sweet yuri love stories in The Conditions of Paradise: Our First Time!