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Based on the author's lectures to graduate students of geosciences, physics, chemistry and materials science, this didactic handbook covers basic aspects of ceramics such as composition and structure as well as such advanced topics as achieving specific functionalities by choosing the right materials. The focus lies on the thermal transformation processes of natural raw materials to arrive at traditional structural ceramics and on the general physical principles of advanced functional ceramics. The book thus provides practice-oriented information to readers in research, development and engineering on how to understand, make and improve ceramics and derived products, while also serving as a rapid reference for the practitioner. The choice of topics and style of presentation make it equally useful for chemists, materials scientists, engineers and mineralogists.
Cementitious materials : historical notes / Waldemar A. Klemm / - Cement production and cement quality / Vagn Johansen / - Phase equilibria and cement hydration / Paul Wencil Brown / - Hydration mechanisms / E.M. Gartner and J.M. Gaidis / - The microstructure of concrete / Karen L. Scrivener / - Interfaces in concrete / S. Mindess / - Modeling of hydration reactions and concrete properties / L.J. Parrott / - Microsilica in concrete / L.R. Roberts / - Fiber-Reinforced cementitous materials / Arnon Bentur / - Mechanisms of corrosion of steel in concrete / Arnold Rosenberg / - Integrated knowledge systems for concrete science and technology / Geoffrey Frohnsdorff.
Industrial residues are obtained from all treatments of raw materials in industry during the process of mining, raw materials treatment and final usage. During these processes of enrichment, optimization and utilization of raw materials only part of the original material can be used for the dedicated application and some left-over parts remain. This contribution focuses on residues like mining overburdens, ore residues and ore processing residues like slags, but also on incineration ashes and water purification muds. Natural materials like pozzolanes, due to their potential of CO2-reduction, are also included. Based on this knowledge secondary reusable materials due to their chemical, physical and mineralogical properties can be identified. Also different characterization methods for analysing the potential for further application of these residues are included.
This pocket-sized Dictionary offers huge coverage for the 40,000+ people studying or working in architecture, construction or any of the built environment fields. From Abaciscus to Zophorus, the reader is able to quickly track down precisely the term they are looking for. The book is illustrated with stunning drawings that provide a visual as well as a textual definition of both key concepts and subtle differences in meaning. Compact and affordable; Davies and Jokiniemi's work is the miniature version of the Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction. The Architect’s Illustrated Pocket Dictionary can be used on site or quickly at the desk and is suitable for all those interested in the buildings that surround us.