The International Conference on Nuclear Dynamics at Long and Short Distances was the first meeting to be jointly organised by nuclear physicists from Brazil and Argentina. Its main goal was to provide an update on the status of current research in nuclear physics through lectures by experts, and to gather scientists to discuss ideas that might help to define future research programmes in low energy nuclear physics in both countries.
A key source to journal and conference abbreviations in the sciences. Although it focuses on chemistry, other scientific and engineering disciplines are also well represented. In addition to the abbreviation and full title, each entry also contains publishing info, title changes, language and frequency of publication, and libraries owning that title. Over 130,000 entries representing more than 70,000 publications dating back to 1907 are included.
Semiannual, with semiannual and annual indexes. References to all scientific and technical literature coming from DOE, its laboratories, energy centers, and contractors. Includes all works deriving from DOE, other related government-sponsored information, and foreign nonnuclear information. Arranged under 39 categories, e.g., Biomedical sciences, basic studies; Biomedical sciences, applied studies; Health and safety; and Fusion energy. Entry gives bibliographical information and abstract. Corporate, author, subject, report number indexes.
The topics discussed in this volume are: Symmetry and Foundations in Classical and Quantum Mechanics; Geometry, Topology and Quantum Field Theory; Quantum Groups and Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras; Algebraic Approach to Nuclear Structure; Integrable Statistical Systems and Theory of Critical Phenomena Supersymmetry; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Other Applications of Group Theory to Physics.
One of the main goals of intermediate energy nuclear physics, which serves an important role as a bridge between nuclear and particle physics, is to construct the theory of strong interaction phenomena in terms of conventional degrees of freedom (nucleons, deltas and mesons) as well as of quark degrees of freedom.The main topics to be discussed at this conference are the interaction of pions and other mesons with nuclei at intermediate energies and the role of mesonic degrees of freedom in nuclear reactions, including photon, hadron and heavy ion induced reactions. Both theoretical and experimental results will be included.Over the past two decades, the Meson Factories, including LAMPF, TRIUMF, and PSI, have provided us with systematic experimental information on hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus dynamics. Major accelerators of JINR are also suitable for studying problems in Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics. At the present time, first experiments have been performed with the proton beams at the Moscow Meson Factory of INR. One of the purposes of this conference is to introduce the intermediate-energy physics community to the possibility of utilizing the facilities of JINR and INR during the next decade.
This volume contains the proceedings of the IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2006). This conference series is devoted to the progress of our knowledge about strangeness flavor in hadron and nuclear physics. Besides the traditional topics such as hadron structure, hypernuclear spectroscopy and weak decay of hypernuclei, a particular focus of this conference was on the properties of strange mesons and their binding in nuclear systems.